1.On The Necessity and Perfectibility of Creatology Research;试论创造学研究的必要性与完备性
2.To improve the situation it is important to promote disciplinary development of creatology and innovate educational model for creativity training.创造学学科建设与创造教育的模式构建问题是创造教育的基本理论问题。

1.Discrimination of lnnovation and Creation--Also on Innovatiology and Creatiology;创造与创新辨析——兼论创造学与创新学
2.Gap creationism, also called Restitution creationism ?间隙创造学说,也称作归还创造说?
3.Mathematics Creation Enters Classrooms-The Teaching Strategies of Mathematics Recreation;数学创造进入课堂──数学“再创造”的教学策略
4.Chicago University Test of Creativity芝加哥大学创造力测验
5.This scientist worked miracles.这位科学家创造了奇迹。
6.Teachers like the students to have creativity.老师喜欢学生有创造性。
7.to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness发挥学生主动性、创造性
8.We should create the conditions which will allow cadres to do so.要创造这样的学习条件。
9.On Application of Re-invention Theory to the Creation of Learning Environment in Mathematics Classroom Teaching Practice;试论数学“再创造”课堂学习环境的创设
10.To Construct the Situations of Teaching Activities, to Develop Student’s Creativity;创设教学活动情境,培养学生创造个性
11.Set up Scene of Teaching Activity to Train Students Creativeness;创设教学活动情境 培养学生创造个性
12.Logic Course Teaching Reform and the Education of Innovation and Creation;逻辑学课程教学改革与创新、创造教育
13.Developing the creative way of teaching fostering the students awareness of innovation;开发创造性教学 培养学生创新意识
14.Creationism or creation theology encompasses the belief that human beings, the world and the universe were created by a supreme being or deity.创造说或创造神学围绕人类的信仰,上帝或神创造世界和宇宙。
15.Innovating and Carving-out Bring up a New College Model--An Introduce and Comment on Carving-out Colleges;创新创业 造就全新的大学模式——创业型大学评介
16."creation or treason"--on creative treason in literary translation;是创造还是叛逆?——论文学翻译的创造性叛逆
17.The Conceptual Structure of Creativity of Scientists with Creative Achievements;具有创造成就的科学家关于创造的概念结构
18.On Team Creativity Research and the Turning Point of Creativity Psychology;试论团体创造力研究与创造心理学的理论转向

creative study创造学
1.On the utilization of creative study in marketing;浅谈创造学在市场营销中的应用
2.A Survey of study and application in creative study all over the world is introduced in the article briefly.简要介绍世界各国研究和应用创造学的概况。
3)Creation theory创造学
1.Creation theory, emerged in 1940s, and introduced to China in 1980s, is a new special theory of training mans creativity.地质创造学根据创造学中的综合原理 ,将地质学与创造学结合成一门交叉性学科。
4)creativity research创造学
1.Due to the particularity and the inherent link between the natures of creativity research and mathematics,it might be a new way to explore for creativity theories from the viewpoint of mathematics.创造学理论体系还在不断深入完善之中。
5)the Creative Study创造学
1.Promoting Infinite Popularization and Development of the Creative Study by Using the Infinity of New Media利用新媒体的无限性推进创造学的无限普及与发展
6)scientific creation科学创造
1.Humanity is the initiative of scientific creation and the steering wheel of scientific application.;人文是科学创造的动力源和科学应用的方向盘
2.Intuition the role in scientific creation;论直觉在科学创造中的作用
3.Basing on Albert Einstein s research experience,there exists a close relation between leisure and scientific creation.从爱因斯坦的科学历程可以看出,休闲与科学创造活动存在着较密切的关系。

创造学创造学creationology  创造学(ereationology)研究人类创造活动规律的综合性科学。主要包括:(1)创造理论。阐明创造学的研究对象、内容、任务、历史、趋势、原则、方法及创造的社会环境。(2)创造心理。研究创造主体的灵感、直觉、情感、想像、意志及创造性思维等心理要素。(3)创造机制。阐述创造活动中分阶段的规律及各种创造技法。(4)创造教育。研究创造型人才的培养与开发。在创造学研究中应遵循决定论、实践论、发展论和系统论原则。作为一门独立的科学,它已有近70年的历史。在西方,它的产生与发展可分为三个阶段:(l)文科阶段,是创造学的初创时期,从公元前 300多年到20世纪30年代。这一时期的特点是,在论著中未从创造学的角度去论证,仅从专业学科研究中发现有关创造问题。(2)工科阶段,从1936年美国通用电气公司开设“创造工程”课程起到20世纪中期现代创造学的奠基人,美国B BOC广告公司经理奥斯本发表他的名著《思考的方法》。其主要特点是把创造学作为一门应用技术加以研究,总结了一些具体的创造技法指导创造实践,使其成为一门具有广泛应用价值的科学。(3)理科阶段。开始研究创造活动的机理,向综合化、系统化发展。人们从细胞学、生理学、生物物理学、生物化学及营养学角度来探索创造活动的本质。创造学是一门应用性很强的科学。它有助于促进科技领域的发明和发现,教育改革和教育质量的提高,开发创造力,培养一代创造型人才,创造一个优良的社会环境。 (租娴撰吴万森审)