词表,word list
1)word list词表
1.The use of diverse and dynamically-updated word lists in teaching Chinese as a second language is needed to promote the development of Chinese overseas and to respond to the increasingly diversified aims of Chinese language learners; it also marks the gradual maturation of the subject of teaching Chinese as a second language.本文探讨了对外汉语教学用词表的多元化与动态更新问题。
2.Word list is quite important for many domains such as linguistic theory, language teaching and information process of Chinese.词表,对于语言学理论、语言教学、中文信息处理等领域都具有极其重要的价值和意义。
3.Word list is of great value to many fields such as Chinese information processing.词表对于中文信息处理等领域具有重要的价值和意义。

1.A word that expresses antithesis or opposition.对照词,相反词表示对照或相反的词
2.Nouns,Adjectives and Prepositional phrases Used in the Voice;用名词、形容词和介词表示英语语态
3.Description and Evaluation of Thesaurus Microstructure:Contrastive Analysis of EI Thesaurus and Chinese Thesauri叙词表微观结构的描述与评价——EI叙词表与中文叙词表的对比分析
4.A word or statement of agreement or assent, such as the word yes.肯定词表示同意或赞成的词或陈述,如词汇是
5.The Automatic Segmentation Technology Based on "Recessive Vocabulary and Specialized Thesaurus";“隐性小词表+专业小词库”的自动分词技术研究
6.Learn this list of words.记住这个生词表中的单词。
7.vocabulary entry(词典、词汇表中的)词条
8.the notional verb行为动词,又称表意动词
9.modal auxiliary verb表动词语态的助动词
10.The word "lion"denotes a certain kind of animal. "lion"—词代表某——种动物。
11.Internet user's glossaryInternet用户词汇表
12.The-ase ending is used to designate enzymes.词尾--ase表示酶。
13.The Use of Intransitive Verb·Transitive Verb·Passive Verb on Expressing the Result of Affairs表现事件结果的自动词、他动词、被动词
14.Expressing causation.Used of a verb or verbal affix.表达原因的表达原因。用作动词或动词词缀
15.In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.本词典用大写字母表示查本词时请参考另一词。
16.N-Mw phrases can not used after the predicate.形容词/动词后不能用表示具体差别的数量词。
18.Designating Words and Token Words--On the Kind of Nouns of Advertising Language;称名词与表征词——广告语言名性词种研究

1.With a summary of the application of the thesaurus in Web information retrieval,this article makes a further analysis of its applications in Web.本文综述了词表在网络信息检索中的应用现状,在此基础上,对词表的网络应用作进一步分析。
1.Many technical and theoretic difficulties will arise when vocabulary is abstracted from corpus,but it has special values.在真实语料中提取词表面临着许多技术与理论上的难点与困难,但它又有着特殊的价值。
2.In Library & Information science, ontology is a vocabulary with the specification of relationships between terms in a special domain.在图书情报领域,本体通常是指一套有关某一学科或某一领域的术语词表,以及术语之间关系的规范和说明。
1.The guideline of constructing a wordlist of contemporary Chinese for information processing, expected to be a national standard of China, is presented.本文给出我们为建立国家标准《信息处理用现代汉语分词词表》而制订的规范(草案),目的是广泛征求意见,引起讨论,以期改善之。
2.Focusing on the methodology,technology and application models in establishing and maintaining the word dictionary and wordlist,combined with some illustrations, this article addresses the present status and characteristics of the Chinese Word Database of Organization through clarifying its function in the search engine and also extends some main tasks of its further development.从组织机构中文词库在引擎中的作用,词典、词表建设与维护的方法论和技术点以及应用模型几个方面出发,结合部分示例,深入浅出的论述了目前组织机构中文词库的现状和特点,并指出了下一步建设和发展的要点。
1.This article discussed these questions like xiangjingsici,biaoci and bi that were involved in Mashiwentong combining with ancient Chinese and western grammar.《马氏文通》"静字"章的内容较为庞杂,因此结合古代汉语和西方语法的情况,分析其中涉及到的象静司词、表词、比等问题以对语言表述等问题加以厘请。
6)lexicon string词表词字段
