1.A survey on impetuosity of the college students in Guiyang;贵阳市高校大学生浮躁心理调查

1.Study on Impetuous Mental State of Science and Technology Researcher in China我国科学技术研究人员浮躁心理研究
2.Simplicity and Divine Intelligence--on the Impetuous Psychology of Present China s Circle of Calligraphers;淡泊与神性——谈当下中国书法界的浮躁心理
3.the center of flotation【物理】浮心((浮体的重心))
4.Avoid Impetuous Tendency and Strive for Excellence--About the Educational Principle of Independently-run colleges;抛弃浮躁,追求卓越——浅谈独立学院的办学理念
5.Too much brings associations with violent emotions leading to impatience, confusion and irritability.过多的红色会让人心情浮躁,以至失去耐心,引起混乱和易怒。
6.The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, her opponent became impatient and charged.第三个对手虽然比较强悍,但一番苦战后,对手就开始心浮气躁。
7.Only just giddy, and harum-scarum, you know.有点浮躁冒冒失失的。
8.The Morale of Jin Gou-On the morale of the times in the novel The Impetuosity by Jia Ping′ao;金狗的浮躁——论贾平凹小说《浮躁》的时代情绪
9.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches psychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控
10.Relevance Theory and Translation: A comparative study of Turbulence with its original Chinese version Fuzao;从关联理论看“狼”与“wolf”的英译——《浮躁》英译本个案研究
11.the centre of buoyance【物】浮力中心, 浮心
12.My own heart blundering in city is rinsed by the rain here. The suffocation is away and only the? tranquility left for enjoying.自己在城市里浮躁的心也被这里的雨给沁透,憋闷便成了静谧,此刻的我正享受着。
13.If each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we'll be able to get rid of impulse, upset, dissatisfaction and misfortune.如果人人都有一颗感恩的心,就能沉淀许多的浮躁和不安,消融许多的不满和不幸。
14.At present, the pursuit of vogues in literary and art circles are rampant.当前 ,在文学艺术界 ,追求时尚已经泛滥成灾 ,成为浮躁社会心态的一个组成部分。
15.《Impetuosity》:Manifestation of the Mountaineers Consciousness of Resisting Officials──Rereading JIA Ping-Wa s Novel《Impetuosity》;《浮躁》:山里人拒官意识的凸现──重读贾平凹长篇小说《浮躁》
16.I don't much care for impulsive people like him.我不太喜欢像他这样浮躁的人。
17.Good financial analysts will resist this urge.优秀的财务分析师会抵制这种浮躁。
18.He had a fearful temper and could be incredibly stubborn and obstreperous"其暴虐浮躁,顽劣憨痴,种种异常."

1.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches psychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控
1.The Light Unable to Endure in Literature ——Analysis of Spreading Phenomenon of Flippancy and Flattering Plebeian in Nowadays Novels;文学中不能承受之轻——析当下小说的浮躁与媚俗传播现象
2.It is thought that Chinese architects should strive to get out of their peripherial occupational status by learning from foreign experience and meanwhile avoiding plagiarism and flippancy in practice,and that the architects should understand their social responsibility correctly,thereby the architects occupational honor and the levels of city planning and architecture designing can be raised.面对国内城市规划与建筑设计存在的问题,文章认为,国内当代建筑应当首先从建筑师自身找原因,同时借鉴国外先进经验,并根据国内当前的实际情况提出勿抄袭、戒浮躁及摆脱边缘化的建议,以期提升国内建筑师的职业尊严,使国内建筑师正确认识自己所担负的社会责任,从而提高国内建筑设计和城市规划的设计水平。
3.It is written on the topic of flippancy of the reform atmosphere of ZhouCheng,and the key man Jin Gou’s paradoxical heroic spirit,as well as the different females’ love,hatred and redeem.长篇小说《浮躁》是贾平凹对于改革文学长篇作品的一大贡献。
1.Many factors have contributed to the currently prevailing academic impetuousness, such as the existing systems and practices concerning academic promotion, postgraduate training and academic evaluation, but it is also obvious that it is academic journals that have added fuel to the flames.学术界的浮躁之风的形成有职称晋升、研究生培养、学术成果评价等制度方面的原因 ,但学术期刊在这股歪风的形成过程中也起了一定的助长作用。
1.Nowadays there exist many impetuosity problems in the developing process of Du Li Xue Yuan (in-dependently-run college-colleges is financially supported by non-governmental factors and academically and ad-ministratively cushioned by famous universities),in which obsession with greatness and success,purblind opti-mism,boasting atmosphere prevail in the college-running idea and spirit.独立学院在发展过程中存在一些浮躁的现象,尤其是在办学理念和办学精神上,普遍存在好大喜功,盲目乐观,浮夸的风气。
2.Traditional morality and modern consciousness,historical culture and realistic civilization,influenced and contradicted each other,a social morale-impetuosity,thus emerged.传统道德与现代意识、历史文化与现实文明相互生发,相互摩擦,相互碰撞,形成一种普遍的社会情绪:浮躁。
1.Loss of morality is a current social phenomenon in China,the crux of which is an impetuous psycholgy.道德缺失是当前社会存在的一种现象 ,其实质是一种浮躁心理的表现 ,解决这一问题要靠社会的经济建设、民主和法制建设 ,以及公民的道德建设来实

《儿童心理之研究》  中国现代儿童教育学家、儿童心理学家陈鹤琴著。商务印书馆1925年作为"大学丛书"分上下两卷出版。全书共24章,其中部分章节在出版前曾作为专文在杂志上发表过。本书于1930、1933、1947年多次再版,1983年收入北京市教育科学研究所编、北京出版社出版的《陈鹤琴教育文集》上卷,收入时删去了原书中的"道德问题"和"研究3岁以内儿童之方法"两章。    作者从1920年开始,主要以自己的孩子为对象,尤以出生到3岁时的心理发展为重点,进行了持续多年的观察实验研究。本书就是在此基础上完成的。书中论及儿童心理发展的各个方面的问题,包括儿童发展的一般程序,儿童身体(主要是感觉器官)的发展,儿童动作的发展,动作的模仿与拟制,影响儿童心理发展的活动──游戏,与儿童心理发展直接相关的器具──玩具,儿童心理的几种主要表现形式──好奇心、惧怕、哭,儿童的学习、言语、美感、绘画、思想的心理特征,不同性别儿童的心理差异,特殊儿童(主要是耳聋和口吃儿童)的心理缺陷及矫治,以及研究儿童心理的方法和历史等。书中还配有大量的系统反映儿童身心发展的各个阶段和时期的照片及图表。从书中可以看出,作者十分重视儿童期在人的一生中的意义。他认为,人生的一切活动都要在儿童时期内开始发展,所以人的儿童期是预备适应环境的重要时期。此外,儿童期对社会和家庭也有重要的意义。对社会来说,儿童期是接收文化的时期,文化的传递很大程度上是靠儿童期的功用;对家庭来说,儿童的重要地位在于巩固家庭的团结力,增进家庭的幸福和快乐;家庭成员间的同情心、牺牲精神等均可因此得到格外的发展和培养。    作者是中国最早以观察实验的方法研究儿童心理发展的学者之一,该书反映了作者长期从事儿童心理研究的成果,出版之后,在当时有较大的影响,对心理学和教育工作者具有重要的参考价值,许多著名学者曾给予高度评价。