1.The conception of architecture design in the new century:a retrospect on practicality,economy and beauty;新世纪的建筑创作观——对于适用、经济与美观的再认识
2.Applicability,Economy,Beauty and the Design of Residential Building;适用、经济、美观与住宅设计
3.Consideration about our Residence across 50 Years——Rereading the Construction Policy:Applicability,Economy,and Attention to Beauty with the Possible Conditions;横跨50年看我们的居住——“适用、经济、在可能条件下注意美观”建筑方针的重读

1.From Aesthetic to Exquisite,Wonderful and Perfect--Mathmatic Aesthetics and Mathematics Teaching;从美观到美好、美妙、完美——也谈数学美与课堂教学
2.This style is beautiful and graceful.这种样式既美观又大方。
3.The furniture made By this factory is Both attractive and duraBle.本厂家具,美观耐用。
4.The room is artistically decorated.房间布置得很美观
5.The packages are intact. The packing is beautiful.包装完好无损,很美观
6.having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape.具有匀称、美观的外形。
7.His aesthetic ideas were his own.他有他自己的审美观念。
8.the blazonry of the big city大都市之美 [壮观]
9.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观
10.This is a fine-looking building.这座大楼外观很美。
11.We are an optimistic people.美国人民是乐观的人民。
12.12. Take her to the art museum.12.带母亲去参观美术馆。
13.Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset.出去观看美丽的日出。
14.Hotel Siam Bayview Hotel $ 37.23暹罗湾观光旅馆37.23美元。
15.Visitors admire Beijing for its beauty.观光者赞赏北京的美丽。
16.Beauty is relative to the beholder's eye.美和观者的眼光有关系。
17.American scientists said that satellite observations,美国科学家说卫星观察
18.the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance.外观上美丽精巧的品质。

1.Applicability,energy-saving and artistic;适用、节能、美观——绿色建筑的感想
2.In this situation, we should entrust more intension to the principles "applicable, economical, artistic in due course".“适用、经济,在可能条件下注意美观”的建筑方针在我国当前城乡建设高速发展的形势下,被赋予了更深刻的内涵。
1.At the same time it must be beautiful、comfortable and can construct good inside and outside environment.强调了图书馆在保证开放、灵活、安全、适用的同时还要注重其美观和舒适,营造良好的室内外环境。
2.and interprets how to meet the requirement of designing an applicable,economic and beautiful residedence in the overall play,the house type designing and Elevation design.介绍了吉水苑住宅小区规划设计的特点,阐述了如何在总平面规划,户型设计及立面设计中尽可能地满足于“适用·经济·美观”的要求。
3.Product packing design should emphasize economical,practical beautiful design,make use of limited resources and disposal materials and make the design reflect the characteristics of "human-orientation".在产品包装设计中要着重体现经济、实用、美观以及有效利用有限资源和使用可回收材料,使人性化设计反映“为人而设计”的本质特征。
1.Based on three aspects,namely,ecology-suitability,ecology-economy and ecology-aesthetic,this article discusses the problems and solutions in this respect and hopes to approach the rational measures for architectural development with a sense of responsibility to the whole society.针对目前全球化生态危机以及中国建筑发展中出现的新问题,文章提出应从生态化的角度重申建筑设计三原则,并分别从生态适用性、生态经济性、生态美观性三方面论述建筑发展中存在的问题和解决手段,本着对社会负责任的精神探讨建筑的理性发展之路。
5)From beauty to the sense of beauty美观到美感
6)macro-scopical view of aesthetics宏观审美观
