1.Influence of surface treatment on bond strength of porcelain to pure titanium and the color of porcelain;钛表面处理方法对钛-界面结合力和表面色泽的影响
2.Thermodynamic characteristic test of RG experimental low fusing porcelain;拟与纯钛匹配的RG实验的热力学性能测试
3.To study the effects of microarc oxidation treatment(MAO)on Ti-porcelain strength,4 sorts of Ti substrates were prepared using 4 treatment ways.为了探讨钛经微弧氧化处理后,对钛结合强度的影响,将试样分为光滑组和喷砂组,然后随机地抽取两组中的各一半试件进行微弧氧化处理,对各组钛试件表面进行粉烧结。

1.ceramic toilet bowl, of porcelain or china陶便桶,或白坯
2.vitreous enamel, china, porcelain, etc.玻化搪料等.
3."The three main types are true (or hard-paste) porcelain, artificial (or soft-paste) porcelain, and Bone china."主要的三种器有硬质(真)、人工(软质)以及骨灰
4.eyebath of porcelain or china洗眼杯,或白坯
5.hot-water bottle of porcelain or china或白坯制热水瓶
6.tea caddy of porcelain or china茶叶罐,或白坯
7.cruet ,of porcelain or china调味瓶,或白坯
8.eggcup ,of porcelain or china蛋杯,或白坯
9.douche can, of porcelain or china或白坯制冲洗器
10.bottle of ceramic other than porcelain or china除或白坯外的陶瓶
11.salad bowl of porcelain or china或白坯制沙拉碗
12.ewer ,of porcelain or china大口水壶,或白坯
13.Brass(earthen, enamel, glass)ware黄铜(陶、搪、玻璃)制品
14.Institute of Vitreous Enamellers (IVE)釉制造商学会
15.fruit howl of porcelain or china或白坯制水果盘
16.ladle of porcelain or china长柄勺,或白坯
17.as well as the four major types, there are engraved porcelain, eggshell china, full-color porcelain and many other products.四大名以外,还有雕塑、薄胎、五彩等。
18.chamber-pot, of ceramic other than porcelain or china便壶,便盆除或白坯 外的陶

1.Comparison of flame and steam cleaning ceramic surface on the bond strength of composite to ceramic or metal base.;比较火焰喷灼和水汽清洁崩界面对于修补树脂粘接强度的影响
2.Effect of different surface conditioning on shear bond strength of different types of luting cements to ceramics;表面不同处理方法及粘结剂对全剪切强度的影响
4)celadon porcelainware青瓷陶瓷
5)celadon ware青瓷瓷器

《故宫博物院藏瓷选集》  中国历代瓷器精品大型图录。故宫博物院编。1962年12月由文物出版社在北京出版。    该书从故宫博物院所藏的30多万件珍贵瓷器中精选100件,以彩色铜版精印成册。附陈万里撰解说1册,陈毅题签。    所录瓷器,年代最远的为三国吴永安三年 (260)有铭文青瓷坛。以朝代为序还有:两晋青釉骑兽器、黑釉鸡头壶等3件;南北朝青釉刻花壶和仰复莲花尊2件;唐、五代铜官窑枕、越窑壶等 8件;宋代定瓷、汝瓷、官瓷、哥瓷、龙泉瓷、钧瓷、耀州瓷和景德镇?扒啻傻? 24 件;元代青花和釉里红制品 6件;明代永乐青花、宣德青花、成化斗彩、正德孔雀绿、万历五彩等制品29件;清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝烧制的宫廷御用品27件。上述瓷器的选录,注意了在烧制年代、地区和品种等方面所具有的代表性,从而显示出中国瓷器发展的历史脉络和优良传统。