1.Clinical effects of new desensitizer MS-COAT on treatment of dentin hypersensitivity;新型脱敏剂MS-COAT治疗牙本质过敏症的临床疗效观察
2.Observation on the effects of Gluma desensitizer in treatment of dentin hypersensitivity;Gluma脱敏剂治疗牙本质过敏的疗效观察
3.Effects of three desensitizers on bonding strength of different cements;三种脱敏剂对不同水门汀粘接强度的影响

1.Clinical efficacy of CLEARFIL~(TM) SE BOND and Vivasens for dentin hypersensitivity.两种脱敏剂治疗牙本质过敏症的临床疗效观察
2.Comparative study of dentine hypersensitivity with three kinds of desensitizer3种脱敏剂治疗牙本质过敏症的比较研究
3.The Influence of Dentin Desensitizers on the Shear Bond Strength of a Total-etch System;脱敏剂对全酸蚀粘接剂剪切强度的影响
4.Comparative Study in Desensitizing Efficacy of Dentin Desensitizers/Adhesives牙本质脱敏剂/粘结剂治疗牙本质过敏的临床疗效观察
5.Effect of the MS Coat Desensitizer on Postoperative Dentin Hypersensitivity after the Preparation for Full Crown Restoration;MS Coat脱敏剂对牙体预备后基牙牙本质敏感症疗效的研究
6.A Primary Experimental Studies on a Propolis-complex Desensitizer of Dentin Hypersensitivity Developed by Ourselves;自行研制的牙齿感觉过敏症复方蜂胶脱敏剂的初步实验研究
7.Effect of Gluma Desensitizer on Postoperative Hypersensitivity in Crown Prosthetics;Gluma脱敏剂用于活髓基牙全冠牙体预备后敏感症疗效的研究
8.Clinical Evaluation of Herbal Desensitizer in the Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity中药脱敏剂用于治疗牙本质过敏的效果比较观察
9.Observation of clinical effects treating tooth hypersensitivity by oravive tooth Revitalizing paste奥威尔牙齿脱敏剂治疗牙本质过敏症的临床疗效观察
10.Clinical Effects of Three Kinds of Desensitizer on Root-dentin Hypersensitivity after Subgingival Scaling with Ultrasonic Instruments3种脱敏剂治疗超声龈下刮治所致根面牙本质敏感症的疗效观察
11.Effect of Dentin Desensitizers on the Adhesion Strength of Adhesive Agents and the Dentin;应用牙本质脱敏剂对粘接剂与牙本质间粘接强度的影响
12.Effect of the Desensitizers Using on Abutment Tooth of the Fixed Dental Prosthetic Restoration on the Bonding Performance of Cements;固定修复中脱敏剂对水门汀粘接性能影响的实验研究
13.Clinical observation on effects of oral desensitized paste in treatment of dentin hypersensitivity口腔脱敏糊剂治疗牙本质过敏症疗效分析
14.Desensitization is carried out by giving small doses of highly diluted antitoxin subcutaneously at first脱敏,是通过给予小剂量高度稀释抗毒素皮下注射进行的。
15.sensitizing compound敏化剂, 活化剂, 感光剂
16.antifoaming agent, antifoamer防[泡]沫剂,脱泡剂,消泡剂
17.In Vitro Antimicrobial Capacity of Deoxycholyltyosine Thermoreversible Gel脱氧胆酰酪氨酸热敏凝胶剂对乳酸杆菌生长影响和抗梅毒螺旋体的研究
18.degreasing agent (surface-active preparations)脱脂剂(表面活性制剂)

herbal desensitizer脱敏糊剂
1.Teeth in experimental group were treated for 3 days by Prime&BondNT bonding agent and teeth in controll group were routinely treated for 3 days by herbal desensitizer respectively.实验组用Prime&BondNT粘接剂脱敏,对照组用脱敏糊剂脱敏。
2.Methods:Dentine hypersensitivity of 375 teeth in 105 individuals was routinely treated for 3 day(once a day) by GreenOr,AgNO_3 and Herbal desensitizer respectively.方法:将105例患者完全随机分为3组,每组35例,分别采用硝酸银、极固宁、中药脱敏糊剂3种药物进行脱敏治疗,观察各组治疗后即刻、3个月、半年的临床疗效。
3)Ms Coat desensitization agentMsCoat脱敏剂
4)gluma desensitizorGluma脱敏剂
1.Methods 52 cases with dentine hypersensitivity were treated with Gluma desensitizor.方法 对 5 2例患有牙本质过敏症的患牙 ,采用Gluma脱敏剂治疗 。
5)Gluma desensitizerGluma脱敏剂
1.Effect of Gluma desensitizer on tensile bond strength and shear bond strength of different dental cements;Gluma脱敏剂对不同粘接剂粘接拉伸和剪切强度的影响
2.The clinical effect and SEM observation of gluma desensitizer on postoperative hypersensitivity in vutal teeth preparation for crown restoration;Gluma脱敏剂治疗活髓牙全冠牙体预备后敏感症的临床疗效和扫描电镜观察
3.Efficacy of Gluma desensitizer for prevention of dental hypersensitiveness after deep caries filling;Gluma脱敏剂预防深龋充填后牙本质过敏症疗效观察
6)BisBlock desensitization agentBisBlock脱敏剂
1.Methods Select 202 cases of the total 300 teeth were divided into five groups: Group A: Green Or TM; B group: BisBlock desensitization agent; C group: Gluma desensitization agent; D: Pulsed Nd: YAG laser; E group : 75% glycerol sodium fluoride, compared with those effects.方法选择病例202例共计300颗牙分为五组,即A组:极固宁;B组:BisBlock脱敏剂;C组:Gluma脱敏剂;D组:脉冲Nd:YAG激光;E组:75%氟化钠甘油,比较其疗效。

脱牙敏糊剂药物名称:脱牙敏糊剂汉语拼音:Tuoyamin Huji主要成分:高良姜浸膏等。性状:黄绿色均匀膏状体;气微香,味辛。药理作用:功能与主治:清热解毒,止痛,消肿作用。用于患牙对冷热酸甜等刺激不能耐受的牙齿敏感症。用法与用量:外用,不可内服。用棉签将患牙擦干,再用棉签蘸适量在患牙敏感处来回涂擦数次,重者涂擦1~2分钟,一日3~4次。不良反应:有局部麻辣感,能耐受。禁忌症:注意事项:规格: 4g、10g/管(1g相当于0.46g生药)贮藏:密闭,避光,置阴凉干燥处保存。有效期:处方药:是