关节盘前移位,anterior disc displacement
1)anterior disc displacement关节盘前移位
1.Anterior disc displacement of temporomandibular joint induced by persistent traction through orbit;经眶持续牵引颞下颌关节盘前移位动物模型的评价
2.Objective To evaluate gene transcription and expression of c-fos in mandibular condyle cartilage af-ter anterior disc displacement(ADD).方法32只日本大耳白兔,实验组25只用于建立关节盘前移位的动物模型,5只行模拟手术作为手术对照组,分别于术后1、2、4、8、12周处死;另2只不行手术作为空白对照。
3.Objective To evaluate the expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) in cartilage of rabbit mandibular condyle after anterior disc displacement (ADD).方法22只日本大耳白兔,16只用于建立关节盘前移位的动物模型,分别于术后1、2、4、8周处死,4只行模拟手术作为手术对照组,另2只不行手术作为空白对照。

1.Ultrastructural changes in rabbit disc and bilaminar zone of the TMJ with experimentally induced anterior disk displacement颞下颌关节盘前移位关节盘及盘后区超微结构变化的实验研究
2.Histological Changes of Temporomandibular Joint after Anterior Disk Displacement;颞下颌关节盘前移位后关节盘组织变化的实验研究
3.The Pathologic Changes in Synovial Membrane of the Anterior Disc Displacement of Temporomandibular Joint;颞下颌关节盘前移位滑膜的病理性改变
4.Magnetic Resonance Examination and Diagnosis in Anterior Disc Displacement of Temporomandibular Joint;颞颌关节盘前移位的磁共振检查及诊断
5.Mechanism of Remodeling in Condylar Cartilage and Bilaminar Zone after Anterior Disc Displacement in Temporomandibular Joint;颞下颌关节盘前移位后髁突软骨与双板区适应性改建的机制研究
6.The Study of Condrocyte Apoptosis and Adaptive Remodelling in Tempomomandibular Joint Following Anterior Disk Displacement;颞下颌关节盘前移位后髁突软骨细胞凋亡和适应性改建的研究
7.Effect of Disc Displacement on mRNA Expression of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator and Its Inhibitor-1 in Synovium of TMJ;颞下颌关节盘前移位后滑膜的纤溶酶原激活剂系统表达
8.The Clinical Effect of Treating Acute Anterior Disc Displacement without Eduction by Pivot Splint枢轴型(牙合)垫治疗急性不可复性关节盘前移位的疗效分析
9.A preliminary research on application of high-resolution ultrasonography on the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorder with anterior disc displacement高分辨率超声诊断颞下颌关节盘前移位的初步临床研究
10.The Research on the Metaplasia of Cartilage Cells and Their Ultrastructures of the Bilaminar Zone Following Anterior Disc Displacement of Temporomandibular Joint;颞下颌关节盘前移位后双板区组织内软骨细胞化生及超微结构研究
11.Arthocentesis for acute TMJ disk displacement without reduction关节腔灌洗术治疗早期颞下颌关节不可复性盘前移位
12.A Clinical Investigation of stabilization Splint in the Treatment of Anterior Disk Displacement with Reduction;稳定性合垫治疗颞下颌关节可复性盘前移位的疗效分析
13.A Case-control Study of Asymptomatic Volunteers and Symptomatic Patients with Temporomandibular Anterior Disc Displacement without Reduction颞下颌关节不可复性盘前移位危险因素的病例对照研究
14.Splint and Arthrocentesis of Tmj for the Treatment of Anterior Disc Displacement Without Reduction;(牙合)垫及关节灌洗术治疗颞下颌关节盘不可复性前移位的临床分析
15.Positional changes of temporomandibular joint disk and condyle with insertion of anterior repositioning splint再定位垫戴入前后颞下颌关节盘和髁突的位置改变
16.Relationship between unilateral temporomandibular joint disk displacement without reduction and facial symmetry:A three-dimentional study单侧颞下颌关节不可复性盘前移患者面部对称性的三维测量分析
17.Research advances in quantitative assessment of temporomandibular joint disk displacement with MRI颞下颌关节盘移位平面定量测量方法的研究进展
18.partial displacement of a joint or organ.关节或器官的部分移位。

Anterior disc displacement without reduction不可复性关节盘前移位
1.Objective:Anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADNR) is one of the commonly encountered diseases of temporomandibular disorders.目的: 不可复性关节盘前移位(anterior disc displacement without reduction,ADNR)是颞下颌关节病的常见病之一,它引起患者张口受限、张口疼痛。
3)anterior disc displacement with reduction可复性关节盘前移位
1.Objective To investigate the electrosonography character of sounds emanating from anterior disc displacement with reduction of TMJ and it s use in clinical diagnosing.目的探讨可复性颞下颌关节盘前移位关节杂音的波形和声电图特点,并利用声电图辅助诊断可复性关节盘前移位
4)disk displacement关节盘移位
1.The position of the mandibular condyle in temporomandibular joint disk displacement has been debated.在颞下颌关节内紊乱(TMJID)的患者中髁突位置和关节盘移位之间的关系一直是研究者所关注的问题,许多学者从不同的角度进行了探索,但对TMJID患者髁突在关节窝中的位置及其临床意义存在争议。
5)anterior disc displacement with reduction of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节盘可复性前移位
1.Study of characteristics of occlusal contacts in patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction of temporomandibular joint;颞下颌关节盘可复性前移位患者咬合接触特征的研究
6)Anterior disk displacement with reduction颞下颌关节可复性盘前移位

关节盘    关节盘    是位于两关节面之间的纤维软骨板,周缘附着于关节囊上。它把关节腔分为上、下两半,使两个关节面更为适合,且增加关节的稳固性,可减少冲击和震荡。此外,两个腔可作不同的运动,从而增加了关节运动的形式和范围。