正畸牙齿移动,orthodontic tooth movement
1)orthodontic tooth movement正畸牙齿移动
1.The signaling of Smads in rats during experimental orthodontic tooth movement;大鼠正畸牙齿移动过程中Smad1的表达和意义

1.The Experimental Study on Regenerating Alveolar Defect by Tissue Engineering and Orthodontic Tooth Movement in the Regeneration Area;组织工程骨修复牙槽骨缺损与正畸牙齿移动
2.Morphological changes of alveolar bone during orthodontic tooth movement on Micro-CT正畸牙齿移动过程中牙槽骨的Micro-CT形态学研究
3.Effect of the Treatment with Insulin on the Orthodontic Tooth Movement of Rats Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus;胰岛素控制对糖尿病大鼠正畸牙齿移动的影响
4.An Experimental Study of Simvastatin Inhibiting the Relapse after Orthodontic Tooth Movement;辛伐他汀抑制正畸牙齿移动后复发的实验研究
5.Effects of Local Injection of 1,25-(OH)_2D_3 in the Periodontal Tissues of Rats During Orthodontic Tooth Movement;局部应用维生素D对大鼠正畸牙齿移动的影响
6.The BMP-Smad Signal Passageway during Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats;大鼠正畸牙齿移动过程中BMP-Smad的信号通路研究
7.The Experimental and Applied Research of Rapid Orthodontic Tooth Movement Through Distraction Osteogenesis牵张成骨快速正畸牙齿移动的实验与应用研究
8.Effects of local injection of IGF on the periodontal tissue of rats in orthodontic tooth movement局部注射IGF对大鼠正畸牙齿移动的影响
9.The Effect of Corticotomy for Alveolar Remodeling in Rat Orthodontic Tooth Movement;骨皮质切开术在大鼠正畸牙齿移动中对牙槽骨改建的影响
10.Study of the Expression of RANKL in Periodontal Tissue of Rat during the Orthodontic Tooth Movement;实验性正畸牙齿移动过程中RANKL在大鼠牙周组织中表达的研究
11.The Expression of STRO-1 in Periodontal Tissue of Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats;大鼠正畸牙齿移动中牙周组织内STRO-1表达的研究
12.Study of the Expression of Osteoclast in Periodontal Tissue of Rat during the Orthodontic Tooth Movement正畸牙齿移动过程中破骨细胞表达的动物实验研究
13.Creation and application of computer-assisted instruction for biomechanics of orthodontic teeth movement正畸牙齿移动的生物机械原理多媒体课件开发和应用
14.Study on Establishment Animal Model of Root Resorption during Tooth Movement and the Self-repair Characteristics after Resorption正畸牙齿移动过程中牙根吸收动物模型的建立及其自行修复性的研究
15.Study of the Relationship between cbfa1 and the Mechanism of the Bone Remodeling in the Process of Orthodontic Tooth Movement;核心结合因子cbfa1与正畸牙齿移动过程中牙槽骨改建机理的相关性研究
16.The study of orthodontic rapid tooth movement using dentoalveolar distraction osteogenesis新型正畸牙齿快速移动装置的动物实验研究
17.The Experimental Research on Rapid Orthodontic Tooth Movement Aided by Alveolar Surgery;齿槽外科手术辅助正畸快速牙移动的实验研究
18.Changes of TNF-α in dental pulp by using distraction osteogenesis on orthodontic rapid tooth movement牙槽骨牵张快速移动正畸牙齿对牙髓中TNF-α含量影响的实验研究

orthodontic tooth movement正畸牙移动
1.Research of soluble interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor receptor treatment in orthodontic tooth movement in rats;可溶性白细胞介素-1和肿瘤坏死因子受体对大鼠正畸牙移动影响的研究
2.Expression of CBFa1/Osf2 and BMPs in periodontal tissue during orthodontic tooth movement;正畸牙移动过程中CBFa1/Osf2和BMPs在牙周组织中的表达
3.The influence of L-arginine and N~G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester synthase expression during orthodontic tooth movement in rats精氨酸与N~G-硝基-精氨酸甲酯对大鼠正畸牙移动时诱导型一氧化氮合酶的影响
3)Tooth movement正畸牙移动
1.Effects of local administration of Alendronate on orthodontic tooth movement and periodontal ligament in rats局部注射阿仑膦酸钠对大鼠正畸牙移动的影响
2.AIM: To investigate the change of P2X3 receptor expression in the trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons after the nociceptive stimulation by orthodontic tooth movement force.目的:研究正畸牙移动中加力后P2X3受体在三叉神经节的表达变化规律,以探讨P2X3受体在正畸牙移动疼痛机制中的作用。
6)Orthodontic rapid tooth movement正畸快速牙移动

正隆黑岩出土的三颗巨猿牙齿化石正隆黑岩在广西大新县榄圩乡正隆村那隆屯,距县城20多公里。那隆屯西南面不远有一座山,土名叫牛睡山,山上有个岩洞,叫黑岩。1956年初,我国著名古人类学家裴文中、贾兰坡二教授率领中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所广西工作队,在牛睡山黑岩中进行科学考古挖掘,结果发现三颗巨猿牙齿化石,其中一颗是下臼齿,一颗是第一前臼齿,一颗是上臼齿,属中更新世。这些牙齿化石,是从胶结的黄色角砾岩层下的一层红紫色洞穴土状堆积层中挖出的,同时还从黄色角砾岩层中发现大量哺乳动物化石,其中有猩猩、剑齿象、巨 莫等。这是世界上第一次从原生堆积层中发现巨猿化石和共生动物群化石,意义重大。最近几年,不断有美国、日本等外国专家学者到该岩洞进行考古考察。现在,正隆黑岩已被列为自治区级重点文物保护单位