第一磨牙,first molar
1)first molar第一磨牙
1.Orthodontic treatment design with first molar extraction.;正畸治疗中磨牙的拔除和保留(二十九)——拔除第一磨牙的矫治设计
2.Clinical study on change of first molar s post extraction space in adult;成年人第一磨牙拔牙间隙变化的临床研究
3.Discuss the feasibility of first molar extraction initiative;正畸治疗中磨牙的拔除与保留(八)——主动拔除第一磨牙的可行性探讨

1.The first molar has the most serious tooth wear and the third molar was the lightest.第一磨牙的磨耗程度最重,第三磨牙的磨耗程度最轻。
2.The Clinical Study of Distalizating Maxillary Molar after Maxillary Second Molar Extraction;拔除上颌第二磨牙远移第一磨牙矫治Ⅱ类错(牙合)的疗效研究
3.Analysis of Rebuilding of Alveolar Bone after Closing the Space of Absence of Lower First Molar with Movement of Distal Lower Second Molar and Suspension and Erection of Horizontal Impaction Lower Third Molar前移下颌第二磨牙及竖直水平阻生的第三磨牙矫治下颌第一磨牙缺隙的牙槽骨改建的研究
4.Method: Eight male adult dogs underwent extraction of the mand ible third、 fourth premolar and first molar.方法:8只成年雄性杂种狗,拔除双侧下颌第三、前磨牙和第一磨牙
5.Effects of Maxillary First Molar Distalization Related to the Eruption of Second Molar;远中移动上颌第一磨牙对第二磨牙萌出影响的研究
6.The Effect of First Molar Extraction on the Change of Facial Vertical Height拔除第一磨牙矫治对面部高度的影响
7.An experimental study on the second mesiobuccal canal treatment in the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar上颌第一磨牙近中颊根MB_2根管研究
8.Efficiency of third root canal in the distal root of the mandibular first molar下颌第一磨牙远中三根管的临床研究
9.A Study on the Masticatory Efficiency in the Youth with the First Molar Defect or Loss第一磨牙缺损、缺失对咀嚼效能影响的研究
10.Biomechanical Study about Different Designs of Implant -supported Mandibular First Molar with Crown;下颌第一磨牙种植修复设计的生物力学研究
11.The effect of first premolar extraction on third molar angulation and eruption space第一前磨牙减数治疗对第三磨牙角度和萌出间隙的影响
12.One of the pointed, conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.犬牙,犬齿位于门牙和第一颗前磨牙之间的锋利圆锥形牙齿
13.In one mouth, the teeth of one side were as test group, other side as control group, the first molar in non-carious pit and fissure of 500 children were sealed.方法:将500例儿童的第一恒磨牙分为两组,一侧第1恒磨牙为一组,对侧同名牙为第2组。
14.Characteristics of the Pulp Chamber of Permanent Anterior Teeth and Mandibular First Molars;恒前牙与下颌第一恒磨牙的髓室特征研究
15.Morphometric Study of Mandibular First Premolar with C-shaped root in a Chinese population下颌第一前磨牙C形牙根的解剖形态研究
16.Analysis of Orthodontic Therapy after Extraction of the First Molars;拔除第一恒磨牙正畸治疗的临床分析
17.A study on morphology of isthmus in maxillary first premolars上颌第一前磨牙根管峡部形态的研究
18.The Diagnosis of Mandibular Premolars with Multi-canal System Using Dental Operating Microscope下颌第一前磨牙根管的临床显微观察

first permanent molar第一恒磨牙
1.Analysis of the first permanent molar caries epidemiological investigation in area of northeast China;东北地区人群第一恒磨牙龋病流行病学调查分析
2.A survey analysis of caries about the first permanent molars of students in elementary school and middle school in Urumqi;乌鲁木齐市中小学生第一恒磨牙患龋情况调查分析
3.Treatment of maxillary first permanent molar ectopic eruption with slingshot molar distalization appliance;弹弓式磨牙远移器治疗上颌第一恒磨牙异位萌出
3)First molar第一恒磨牙
1.Analysis of vertical medial root fracture of the first molar;上、下颌第一恒磨牙近中根纵裂73例分析
4)first premolar第一前磨牙
1.A comparison of the effects of second molar and first premolar extractions on third molar position;正畸治疗中磨牙的拔除和保留(十一)——拔除第二磨牙与拔除第一前磨牙后第三磨牙牙胚位置的对比研究
2.Aesthetic evaluation of gingival line and crown shape of first premolar instead of canine in unilateral maxilla;上颌单侧第一前磨牙代替尖牙龈缘线和牙齿形态的美学研究
3.Objective To investigate the soft tissue changes by treatment of extracting four first premolar in Class ⅡDivision l malocclusion in adolescent female.目的对青春期女性轻度骨性Ⅱ类错采用直丝弓矫治技术拔除4个第一前磨牙进行矫治,观察其软组织侧貌的变化。
5)mandibular first molar下第一磨牙
1.Study on the contribution of digital radiogram in diagnosis of vertical root fracture in mandibular first molar iv vitro;数字X线牙片诊断下第一磨牙牙根纵裂的离体研究
6)the first permanent molar第一恒磨牙
1.An epidemiological survey of caries about the first permanent molars in students of elementary schools and middle schools in shenyang;沈阳市中小学生第一恒磨牙龋病调查分析
2.Relationship of Caries Experience Between Primary Teeth and the First Permanent Molars in 100 Children of6-year-old;100例6岁儿童乳牙患龋与第一恒磨牙患龋关系的研究

“岭南第一大围”和“粤北第一民宅”经过半年多的维修整治,被誉为“岭南第一大围”、“粤北第一民宅”的全国重点文物保护单位——广东韶关始兴满堂客家大围第一期维修工程日前已经结束。大围正以焕然一新、恢宏雄伟的气势喜迎四方来客。  满堂客家大围坐落于中国近代史上著名的爱国将领、抗日战争时期曾任国民党第四战区总司令的张发奎将军的故乡——广东韶关始兴县隘子镇,离韶关市区东南方约八十公里。挂于围楼门上的横匾“满堂客家大围”为一九九一年秋、时任全国政协副主席的客家人精英叶选平所书。  据《始兴文物志》记载,满堂客家大围奠基于中国清代道光十六(公元一八三六)年,为当时当地首富官定祥(时任清代道光候缺正五品衔)所建,历时二十八年才竣工。  跟粤东闽西一带的圆形客家围楼不同,满堂围是方形大围,属清代砖石结构的四合院式围楼。其外观为一整体,围内则由三个建筑群组成:中部为“中心围”,南部为“上新屋”,北部为“下新屋”。总体平面呈长方形,占地面积约一万三千平方米,有十二个院、九个厅、六个天井。共建有平房、楼房、炮楼等居室七百七十七间,是广东省规模最大的砖瓦结构围楼,有“岭南第一大围”之誉。  由于大围已历经一百四十多年的风雨侵蚀,许多地方都出现了不同程度的安全隐患。为维修和保护好这一珍贵历史文化遗产,始兴县从半年多前就开始聘请有关专家、工程技术人员对满堂围进行了全面的资料搜集、整理和测绘、维修。目前已完成的第一期工程主要是对中心围进行维修,重修围内崩塌的瓦梁、门窗、墙壁等。维修后的满堂客家大围保持了原有雄浑朴实的气势和精致高雅的韵味。  如今,居住在满堂客家大围仍有四十多户人家,全都是官姓家族的后裔。姓氏没有变,大围的外观也没有变,可村民们的思想观念、生活方式却发生了翻天覆地的变化。在市场经济的浪潮中,大围内开起了小商店、小工场,开进了汽车、摩托车,开通了电话、电视,还有那古老大屋天花板上传统的图案花色与厅堂四周颇具现代气息的装修陈设互相辉映,令这边远山村的大围屋越来越有生气,越来越有希望。  大围外面那精彩的世界对围屋内的村民,尤其是年轻一代的吸引力越来越大。他们陆续跨出那厚实的铁木大门,到围外去闯荡世界,创造人生。然后,给古老的大围带回一套套更新的观念,带回一串串崭新的词语,带回一个个致富的信息,也带回一笔笔可观的财富。