套筒冠,Telescopic crown
1)Telescopic crown套筒冠
1.Problems associated with telescopic crown removable denture and their management;套筒冠可摘活动义齿修复后出现的问题及处理
2.Establishment of three-dimensional finite element model of mandibular incisor defect restored by telescopic crown retainers;套筒冠修复下颌前牙缺失的三维有限元模型的建立

1.Clinic retrospection of 38 cases restored with telescope dentures38例圆锥形套筒冠义齿病例临床回顾
2.In vitro Comparison of the Different Retention Adjustment of Telescopic Crowns;套筒冠固位力不同调节方式的体外对比研究
3.Finite Element Analysis of Mandible Incisor Defect Restored by Telescopic Crowns Retainers;套筒冠修复下颌前牙缺失的有限元应力分析
4.Occlusal Reconstruction with Konuskronen Telescopic Dentures;应用圆锥型套筒冠义齿进行咬合重建修复
5.The Finite Element Analysis of Telescopic Coping Retained Mandibular Implant-Surpported Overdentures;套筒冠式下颌种植覆盖义齿的三维有限元分析
6.Microbiological Study on Abutment Periodontium of the Telescope Crown Retainer;套筒冠固位体基牙牙周的微生物学研究
7.Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Fixed, Removable Partial Denture and Telescopic Crown as Periodontal Splints;固定、可摘及套筒冠牙周夹板的三维有限元研究
8.Study of the retentive characteristics for SynCone conical crown immediate loading systemSynCone套筒冠式即刻负重种植系统的固位特性研究
9.Aplication of Telescope Denture for Restoration of Dentition Defect in Patients with Periodontitis套筒冠义齿修复牙周炎牙列缺损的临床研究
10.The effect of TiN coating on retention of conus telescopic crowns after repeated insertion/separation tests氮化钛涂层对循环摘戴后套筒冠固位力的影响
11.Telescopic denture for dentition defect with periodontitis:an up to 3-year retrospective study牙周病伴牙列缺损套筒冠修复疗效分析
12.The Prosthetic Effect of Conus Crown Telescopic Denture on Periodontitis圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的疗效观察
13.Laboratory study on abutment movement of the combined clasp, the extension clasp and the telescopic crown联合卡环、延长卡环与套筒冠固位体的基牙位移实验研究
14.Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Separate Removable Partial Denture and Conical Telescope;分割式可摘局部义齿与套筒冠义齿的三维有限元分析
15.Microbiological Study on Abutment Periodontium of the Telescope Crown and Precision Attachment Retainer;套筒冠和精密附着体固位体基牙牙周的微生物学研究
16.Microbiological Study on Abutment after Restoration of Dentition Defect with Conical Telescopic Removable Denture in Patients with Periodontitis;牙周病伴牙列缺损经套筒冠义齿修复后牙周微生态变化的研究
17.The Influence of the Telescope Crown Retainer to IL-6 and TNF-α in the Periodontium of Abutment;套筒冠固位体对基牙龈沟液中IL-6和TNF-α表达的影响
18.The Futher Clinical Prosthetic Effect of Konuskronen Telescope Denture on Periodontitis with Dentition Defect;圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复牙周病伴牙列缺损的远期疗效回访

Telescope crown retainer套筒冠
1.Clinical observation on restoration of dentition defect with combined application of crown truncation and telescope crown retainer in patients with severe periodotitis截冠术与套筒冠覆盖义齿联合应用修复重度牙周炎牙列缺损7例疗效观察
2.Objective:To investigate the changes of gingival crevicular fluid(GCF)quantity and concentration of IL-6 and TNF—αin GCF during telescope crown retainer restoration.目的:测定套筒冠固位体基牙龈沟液量的变化以及GCF中与牙周病相关的细胞因子IL—6和TNF—α浓度的变化,研究套筒冠固位体对基牙牙周组织的影响,为套筒冠的临床应用提供理论基础。
3.Objective To study restoration with telescope crown retainers affects the abutment periodontium in patients with severe periodontitis.目的临床观察重度牙周病患者经套筒冠式牙周夹板固定后临床治疗效果的影响。
3)telescope crown套筒冠
1.Objective: To compare the stress distribution of mandibular implant-surpported overdenture retained by ball attachments and telescope crowns respectively by 3D-FEA.目的:应用三维有限元分析,比较球帽式和套筒冠式附着体对下颌种植覆盖义齿的应力分布的影响。
4)conical crown套筒冠
1.Study of the retentive characteristics for SynCone conical crown immediate loading systemSynCone套筒冠式即刻负重种植系统的固位特性研究
2.Immediate implant-support and overdenture retained by conical crowns:Three cases report种植体支持套筒冠固位全口覆盖义齿即刻负重3例
5)telescope denture套筒冠义齿
1.The clinical study of telescope denture on severe tooth abrade;套筒冠义齿修复牙列重度磨耗的临床评价体会
2.Clinical observation of effect of telescope denture treatment on moderate to severe periodontal diseases with dentition defect套筒冠义齿对中重度牙周病伴牙列缺损修复的临床效果
3.Objective: Observe the clinical data of the krouskronen telescope denture treatment for 5.目的:通过观察圆锥型套筒冠义齿对牙周病伴牙列缺损患者修复治疗前及戴用长达5。
6)telescopic denture套筒冠义齿
1.Prosthetic effect of telescopic denture on serious periodontitis with most teeth lost;套筒冠义齿修复重度牙周病伴多数牙缺失的疗效观察
2.The biomechanical study of the telescopic denture used in teeth with periodontal diseases;套筒冠义齿用于牙周病患牙的生物力学研究
3.Study of telescopic denture in patients with defect of dentition;套筒冠义齿用于牙列缺损修复治疗的临床研究
