硬组织,hard tissue
1)hard tissue硬组织
1.Study of changes of hard tissues following application of combined rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and maxillary protraction therapy in skeletal class Ⅲ patients of different ages;前方牵引联合快速扩弓矫治不同年龄骨性Ⅲ类错的硬组织变化
2.The differences of hard tissue changes and stability of Angle s Class Ⅱ division 1 extraction cases treated by Begg appliance and Edgewise appliance;Begg及Edgewise矫治器减数治疗安氏Ⅱ类1分类错的硬组织变化及其稳定性
3.Maxillary protraction in treatment of anterior crossbite in hard tissue前牵引矫治前牙反对颅面硬组织影响的研究

1.Advances in Hard Biotissue Ablation with Pulsed Infrared Lasers脉冲激光生物硬组织消融的研究进展
2.Arnett analysis of the correlation between midfacial soft and hard tissues面中部软硬组织相关性的Arnett分析
3.bony tissue formed during the healing of a fractured bone.骨折康复后的硬结组织。
4.The normal hardening of aging tissue.老衰组织的正常硬化
5.Hardening, as of tissue, by such impregnation.硬化组织的硬化,通过如上的钙化作用
6.To form or develop such hardened tissue.结硬皮,结痂形成或培养此种硬质组织
7.This collagenous component gives the neoplasm a hard "scirrhous" consistency that is palpable.大量纤维组织使得肿瘤呈硬癌的硬度。
8.Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.硬化,硬变任何组织或器官的慢性间质炎症
9.Effect of Quenching Treatment on Microstructure and Hardness of (Ti,V)C Steel Bonded Carbide淬火对(Ti,V)C钢结硬质合金组织及硬度的影响
10.Enamel is the hardest structure of the body and the richest in Calcium.釉质是身体中最硬的组织最富于钙质。
11.form a callus or calluses.形成茧或皮肤的硬结组织。
12.abnormal hardening or thickening of tissue.组织不正常的变厚或硬化。
13.a skin disease marked by hardening of the tissue usually beginning in the face.以皮肤组织硬化为特征的一种皮肤
14.Of or relating to tissue that is capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid.勃起的有关可以充血变硬的组织的
15.Hardmetals--Metallographic determination of microstructureGB/T3488-1983硬质合金--显微组织的金相测定
16.tissue hardened by deposition of lime salts.石灰盐沉积造成的组织硬化。
18.Study on Microstructures and Properties of Super-Hardness Aluminum Alloy Plate Materials;超硬铝合金板材微观组织及性能研究

hard and soft tissue软硬组织
1.Relationship of the hard and soft tissues in patients with skeletal class III malocclusion;影响成人骨性III类错侧貌的软硬组织相关性分析
2.Changes of the hard and soft tissues in patients with skeletal class Ⅲ malocc lusion after combined orthodontic and surgical treatments;正畸正颌联合治疗成人骨性Ⅲ类错后软硬组织的变化
3.Objective To investigate the conditons of the hard and soft tissues in patients with Unilateral Cleft of Lip and Palate(UCLP).目的研究单侧完全性唇腭裂(UCLP)青少年患者颅面侧貌软硬组织二者之间的相关性,间接了解对软组织侧貌影响较大的硬组织指标,为临床诊断和治疗设计提供指导。
3)dental hard tissues牙硬组织
4)soft and hard tissues软硬组织
1.Objective The purpose of this study was to compare the changes of soft and hard tissues and analyze the correlation of them in adult and adolescent Angle Class Ⅱ1 malocclusion after orthodontics treatment with tooth extraction.目的 通过对42例安氏Ⅱ~1成年与青少年患者进行拔牙矫治,比较两年龄组矫治前后软硬组织变化的差异,探讨生长发育对软硬组织改变、矫治效果的影响。
2.Objective To investigate the changes of soft and hard tissues after extraction space closure with micro-screw implant as orthodontic anchorage.目的研究以微螺钉为支抗,用直丝弓矫治器滑动法关闭拔牙间隙后的软硬组织变化。
5)Tissue hardenability组织硬度
6)sclerotic tissue硬化组织
