1.Mechanisms for Retardation of Mechanical Compaction by Overpressures and its Application;超压对机械压实的减缓抑制机理及其应用
2.Characteristics of Jurassic mudstone overpressure and its control on oil and gas accumulation in Turpan Depression;吐鲁番坳陷侏罗系泥岩超压特征及其对油气成藏的控制
3.Influence and Evaluation of Overpressure on Oil and Gas Reservoir Forming;超压对油气成藏的影响及其评价

1.1. Which files do you want to UltraPack?要使用超压缩方式压缩哪些文件?
2.Reactor Containment Decompression and Filtration in Qinshan NPP Phase Ⅱ;秦山二期安全壳超压后的过滤及卸压
3.high and ultra-high pressure plunger pump高压与超高压柱塞泵
4.limiter, voltage, for a voltage not exceeding 1000v限压器,超过1000V电压用的
5.Calculation of Impulse Voltage Distribution ?in EHV Potential Transformer Windings超高压电压互感器冲击电压分布计算
6.live ultrahigh tension power lines超高压线路带电作业
7.contactor electric for a voltage exceeding 1000v电路接头超过1000v电压用
8.super silenced air compressor超低噪音空气压缩机
9.ultrasonic intracranial pressuregraph超声颅内压力自计仪
10.super high pressure polyethylene reaction pot超高压聚乙烯反应釜
11.ultra-short wave vacuum tube voltmeter超短波真空管电压表
12.low pressure synthesis of superhard coating超硬涂层的低压合成
13.ultrasonically activated extruder超音速驱动的挤压机
14.connector ,electrical, for a votage not exceeding 1000v插头座,不超过1000V电压用
15.ultrasonic Doppler blood pressure transduce /sensor超声多普勒血压传感器
16.water jet slitting超高压水针切割(纸板)
17.Study on Compression Superplasticity of Cr12MoV SteelCr12MoV钢的压缩超塑性研究
18.R&D of T92 High-pressure Boiler Tube for Ultra Supercritical Pressure Boilers超超临界压力锅炉用T92高压锅炉管的研制

1.Deflagrating over-pressure of flammable gas cloud composed of acetylene/air of a fuel concentration 13.实验结果表明:障碍物层数越多,爆燃压力越强;障碍物设置在气云边缘和气云外部障碍物附近的爆炸超压增大,但小于内部障碍物对爆炸威力的增大趋势,且障碍物后爆炸超压随测点距离的变化趋势是一致的。
2.Test method for the over-pressures of explosions is given.介绍了爆炸超压场的测试方法,给出了几种一次引爆型燃料-空气炸药和对应高能炸药爆炸超压超压峰值的试验结果并进行了比较;进一步计算了一次引爆型燃料—空气炸药的TNT比当量。
3.The cause of over-pressure in Diesel Engine includes fracture on piston,fracture of piston rings and cylinder wear.通过对机车柴油机超压现象的原因分析,得出导致柴油机超压的原因有:活塞顶裂纹、活塞气环折断、气缸套磨损。
3)Excess pressure超压
1.Based on an investigation of the some questions of typical central heating system,according to the water pressure diagram,analyses and summarizes the reasons and results of "excess pressure" and "heating impotence" in water system.通过对几个典型的集中供热系统的问题调查分析,利用水压图分析总结了水系统的“超压”与“不热”的原因,以及解决措施,指出采用微机变频自动补水、超压自动泄水装置可稳定水压,改变恒压点位置来降低动水压线,同时指出流量的不足对系统的影响。
2.of Heat Energy Equipment, which solves the problem of excess pressure in compressor exhaust and promotes the energy efficiency ratio.本文介绍了安源热能设备有限公司在热泵产品中,装设过冷器的试验与实践,解决压缩机排气超压的问题,同时提高了产品的能效比。
3.This artcle analyses the high—pressure header steam water side excess pressure protect theory of local N200—130/535/535 turbine, and shows the relevant requirement to operator.针对国产N200—130/535/535型汽轮机,分析其汽水侧超压保扩原理,并对运行人员提出了相应要求。
1.On the basis of local simulation of liquid propellant explosion and by theorical calculation, this paper gives a detailed analysis of the forming mechanism of shock wave superpressure and its hazard scale.在现场模拟液体火箭推进剂爆炸的基础上 ,通过深入的理论计算 ,对液体推进剂爆炸所产生的冲击波超压形成机理及其危害范围作了比较详细的分
2.Along with the constant discovery to superpressure reservoir in Neogene deep formation of Hanghua depression, the regularity study of oil and gas generation, migration and accumulation has been pay great attention by many researchers.通过歧北地区古近系深层超压油气藏研究,从油藏地球化学角度出发,较为细致的分析了超压条件下的油气生成、运移、聚集特征。
5)exceeding pressure超压
1.This paper introduced the reason of exceeding pressure in sulfur recovery equipment.介绍了硫磺回收装置常见的超压原因,通过分析和实例说明不设置防爆门(又称爆破片)往往会造成设备超压损坏,而设置防爆门是保护系统和设备非常有效的方法。
2.With the use of "electric power industry regulation for security"(the part of heating power and the machine section), the auther puts up forward the preventive measures of Pressure-Container-exceeding pressure and provides preventive theory gist for each unit.从理论上,结合《电业安全工作规程》(热力和机械部分)的有关内容,为预防压力容器的超压提出针对性的措施,为各单位制定预防措施提供理论依据。
3.This article derived a calculation formula about the actual pressure and exceeding pressure of fire hydrant in the highrise buildings under the condition of water tank providing water and water pump providing water.推导出水箱供水与水泵供水两种工况下,高层建筑消防栓处实际压力和超压计算公式。
6)temperature and pressure exceeding超温超压
1.After urea plant and melamine system are put into joint operation,the melamine process ammonium carbonate recycled to urea increased water/carbon ratio of urea system,resulting in the decrease of urea conversion,load increases of medium and low pressure systems,as well as temperature and pressure exceeding of steam condensate system.尿素装置和三聚氰胺系统联运后,三聚氰胺返回尿素的工艺碳铵液造成尿素系统水碳比增高,尿素转化率下降,中、低压系统负荷增加,蒸汽冷凝液系统超温超压

[解释]:  核爆炸产生的高温、高压火球膨胀,在周围介质中形成连续向外传播的压力脉冲(或冲击波),冲击波阵面传播到空间某点时,超过周围环境大器的压力称超压;空气粒子高速随波阵面运动产生的冲击压力称动压。超压和动压都以帕斯卡(Pa)为主单位。超压随时间的变化取决于爆炸威力、距爆点的距离和爆心周围的介质情况。特定地点的峰值超压一般出现在冲击波阵面到达该点的瞬间,超压在该点的持续时间称为正压作用时间。尔后,该点的压力下降到低于周围压力,称为负压,再逐渐回升到周围压力值。对人员的直接冲击伤,超压为20—29千帕可引器轻度伤;29—59千帕可导致中度伤;59—98千帕可造成重度伤;大于98千帕可造成极重度伤。动压为10—20千帕可造成中度伤;20—39千帕可造成重度伤;大于39千帕可造成极重度伤。动压的推动、抛掷和超压的挤压会造成物体变形和毁坏。