1.Discussion on the reasons and countermeasures to the building collapse accident;试论建筑物倒塌事故的原因及处置对策
2.Discussion on tactics and measures to deal with the emergencies and rescue people after buildings collapse;论建(构)筑物倒塌后的抢险救援技战术措施
3.Overview of damage index-based analytical method for collapse of frame structure;基于损伤指数的框架结构倒塌分析综述

1.secure a building(from collapse)将建筑物加固(以免倒塌
2.The chimney toppled over on the roof.烟囱倒塌在屋顶上。
3.And the marina building had started to go.系船坞的房子开始倒塌
4.The typhoon caused a great number of houses to collapse.台风使得大批房屋倒塌
5.To cause to fold, break down, or fall down or inward.使折叠,使崩溃或使倒塌
6.The hut tumbled down in the storm.小屋在风暴中倒塌了。
7.The old building seemed about to tumble down.那楝老楼房似即将倒塌
8.The collapse of the building caused no casualties.建筑倒塌没有造成伤亡。
9.Even when they are crumbling.即使古城堡在逐渐倒塌
10.a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in.由于某物突然倒塌或坍塌而导致的灾祸。
11.Is The British Museum Falling Down?--Title probe of Lodge s novel "The British Museum Is Falling Down";大英博物馆倒塌了吗?——戴维·洛奇《大英博物馆在倒塌》题解
12.until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede,直到自我的围墙一点一点地倒塌下来,
13.The wrinkling of the hills would make them crumble.这些山峦的皱摺会使它们倒塌无遗。
14.Then the bridge gave way, and Tyrande was swept into the river and out of sight.接着,桥倒塌,泰兰德掉进河中,不见踪影。
15.The shack seemed almost ready to collapse.那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
16.Several buildings fell during the earthquake.地震时,一些建筑物倒塌了。
17.The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder.建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。
18.The building suddenly crashed to the ground.那幢建筑物突然轰隆一声倒塌

dynamic collapse动力倒塌
1.Considering the relative positions of the three towers,it draws a conclusion that the destruction was mainly caused by local damage of tower under the heavy ice load on wire which led to dynamic collapse of the neighboring towers.对韶关电网由于冰冻天气造成的输电线路毁坏进行了调查研究,重点测量了导线覆冰情况,观察了220kV坪通线119—121号3座相邻输电线路铁塔的受损程度和倒塌形式,结合这些塔的地理位置进行分析,指出系列铁塔受破坏的原因主要是导线厚冰荷载作用引起铁塔局部破坏,进而引起相邻铁塔发生系列动力倒塌
3)collapse of support杆塔倒塌
1.Based on the in-depth causal investigation into the icing disaster,multiple factors collapsing the iced transmission line supports are expounded,and the reasons for the extensive collapse of supports in north Guangdong,China in early 2008 are detailedly analyzed and calculated.深入探讨了凝冻灾害的成因,阐述了凝冻灾害下导致输电线路杆塔倒塌的多方面因素,对2008年初粤北地区出现的大面积输电线路倒塔事故的成因进行了详细、深入的分析和计算,指出坪石地区110kV坪江线、坪塘线、坪牵线、江塘线、江牵线倒塔的主要原因是杆塔转角过多和角度过大。
4)progressive collapse连续倒塌
1.Dynamic effect analysis of progressive collapse of multi-story steel frames;多层钢框架连续倒塌动力效应分析
2.Design method to resist progressive collapse for a three story RC frame;3层RC框架的抗连续倒塌设计
3.Prevention of progressive collapse for frame structure in abnormal incidents;偶然事件下框架结构抗连续倒塌分析
5)totally collapse整体倒塌
1.Subjected to heavy snow load,a double span portal frame structure totally collapsed.通过调查某双跨门式刚架轻钢厂房在雪荷载作用下发生突然整体倒塌事故,分析了厂房整体倒塌的过程及原因;探讨了设计、施工以及构造处理等方面的因素对轻型钢结构构件破坏,以致引起整体倒塌的影响。
6)directional collapse定向倒塌
1.The chimney was located in the complex environment and the requirement for precision of directional collapse of the chimney was very critical accordingly.介绍了一座砖结构烟囱的爆破拆除,其特点是爆破环境比较复杂,控制定向倒塌精度要求高。
2.The directional collapse control-blasting of brick-concrete frame structure is introduced in the complicated environment.介绍钢筋混凝土框架和砖混结构相结合的礼堂办公楼合一的准框架体在复杂环境下定向倒塌拆除爆破。
3.A brick-structured smoke stack with a height of 46 meters was successfully demolished through controlling the length of blasting cut in order to recoiling and reduces the directional collapse length under limited collapse space and short project time environments.在倾倒空间不足和工期较紧的条件下,通过控制爆破切口的长度设计使烟囱倾倒过程中产生后坐,从而缩减烟囱的定向倒塌长度,成功地对46 m高砖结构烟囱进行定向倒塌爆破拆除。
