
1.a wisp of smoke [cloud]一缕烟 [一小片云]
2.He tore the paper up into tiny Bits.他把纸撕碎成一小片小片
3.Thinly slice the fennel. Wash and dry the salad vegetables.将茴香切薄片,菜叶则洗净及撕成小片
4.Cut me just a small sliver of cheese.给我切一小片乾酪吧.
5.There is a little pool of sunlight on the floor.地板上照有一小片光亮。
6.Simple bit of paper.也不过是一小片纸而已。
7.a fillet of veal mutton ]小牛羊]肉片, 里脊片
8.come off in flakes or thin small pieces.剥成薄片或细小的片。
9.between lobes or lobules.在裂片或小裂片间的。
10.inside lobes or lobules.在裂片或小裂片内的。
11.It has been split into small flakes.它被分剥成小小的薄片。
12.Any of the ultimate leaflets of a bipinnately compound leaf.小羽片,二回羽片二回羽片结构的一种根本小叶
13.A small box for pills.药丸盒,药片盒放药片的小盒子
14.A small portion of food or a slice, especially of meat.薄肉片食物的一小部分或一片,尤指肉
15.A small crystalline bit of snow.雪花,雪片一片小而透明的雪花
16.come off in a very thin piece.脱落成一片非常小的薄片。
17.To split into thin layers or sheets.分成薄片切成细小的薄层或薄片
18.a pocketknife with a spring-operated blade.有弹簧折叠刃片的小刀。

5)A small lobe.小叶,小裂片
6)small diameter saw blade小锯片
1.This text introduced the sintering technology of small diameter saw blade by way of controlling the temperature and the pressure during the sintering, which means the heating up time is 3min,and the heat preservation time is 5min,initial pressure is 5MPa,and the end up pressure is 12MPa.为了提高小锯片的生产效率、产品合格率和产品质量,本文把热压工艺应用于烧结小锯片的生产,通过对烧结过程中的温度与压力的控制,即升温时间3min,保温时间5min;初压设定在5MPa,终点压力设定在12MPa。

《片玉心书》《片玉心书》 《片玉心书》   儿科著作。五卷。明·万全撰。约刊于16世纪中期。本书主要介绍治疗儿科病的临床经验。卷一-三总论儿科病证的诊断、治法,较有特色,并附歌赋和望诊图;卷四-五记述胎毒、变蒸、惊风等32类疾病的证治。内容简明切于实用。现有多种清刻本、《万密斋医书十种》本。1949年后出铅印本。