路面不平顺,road surface roughness
1)road surface roughness路面不平顺

1.Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics Random Response to Road Irregularity Inputs;路面不平顺输入的汽车动力学随机响应分析
2.Simulation of Road Roughness Based on Pseudo White Noise and Study of Vehicle Ride Comfort基于伪白噪声的路面不平度模拟及其车辆平顺性
3.the uneven surface of a coBBlestone road.大卵石路不平的路面
4.Technical Study of Highway Smoothness Treatment in Subsiding Sections公路路面沉降处治平顺度问题技术研究
5.I didn't feathered the oars because the wind was with us.我并不摆平桨面,因为我们顺风。
6.Research of the Impact of Short Wave Track Irregularity on the Wheel-rail Force轨面短波不平顺对轮轨力影响的研究
7.The other way round, those who live smoothly can leave nothing behind.如果我们选择另一条平顺的路,平顺是生活将什么也不会留下。
8.Research on the Variation Characteristics of the Track Dynamic Irregularity in Railway Line铁路线路轨道动态不平顺变化特征研究
9.If I could get down through the funnel to the ledge, I should be all right; surely the rest of the way down was negotiable.如果我能顺着漏斗形深槽下到这块平台上面就会万事大吉,剩下的路想必也不会太难走了。
10.test of pavement irregularity sensitivity路面不平敏感性试验
11.Study on the Settlement of Railway Ballasted Track and the Growth Forecast of Track Vertical Profile Irregularity铁路有砟轨道下沉及高低不平顺发展预测研究
12.Analysis of Bogl slab track irregularity of Beijing-Tianjin intercity high speed railway京津城际铁路博格板式无砟轨道不平顺分析
13.walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface.在不平坦的鹅卵石路面上走路很困难。
14.the uneven surface of a cobblestone road.See Synonyms atrough大卵石路不平的路面参见
15.New places and new faces, new sights, new things to do. Good times and happy travelling and lots of luck to you!新地方和新面孔,新风光,新行当,祝你过得欢畅,旅途平安,一路顺风!
16.A Study of the Mechanics Character of Slab-track and Train Bodywork System on Soil Roadbed under the Condition of Track Irregularity不平顺条件下车体及土质路基板式轨道系统力学特性研究
17.Luther dissented from the Church of Rome路德从不顺从罗马教会。
18.These tyres are worn quite smooth, no grip on the road .这些轮胎磨得相当平了,抓不住路面。

track irregularity轨面不平顺
1.Study on adjusting track irregularity of integrated ballast bed in urban elevated railway;高架铁路整体道床轨面不平顺调整的研究
3)Uneven Road不平路面
1.Study of Tire Dynamic Properties under Uneven Road and Medium Frequency Excitation;不平路面中频激励轮胎动态特性研究
2.FEA on tire models for simulation on uneven road用于不平路面仿真的轮胎模型的有限元分析
4)Track geometric irregularities线路几何不平顺
5)unsmoothness of bridge's surface桥面不平顺性
6)wave track irregularity轨面短波不平顺
1.The primary factor affecting the wheel-rail force is the short wave track irregularity.轨面短波不平顺是轮轨作用力的主要影响因素。

平顺大云院壁画平顺大云院壁画  在山西平顺县城西北龙耳山中。创建于五代晋天福三年(938)。现存五代壁画在大佛殿东壁和扇面墙上,有2l平方米。东壁绘《维摩经变》,维摩诘像面部残损,文殊菩萨相对而坐,面相端庄,举止安详,与正在辩论中的维摩诘的激动神情适成对照。他们身后,各有菩萨、罗汉、天王、神将、侍从等。中央是香积菩萨、舍利佛和持花天女。上方绘有飞天及种种奇妙景象。扇面墙正面绘观音、势至二菩萨,背面画《西方净土变》,画工精细,色彩鲜丽。画风与敦煌同期壁画相似。画中乐舞位都作宫女装束,与敦煌同期壁画中乐舞伎作菩萨装束不一样。