惯性力矩,inertia moment
moment of inertia惯性力矩
1.Study on the moment of inertia of coiler in hot strip mill;热轧带钢卷取机的惯性力矩研究
2.Complete dynamic balance of inertial forces and moment of inertia of rotor in rotary piston vacuum pump;滑阀真空泵转子惯性力和惯性力矩完全动平衡的探讨
3.When influence of moment of inertia the theoretical expressions and judgment condition is discussed.分件供送螺杆通常是由等速段和变速段所构成,在由分件供送螺杆、输送带和侧向导板所组成的供送装置中,因被输送物件规格尺寸的变化,将引起物件与供送螺杆贯穿啮合的变化,文章对供送螺杆在上述情况下,在输送物件的过程中对物件稳定性的影响进行了分析研究,并在考虑惯性力矩的影响下,提出了理论计算公式及判断条件,为供送螺杆在不同工作状态下提高供送稳定性作了进一步的探讨。
3)inertial moment惯性力矩
1.On the one hand adjusting the elastic force s magnitude of spring can overcome the inertial moment that is brought out by gear.在为某公司设计的全自动冲孔机中 ,通过在不完全齿轮机构上增加弹性阻尼系统 ,一方面可调节弹簧弹力大小来克服齿轮运转产生的惯性力矩 ,另一方面该阻尼系统又起到辅助定位作用 ,从而保证全自动冲孔机的正常工
2.The author discussed the rationality of instantaneous center as base, and analysed the pure rotation of rigid body on the plane, slant and curve surface respectively, finally discussed the methods of analyzing the rotation of rigid body with instantaneous center as base and the character of inertial moment.讨论刚体转动中以瞬心作为选定中心的合理性 ,并通过分析刚体在平面、斜面以及曲面上做纯滚动运动的三种情况 ,讨论以瞬心作为选定中心分析刚体转动问题的方法及在此情况下惯性力矩所具有的特
4)mass force and touqhe惯性力与惯性力矩
5)Balance of shaking force and shaking moment惯性力和惯性力矩平衡
6)dynamic inertia torque动态惯性力矩

纯轧力矩(见轧制力矩)纯轧力矩(见轧制力矩)net rolling torque ehunzha iiju纯轧力矩(net rolling torque)见轧制力矩。