动量守恒定律,law of conservation of momentum
1)law of conservation of momentum动量守恒定律
1.Finally,the covariability of the law of conservation of momentum was discussed.根据对于任意惯性系力的定义式和罗伦次变换分析了质点系相对论动量守恒与质点速度之间的关系,讨论了动量守恒定律的协变性。
2.Most of the teaching material of mechanics and general physics,in force,look upon the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of moment of momentum as the deduction of the theorem of momentum and the theorem of mement of momentum,overlook original idea of conserved quantity,is not correct.现行力学教材和普通物理教材大都把动量守恒定律和动量矩守恒定律视为质点组动量定理和动量矩定理的推论,忽视了守恒星的本质意义,是不正确的。

1.laws of conservation of energy and momentum能量和动量守恒定律
2.The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law.动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。
3.The Law of Conservation of Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum for Charge System and Electromagnetic Field;电磁场和电荷系统的动量守恒定律和角动量守恒定律
4.The law of conservation of angular momentum may be demonstrated with a gyroscope.角动量守恒定律,可以用回转器来演示。
5.This is the well-known principle of conservation of momentum.这就是众所周知的动量守恒定律
6.We exploit the energy and momentum conservation laws in this way.我们就是这样利用能量和动量守恒定律的。
7.Application of the Conservation Law of Angular Momentum in Sports;角动量守恒定律在体育运动中的应用研究
8.Application of Conservation Law of Angular Momentum in Plane Motion of Rigid Body角动量守恒定律在刚体平面运动中的应用
9.The Expression and Application of the Average Velocity of the Law of Conservation;动量守恒定律的平均速度表示及其应用
10.Developments in physics since the time of Newton make the law of momentum conservation appear to be more fundamental than Newton's third law.牛顿时代以来物理学的发展,使动量守恒定律显得比牛顿第三定律还重要。
11.Momentum conservation is a consequence of Newton's laws.动量守恒是牛顿定律的一个推论。
12.conservation and conversion of energy能量守恒和转换定律
13.The Application of the Law of Conservation of the Moment of Momentum and the Theorem of the Moment of Momentum in the Spiking Skill of Volleyball;动量矩定理、动量矩守恒定律在排球扣球技术动作中的应用
14.The Application of the Law of Conservation of the Moment of Momentum and the Theorem of the Moment of Momentum in the Shooting Skill of Bdasketball;动量矩定理及动量矩守恒定律在篮球投篮技术动作中的应用
15.law of conservation and convertion of energy能量守恒及能量转换定律
16.With a simple symmetrical electromagnetic field, the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of angular momentum for electromagnetic field and charges system are investigated.利用简单对称性的电磁场,讨论了场和电荷系统遵从的动量守恒、量矩守恒定律.
17.The conservation of energy is also utilized in the interpretation of spectroscopy.能量守恒定律还用于光谱分析。
18.This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。

the law of conservation of momentum动量守恒定律
1.Several different denoting ways of the law of conservation of momentum;动量守恒定律的几种不同表述方式
3)momentum conservation law动量守恒定律
1.For enhancing the mass and heat transfer of droplet in spray, and predicting and evaluating spray quality, new probability distribution functions of number, differential number, volume, differential volume and total volume formula on joined droplet size and velocity were derived by using maximum entropy principle and momentum conservation law.为了增强雾化液滴质量和热量的传递,有效预测与评价喷雾质量,应用最大熵原理和动量守恒定律推导出了新的雾化液滴尺寸和速度的概率密度分布函数,包括数目分布函数、数目微分分布函数、体积分布函数、体积微分分布函数与总体积公式。
4)the law of conservation of angular momentum角动量守恒定律
1.In this paper,the authors introduce a new experiment for the first time quantitatively to test and verify the law of conservation of angular momentum by using the air track.本文介绍了我们最近试验成功的用气垫导轨定量验证角动量守恒定律的新实验,该实验具有简明易做、误差小的特点。
5)law of conservation of moment of momentum动量矩守恒定律
6)energy momentum relationship能量动量守恒定律
