1.Study on the character of the work of gravity in middle school physics;对重力做功特点推导的改进
2.This paper also discusses the work done by a pair of Sliding friction forces from the displacement and conversion of energy.同时从力的位移和能量转化与守恒的角度讨论了一对滑动摩擦力做功的问题,指出了摩擦力做功时力的位移应是力的作用点的位移而不是力所作用的物体的质心位移,阐明了一对滑动摩擦力做功之和始终为负而不可能为零。
3.In this article,careful theoretical analysis has been made in the microscope,the process of the transformation between other form of energy and the kinetic energy of molecules has been studied on the quantitative basis,pointing out the relations between the changing of temperature of gas and work done on it .从微观角度进行了细致的理论分析,深入探讨了外界其他形式的能量与气体分子动能之间相互转化的定量关系,揭示了对气体做功与气体温度变化之间的内在联系。

1.The capacity to do work is called energy.做功的本领叫做能。
2.For a machine to do work, we must do work on the machine.为了机器能做功,我们必须对它做功
3.He must do his homework everyday.他每天必须做功课。
4.The boy drags his feet in doing school work.这男孩做功课拖拖拉拉。
5.I got him to do homework.我说服他去做功课。
6.Bob was up to his chin in homework.鲍勃在埋头做功课。
7.The children be do their homework at the dining room table .孩子们在餐桌上做功课。
8.Let us proceed with our lesson.我们开始做功课 [上课] 吧!。
9.Electric charges work when they move.当电荷运动时,就做功
10.All the children fight shy of lessons.孩子们都不愿做功课。
11.Joe paired up with Charlie to work on the lesson.乔和查理配对做功课。
12.students toiling over their homework辛辛苦苦做功课的学生
13.Work is done on the device and simultaneously Work is done by the device.对这种机械做功的同时,机械也对外界做功
14.Mother went on cooking, I went on with my schoolwork.妈继续做饭,我继续做功课。
15.By power we mean the rate of doing work.我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
16."A machine that can do a great deal of work in a short time is called a high-powered machine. Power is the rate, or speed, at which work is done."在短时间内做大量功的机器叫做高效率机械。功率表示做功的效率和速率。
17.Make a poor fist of sth.做得成功[不成功]
18.You haven't been doing too much homework.你根本没有做多少功课。

do work做功
1.The feature that total electramagnetic force do no work forever but its component do work is further understood after discussing the work of electromagnetic component forces f1 and f2 .本文通过对磁场力F(洛仑兹力的一部分)的两个分力f1、f2 做功的讨论 ,进一步认识总的磁场力永远不做功及其分力做功的特征 ,即其分力做功只在实现能量转化中起传递作用 ,而没有直接使磁场能量发生转化 ,另外也说明了做功的相对
3)power capability做功能力
1.In order to evaluate energy parameters of propellant accurately and impersonally, thermodynamic parameters of different propellant formulations were computed by potential energy method, and the correlations between the thermodynamic parameters and expanding power capability of propellant combustion gas in barrel weapon were researched.为了更加准确和客观地评价发射药的能量参数,采用内能法计算了不同组分发射药配方的热力学参数,研究了发射药燃烧气体在身管武器中的膨胀做功能力与热力学参数的相互关系。
4)work of breathing呼吸做功
1.Objective: In order to provide scientific evidence to guide the proper setting of pressure support levels in non-invasive ventilation (NIPPV), the change of work of breathing (WOB) after different levels of pressure support was investigated in COPD patients.目的:观察无创正压通气(NIPPV)不同压力水平对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性发作期患者呼吸做功的影响。
2.Objective: In order to provide scientific evidence to guide the proper setting of pressure support levels in non invasive ventilation (NIPPV),the change of work of breathing (WOB) after different levels of pressure support was investigated in normal volunteers.目的 :观察无创正压通气 (NIPPV)不同压力水平对正常人呼吸做功的影响 ,为临床合理地应用NIPPV提供理论依据。
1.Objective To study and select those medicine which could improve immigrants cardiac index and work-efficiency at high altitude.目的 研究筛选改善高原移居青年心功能提高做功效率的药物。
6)work of magnetic force磁力做功
1.According to the work of magnetic force,the relationship between induction electro motive force and the energy change in magnetic field is analysed.根据磁力做功的特点 ,通过对感应电动势与磁场能量变化关系的分析 ,得出磁力做功是磁场能量改变的量度、电磁感应现象是能量转换的过程的结
2.According to the characters of the work of magnetic force,the concept of potential energy can be brought in the non conservative system-magnetic field.根据磁力做功的特点 ,在非保守场———磁场中也可以引入势能的概念 。

做功1.戏曲表演中的动作和表情。 2.物理学称用力使物体朝和作用力相同的方向运动为做功。