Lutzky守恒量,Lutzky conserved quantity
1)Lutzky conserved quantityLutzky守恒量
1.The Noether conserved quantity, the Hojman conserved quantity and the Lutzky conserved quantity deduced by the Lie-form invariance are obtained.研究完整力学系统Lie-形式不变性的定义与判据,给出由Lie-形式不变性导出的Noether守恒量,Hojman守恒量和Lutzky守恒量
2.The relation between the conformal invariance and Lie symmetry was discussed,and the sufficient and necessary condition that the infinitesimal transformation corresponding to Lie symmetry is conformal invariant was given,and Lutzky conserved quantity led directly by the conformal invariance of the systems was obtained.给出了一般完整力学系统的共形不变性的定义和确定方程;研究了系统的Noether对称性与共形不变性之间的关系,研究表明,当Noether对称变换的生成元和非势广义力满足一定条件时,变换也是共形不变的,给出了相应的共形因子表达式,得到了一般完整力学系统的共形不变性直接导致的Noether守恒量;研究了系统的Lie对称性与共形不变性之间的关系,给出了与Lie对称性相应的无限小变换共形不变的充分必要条件,得到了一般完整力学系统的共形不变性直接导致的Lutzky守恒量
2)Conservation of energy能量守恒
1.A new idea of wellbore stability employing the conservation of energy was suggested in this paper.提出了利用能量守恒原理分析井壁稳定的新观点,该观点能够解释通常室内实验破坏机理和现场遇到的大多数问题,并得到了许多现场实例的验证。
2.This method uses the law of conservation of energy,adopts the method of sectioning and the cam profile is designed according to the outputted speed curve.该方法应用能量守恒定律,采用分段的方法,按输出的速度曲线设计凸轮廓线。

1.conservation and conversion of energy能量守恒和转换定律
2.Under these conditions the conservation of energy is equivalent to the conservation of mass.在这种条件下,能量守恒和质量守恒是相等的。 of conservation and convertion of energy能量守恒及能量转换定律
4.Olving Problems with Conversation of Energy and Enhancing the Comprehensive Analytical Ability;应用能量守恒解题,提高综合分析能力
5.The conservation of energy is also utilized in the interpretation of spectroscopy.能量守恒定律还用于光谱分析。
6.Invariance under translation in time leads to conservation of energy.在时间平移下的不变性导致能量守恒
7.This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。
8.The law of conservation of energy also takes a simple form.能量守恒定律也获得简单的形式。
9.Any interchange will be governed by the conservation of energy.任何交换过程都要服从能量守恒
10.The Global Distributed Solution of Boltzmann Equation and Energy Conservation;Boltzmann方程的分布解与能量守恒
11.Financial Accounting and Conservation of Energy and Transformed Law;财务会计中的“能量守恒和转化定律”
12.Kinetic analysis of flexible threshing under law of conservation of energy基于能量守恒的柔性脱粒动力学分析
13.Conservation of energy is that energy can't be made or destroyed, it can only be transformed.能量守恒意即能量既不能创造,也不能消灭,只能转化。
14.The idea that energy is conserved is the first law of thermodynamics.能量守恒这一概念是热力学的第一定律。
15.Let's now examine this same feature within the context of energy conservation.现在我们从能量守恒的角度来考察这同一特性。
16.The universality of the law of conservation of energy was not generally accepted until 1847.能量守恒定律的普适性直到1847年才得到公认。
17.laws of conservation of energy and momentum能量和动量守恒定律

Conservation of energy能量守恒
1.A new idea of wellbore stability employing the conservation of energy was suggested in this paper.提出了利用能量守恒原理分析井壁稳定的新观点,该观点能够解释通常室内实验破坏机理和现场遇到的大多数问题,并得到了许多现场实例的验证。
2.This method uses the law of conservation of energy,adopts the method of sectioning and the cam profile is designed according to the outputted speed curve.该方法应用能量守恒定律,采用分段的方法,按输出的速度曲线设计凸轮廓线。
3)conversation of energy能量守恒
1.By taking advantages of the continuous finite element methods for ordinary differential equations,the m order finite element methods for linear Hamiltonian systems are proved to hold as well as conversation of energy.利用常微分方程的连续有限元法证明了m次连续有限元算法能保持哈密尔顿系统的能量守恒。
2.According to the law of conversation of energy,the change of the average of the DC capacitor voltage can supply the real power flow information.根据能量守恒原理,电力有源滤波器的直流电容平均电压的变化能够反映系统主电流变化的趋势,据此可提出一种基于自适应逆控制的电力有源滤波器。
3.This paper argues that the problems should be understood,analyzed and solved with conversation of energy.用能量守恒观点认识问题、分析问题、解决问题。
4)energy conservation能量守恒
1.CHAMP Gravity field recovery based on the improved energy conservation approach;基于改进的能量守恒方法恢复CHAMP重力场模型
2.Improvement of Bottom Boundary Condition Expressions in 3D PE on the principle of energy conservation;三维抛物方程方法中海底边界条件改进处理的能量守恒方法
5)mass conservation质量守恒
1.A one-dimension flux model for the secondary settling tank based on the mass conservation;基于质量守恒的二沉池一维通量模型
2.Based on the mass conservation law,this paper introduces a simple and feasible method for measuring hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic concentration in soil water,which can avoid directly extracting soil water.探讨一种简易可行的基于质量守恒原理的土壤水中氢氧稳定同位素测定方法,可避免直接提取土壤水,实验装置简单,费用低,适用于土壤含水量较高和结晶化合物含量低的土壤。
3.A tracer dilution physical model of measuring seepage velocity was reestablished according to tracer mass conservation,and a new formula of calculating the horizontal seepage velocity was given by infinitesimal method which modified the generalized dilution formula.针对前人计算公式受诸多条件限制或存在不足之处,根据示踪剂质量守恒原理重新建立了示踪稀释物理模型,利用微元法推导了含水层水平流速计算新公式,修正了广义稀释定理,讨论了新公式与传统公式的内在联系,给出了实测数据的处理方法。
6)quality conservation质量守恒
1.But the trace quality conservation is used to solve the problem.本文试图从示踪剂质量守恒的角度建立新的广义示踪稀释物理模型中关于水平流速的计算方法,并建立相应的程序的关键部算法。

守恒与不守恒  物质系统的特定属性在变化过程中所表现出来的不变性和可变性,也是自然界同一性和差异性的一种表现。    自然界的物质和运动既不可能创造,也不可能消灭。这是人们在长期实践活动中所形成的一种唯物主义信念。但是在每一具体的自然过程中,物质和运动又总是千变万化的,只是在一定条件下才具有某种不变的、同一的方面或属性。因此,一切客观过程都是不守恒和守恒的统一。自然科学的各种守恒定律,是从物质或运动的某些具体方面、属性定量地描述这种不变性和同一性。守恒定律大体上可以分为两种不同的类型,一种是物质的守恒,如质量守恒、电荷守恒、各种粒子数守恒等;另一种是运动的守恒,如动量守恒、能量守恒、角动量守恒等。其中质量守恒定律和能量守恒定律在哲学上分别被认为物质不灭和运动不灭的佐证,因而对驱除超自然力的幻想、建立辩证唯物主义自然观,曾经起过积极的作用。    任何守恒定律所描述的都是封闭系统,它们暂时撇开同外界的复杂的相互作用,暂时撇开质的可变性,而只限于某一种不变属性的量的变化。因此,守恒定律总是自然过程的某种简化和理想化。它们都是有条件的、相对的,只是人类对自然过程认识的一个部分、一个阶段。随着人的认识的发展,守恒定律的作用范围及其在科学系统中的地位也会跟着变化,有的扩大了适用范围,有的找到了适用的界限,成为更普遍的守恒定律的组成部分。所以,物理学研究总是不断追求着具有更高普遍性的守恒定律。例如,相对论表明,质量和能量并不是分别独立守恒的量,它们互相依存、联合守恒,形成更普遍的质量-能量守恒定律。再如, 基本粒子理论从宇称(P)守恒,进到普遍的CP(C-粒子正反变换)守恒,再进到更加普遍的CPT(T-时间反演)守恒,标志着它们的普遍性程度的不断提高。