落球法,falling ball method
1)falling ball method落球法
1.The viscosity coefficients of different sludges at different distances from a mechnic vibrating spear were measured by using the falling ball method,and the viscosity coefficients were com- pared with each other to get the influence range of sludge liquefaction.主要介绍了落球法测量淤泥粘滞系数的实验,对不同性质的淤泥分别进行实验,根据距离振动棒不同位置的小球的沉降速度求出相应位置的粘滞系数,并将其进行比较,获得液化影响范围。
2.This paper focuses on a study which begins with monotube falling ball method to collect data on the changes of castor oil viscosity with temperature.从单管落球法出发,以测出蓖麻油粘度随温度变化的大量实验数据为基础,采用SPSS统计软件中线性回归与曲线拟合的方法,选择最佳统计模型,找到了两者之间的实验曲线及拟合方程。
3.The method and principle of demonstrating uniform rectilinear motion by falling ball method were introduced.介绍了用落球法演示匀速直线运动的方法、原

1.Improvement of Measuring Liquid Viscousity Coefficient Experiment by Using Falling-ball Method;落球法测定液体粘滞系数实验的改进
2.The operating skills in determination the viscosity coefficient of liquid by falling-sphere method落球法测定液体粘滞系数实验设备的操作技巧
3.Application of Falling Ball Method in Testing the Impact Property of Thermoset Molding Composite落球法测热固性模塑料冲击性能的研究
4.Discuss the Problems in the Experiment during which Viscosity Coefficient of Liquid is measured by Method of Falling Ball落球法测量液体粘滞系数实验中问题的讨论
5.Time needed for reaching constant speed when measuring liquid viscosity using falling-ball method探究落球法测液体黏度实验中小球达匀速运动所需的时间
6.The Method of Drawing the Landing Area of Shot and Discus and Its Calculation;铅球、铁饼落地区的一种画法和计算
7.The Experimental Study on Training Method of 12 Areas Placement in Table-tennise;乒乓球12区落点训练法的实验研究
8.A method of starting play in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games in which an official drops the puck or ball between two opposing players who contend for its control.开球在冰球、曲棍球和其它的比赛中开赛的一种方法,一个官员将冰球落在两个争球的对手之间
9.The ball landed on number 21.球落在了21号上。
10.kicking in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground.在球未落地以前让足球从手或脚落下的踢球。
11.A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.界外球网球比赛中落入球场外的发球或回球
12.dropping the ball (in baseball or football).使球落下(在篮球或足球中)。
13.A net ball is when the ball hits the net,but doesn't go over it.落网球就是发球时球触网而没过网。
14.(football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground.(足球)在球落地前用脚踢中球的人。
15.Los Angeles Galaxy美国落杉矶群星队(足球)
16.That's their fifth net-ball.那是他们第五个落网球。
17.up and down glass ball system上抛和下落玻璃球系统
18.The balloon burst and fell to earth.气球炸了,落到地上。

method of dropping spherule落球法
1.Stud y on the key factors influencing the method of dropping spherule for measuring the coefficiency of viscosity;影响落球法测液体粘度的主要因素的研究
2.Determination of starting time in method of dropping spherule for measuring the coefficient of viscosity;用落球法测液体粘度计时起点的确定
3)falling-ball method落球法
1.Time needed for reaching constant speed when measuring liquid viscosity using falling-ball method探究落球法测液体黏度实验中小球达匀速运动所需的时间
2.Based on summary of evaluation methods for fabric adaptability,a specialized experimental method-falling-ball method for evaluating fabric shape-adaptability is presented and it is different from draping method.在对织物适形性评价方法进行概述的基础上,提出了专门用于评价织物适形能力的试验方法——落球法
1.a Using Instrument to Measure the Liquid Viscosity Coefficient a CCD by Falling Ball;CCD落球法液体粘滞系数测定仪
5)falling balls with many pipes多管落球法
1.Research on measurement of viscosity of liquid using falling balls with many pipes;多管落球法测液体粘度实验的研究
2.This article got the original experiment data by falling balls with many pipes, then dispose of the data by laest square method, got the coefficient of viscosity in the boundless liquid, compared with the result gain by direct graphic method.本文用多管落球法测得原始实验数据,运用最小二乘法进行处理,求得无限广延液体粘滞系数,并与直接作图法进行比较。
6)ball impact test落球法冲击试验

可降解淀粉微球和生物降解白蛋白微球阻滞法可降解淀粉微球和生物降解白蛋白微球阻滞法 介入放射学技术。介入性局部化疗之前,把二者注入靶动脉,可暂时减少动脉血流,再行化疗药物灌注,以减少血液冲刷,保持局部化疗药物浓度的技术。与其他中期和长期栓塞微球不同,DSM和BAM仅造成数十分钟的血流量减少,待其被降解后血流可恢复至以前水平。