1.Sentiment that cannot be dispelled by anything: decoding the sentimental mood in Li Qingzhao s ci;无计消除的情思——解读李清照词中的“感伤”意绪
2.Personal factor of Li Hes poetic sentimental coloring formation;李贺诗歌感伤色彩形成的人格因素
3.As a whole they have all manifested one kind of sentiment.总体上都体现了一种感伤的情调。

1.given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality.惯于感伤的或以感情、感伤为特征。
2.Sentimental or tender emotion.感伤的或脆弱的情感
3.written by and for - bies伤感者为伤感者而写的
4.Eleanor looked sorrowful."埃莉诺有些伤感,
5.Torch songs always make me feel sad .伤感的流行歌曲总让我感到悲伤。
6.It is to talk about money previously pained, now is not to talk pained.以前是谈钱伤感情,现在是不谈伤感情。
7.He felt that he was wounded in self esteem.他感到自尊心受了损伤。
8.The bad cold had undermined her health.重感冒损伤了她的健康。
9.sear a wound to prevent infection烧灼伤口以防感染.
10.There is no sovereign remedy for colds.伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。
11.Smart under an injustice因受委屈而感到伤心
12.Her sensiBilities are wounded.她的情感受到了伤害。
13.I repent having offended my sister.我后悔伤了姊姊的感情。
14.I am regretful for hurting her feelings.我后悔伤害了她的感情。
15.Be careful not to hurt her feelings.小心别伤了她的感情。
16."Inevitably, the Lady Dowager was most painfully affected."不免贾母又伤感起来
17.hurt(sb's feelings,reputation,etc)伤 (某人的感情、名誉等)
18.a sloppy, sentimental love story伤情感心的爱情小说.

1.His poems possessed harmonious beauty: in expression, he described that fallen era in sorrow tone;in artistic form,he applied imagination,scene setting and literary quotations;in the harmony of sentimental content and expressing form,he shaped his style with delicate words and beautiful senten.韦庄诗具有和谐之美,具体表现在情感内容上的和谐,即以"衰调写衰代";艺术形式上的和谐主要包括意象运用、情景处理和典故运用以及情感内容与表现形式的和谐,即以清词丽句来写感伤之情,并形成清丽的风格。
2.The love poems which he composed, with its deep and sentimental lyrical hidden information, distinct artistic characteristics, such as pondering and image with very skillful novelty of the philosophic theory in life, have shown his unique artistic individual character as China s most outstanding lyrical poet .诗人谱写的爱情诗以其深沉感伤的抒情底蕴、对人生哲理性的沉思和新颖奇巧的意象等鲜明的艺术特色,彰显了“中国最为杰出的抒情诗人”独特的艺术个性。
3.He depicts a sentimental miserable and constrained childres world from his unique childres perspective, which, to some extent, is related to the experience in his childhood.他以独特的儿童视角绘制出一方感伤、悲悯和 压抑的儿童天地,这在某种程度上与他的童年经验有关系。
1.The spiritual orientation of the sentimentality was the manifestation of a modernist awareness, and the formation of its sentimental themes was the result of many forces joined.感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。
2.We can learn the main imageries of the poem are flowers and dream, and the main theme is the sentimentality of an attractive concubine to come and leave promptly.从《花非花》这首诗的语言意象及其构思特征入手,结合诗人生平作品进行研究,可以得出该诗关键意象是花和梦,主题是感伤美人如花来去匆匆。
3.From the perspective of emotional colouring, sentimentality sets an unchanging tone for the Socie.创造社的流派特色是一个系统 ,至少有以下方面构成 :从创作方法上讲 ,它是现实主义、浪漫主义、现代主义的交叉渗透 ;从思想特征上讲 ,创新求新是其生生不息的思想命脉 ;从心态特征上讲 ,激情焕发的青春型心态是其情感指向 ;从情绪色彩上讲 ,感伤是其挥之不去的情绪基调 ;从表现方式上讲 ,主观抒情、自我表现是其不变的艺术追求。
1.The grace of sad——On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan;感伤的优美——曹文轩新古典主义风格论
2.The political struggle engaged in internal strife in Northern Song Dynasty,the destiny degraded in rank, banishing, far apart the relative s agony , the ones that lived alone are lonely, impel Qin Guan s Ci-poem to show the decpand dense and compl icatcd sad feeling.北宋新旧党争的倾轧,迁谪、流放的命运,远隔亲人的痛苦,独居孤馆的幽闭,促使秦观的词作中 流露出深浓复杂的感伤之情。
1.From Enthusiastic Imagination to Distant Sorrow;从激情的想象到疏离的感伤
2.However,his sense of sorrowis the most touching point.然而最让人动情的还是他落叶哀蝉、寒蛩悲鸣般感伤的情调。
3.This paper analyzes Yan Jidao and his Xiao Shan Ci from the three aspects of sorrowful tone, the writer s relationship with singing girls and the dream-alcohol in his Ci respectively.本文从晏几道词中的感伤情调、晏几道与歌妓、晏几道词中的梦与酒三个方面对晏几道及其《小山词》进行了分析。
1.The sentimental ci and the moved ci have the different emotion expression and transmit the dif- ferent aesthetic feelings because of the poets disposition characteristic.伤感情调的词与感伤情调的词因作者的性格特点而有着不同的情感表达倾向,给人以不同的审美感受。
