1.Duality of Postcoloniality of Conrad;康拉德后殖民意识的双重性
2.On the Duality in V.S.Naipaul s Novels a Postcolonial Analysis of a House for MR.Biswas;论奈保尔小说中的双重性
3.The advantages of Chinese characters application on modern mark design were analyzed and the ways to make use of Chinese characters duality were discussed.本研究重点分析了汉字在现代标志设计中的优势体现,并就如何使用汉字的双重性进行标志设计作了深入的论述。

1.Dual Natures of Collision Regulations避碰规则的双重性
2.Ambivalence-Dual Characters-Double-discourse--See the Logic Permeation in the Theory of Carnival and Dialogue from Bakhtin s Dual Characters Theory;双重性—双重人格—双声语——从巴赫金的双重人格论看狂欢与对话理论的逻辑贯通
3.Duchamp's Nude Ladies,Sexual Organs and "Morbid" Double Aesthetic Standards杜桑的裸女、性器官与"病态"双重性审美
4.The Duality of Hearthcliff in Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》中希思克厉夫性格的双重性
5.Quit thinking like a schizophrenic.别象双重性格的人那样胡思乱想了。
6.The Manifold Doubleness in under Western Eyes;《在西方的注视下》中的多种双重性
7.An Analysis of the Duality of "Rabbit" Harry s Personality From Freudian Theory of "Structure of Psyche";《兔子,快跑》中“兔子”形象的双重性解读
8.How to Understand the Theory of Educative Power;“教育权力”作用的双重性及其消解
9.On the Duality of Chinese Immigrants in The Joy Luck Club;《喜福会》中移民身份的双重性(英文)
10.The Doublenesses of Trauma,Love and Community in Beloved;论《宠儿》中“创伤”、“爱”和“社群”的双重性
11.People born under the sign of Gemini have two sides.双子座的人有双重个性。
12.Of a mixed or twofold nature.混合特性的,双重特性的
13.The Culture and the Nature:the Characters of Children s Play;文化与天性——儿童游戏性质的双重规定
14.Academic independence: a double appeal of modernity and nationality;学术独立:现代性与民族性的双重吁求
15.Thoughts about Dual Attributes of Constitution--Concurrently Discussing its Significances;关于宪法双重属性的思考——兼论宪法双重属性的意义
16.The Double Variation of the Sense of Populace and Gentry Mood--The Analysis of Dickens A Tale of Two Cities;平民意识和绅士情结的双重变奏——狄更斯《双城记》倾向性的二重性
17.Double attributes and guides of health enterprise in health reform and development;卫生改革与发展中卫生事业的双重属性与双重导向
18.Models of Bistability in Chemical Reaction Networks.化学反应网路中的双重恒定性模型。

1.Probe Repeatedly on Confucius Dualism Ideas of Teaching;孔子双重性教学思想寻绎
2.The dualism and its rectification of concentrating network teaching on campus;集结式校园网络教学的双重性及其矫正
3.Dualism of Bakhtin s Fiction Theory;巴赫金小说哲学的双重性
1.But many peoples? opinions are not same,they discuss the theme usually around intangibility,doubleness,exclusiveness,temporality,territoriality and affirmation.我国立法将知识产权确定为一种特殊的民事权利,不过,法学界仍然存在不同意见,通常围绕知识产权的无形性、双重性、专有性、时间性、地域性和授予性发表各自观点。
2.They carry their own semantic characteristics which are different from those of any other rhetoric,among which the main ones are: doubleness,aestheticness,playfulnes其语义特征主要有双重性、审美性和游戏性。
1.The clear performance of this kind of ambivalence is dual characters in the person image of Dostoevsky s works,and the dialogue between these images constitute a double-discourse,so carnival dialogue——the key Category in the discourse of Bakhtin s poetics and philosophy theory could be permeated finally.陀思妥耶夫斯基小说体裁的文化基础,是欧洲古老的狂欢节及其所代表的民间文化传统,而狂欢的基本精神是双重性
2.Bakhtin’s expression on carnival emphasized its ambivalence, on dialogue, the overtone of dialogue.巴赫金关于狂欢的阐述强调其双重性意义,关于对话的阐述则强调“对话的泛音”,文章认为,狂欢广场上不绝于耳的喧嚣实际上也就是话语间无所不在的对话的泛音。
3.While explaining and analyzing grotesque realism,Bakhtin expatiated on the ambivalence of weird realism in manyaspects,with a narration of the combination of affirmations and negation,subversion and regeneration.在对怪诞现实主义的理论阐释和分析的过程中,巴赫金在很多方面都论述到怪诞现实主义肯定和否定共在,颠覆性和再生性并存这一双重性
5)dual nature双重性
1.On the dual nature of "closed-door policy"in the Qing Dynasty;试论清朝“闭关政策”的双重性
2.Ligou s Buddhism outlook involves the dual nature: the exclusion of Buddhism and the agreement on it.李觏佛教观具有双重性,既有排佛的一面,也有容佛的一面。
3.This paper analyzes three aspects that should be considered in the functional transformation of the government at the county level: the dual nature of the transformation; the relationship between the transformation and the reform of the organizational structure; the functional orientation of the government at the county level .县级市政府职能转变应该注意三个问题:县级市政府职能转变的双重性问题;县级市政府职能转变与机构改革的问题;县级市政府功能定位的市场化取向问题。
6)double modification双重改性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-