1.The Theoretical Origin of the Development of the Modern Public Administration——To Commemorate Wilson s "The Study of Administration" 120 Anniversary;现代行政学发展的理论之源——纪念威尔逊《行政学研究》发表一百二十周年
2.Further Text Study on Wilson s thoughts of Public Administrative Science;威尔逊的行政学思想:一个文本学视角之再考察
3.Wilson s "idealism" and the United States Sent Army to Siberia;威尔逊的“理想主义”与美国出兵西伯利亚

1.Please come in, Mr. Wilson.请进,威尔逊先生。
2.Mr Wilson has cast his skin.威尔逊先生返老还童啦。
3.magnetic cloud chamber带磁场的威尔逊云室
4.wilson's renormalization group transformation威尔逊重正化变换群
5.Wilson's been attentive.威尔逊很会关照人。
6.Welsh Figure Preference Test威尔逊图形偏好测验
7.Wilson stared and nodded.威尔逊瞪着眼点点头。
8.John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.约翰极为感激威尔逊
9.She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.她对威尔逊无比感激。
10.Good afternoon, Ms. Wilson!威尔逊老师,下午好!
11.MARTIN WELLS turns to JANET WILSON.(马丁威尔斯对这詹妮特威尔逊。)
12.the first Labor Secretary was William B. Wilson who was appointed by President Wilson.第一任劳力部长是威廉姆威尔逊,他是被威尔逊任命。
13.The Split of Personality:A Study of Self in William Wilson;人格的裂变——解析威廉·威尔逊的“自我”
14.Billson and Wilson turned and stared at each other.比尔逊和威尔逊各自转过脸来,四目相对。
15.Mr Wilson had too much of an eye for the main chance.威尔逊先生太唯利是图了。
16.cried good old Mr. Wilson.好心肠的威尔逊老先生叫道。
17.cried good Mr. Wilson.好心肠的威尔逊先生叫道。
18.It's nice to meet you. Mr. Wilson.很高兴见到你,威尔逊先生。

Woodrow Wilson威尔逊
1.From the Point of National Self-Determination to Study Mexico Policy of Woodrow Wilson;从民族自决角度看威尔逊的墨西哥政策
2.Woodrow Wilson and the Question of Philippinization;威尔逊与菲律宾的“菲化”
3.Woodrow Wilson s National Self-determination and Siberia Expedition;威尔逊民族自决与西伯利亚远征
3)Wilson loop威尔逊圈
4)Wilson plot威尔逊法
5)Wilson line威尔逊线
6)Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856~1924)威尔逊,T.W.
