1.Peaceful Evolution Policy of Kennedy Government to China and the Chinese Response: Centering on Human Rights Diplomacy;肯尼迪政府对华和平演变政策及中国的反应——以人权外交为中心
2.On the Balance of Payments Deficit Adjustment Policy of Kennedy Administration;肯尼迪政府调节国际收支逆差的政策
3.Clairvoyance of the Essence of Bush s "Democratization" in Mid-east by Kennedy s "Modernization";从肯尼迪“现代化”透视布什中东“民主化”的本质

1.Kennedy is Kennedy; Johnson is Johnson.肯尼迪就是肯尼迪,约翰逊就是约翰逊。
2.A Woman Named Jackie欲海浮沉:肯尼迪夫人传
3.True enough, as President John F. Kennedy once said,诚如肯尼迪总统所言:
4.Kennedy tossed them aside.肯尼迪把它们扔在一边。
5.during the Kennedy Administration在肯尼迪总统任期内
7.Kennedy Round of (Tariff) Negotiations肯尼迪回合关税谈判
8.Kennedy took another view.肯尼迪却持有不同观点。
9.And you are wrong about Ms. Kennedy.你误会肯尼迪太太了,
10.---Eeward Kkennedy. American Politician——美国政治家肯尼迪.e.。
11.For example, "Senator Edward Kennedy would be addressed as "Senator Kennedy."例如,参议员爱德华-肯尼迪,应称为“肯尼迪参议员”。
12.Kennedy Ripples: A Woman And the Assassination of J. F. K肯尼迪事件的余波:一个教父、一个女人和谋杀肯尼迪
13.36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).第36届美国总统;被选为副总统并当肯尼迪遇刺后继任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。
14.He loved John F. Kennedy and especially the idea of the Peace Corps.他热爱并且崇拜约翰·肯尼迪,尤其推崇肯尼迪的和平队计划。
15.Like Kennedy, Hrushchev was unyielding on his basic position.同肯尼迪一样,赫鲁晓夫不肯放弃自己的基本立
16.During his visit he met President Kennedy in the White House.其间,他在白宫见到肯尼迪总统。
17.Kennedy was the youngest man elected President;肯尼迪是美国最年轻的总统.
18.This was not an argument likely to move Kennedy.这种说法是不大可能打动肯尼迪的。

John F. Kennedy肯尼迪
1.A Critique of Two Versions of John F. Kennedy s Inaugural Address: A Comparative Approach;比较肯尼迪就职演说词的两种中译文
3)Cape Kennedy肯尼迪角
4)John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917~1963)肯尼迪,J.F.
5)Kennedy Administration肯尼迪政府
1.A Brief Study on the Kennedy Administration s Covert Action against Cuba;简论肯尼迪政府对古巴的隐蔽行动计划
2.On the Reasons for Kennedy Administration Approving England Entering into EEC;肯尼迪政府支持英国加入欧共体原因探析
3.Review of the Kennedy Administration’s Economic Assistance for Africa;肯尼迪政府对非洲的经济援助评析
6)Kennedy government肯尼迪政府
