1.Speech at the Founding Conference of National Lao Tsu s Taoism Culture Research Seminar;在全国老子道学文化研究会成立大会上的讲话
2.Formation and contribution to Confucianism of various schools on Taoism in Song dynasty;两宋道学各学派的形成及其对儒学的贡献
3.It is pointed out that the thoughts of Wudang martial arts are closely related with Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism,which are integrated together and forms the thought of the Wudang martial arts.笔者认为,武当武术的思想渊源既与本土的儒学和道学密切相关,也与外来的佛学不无干系。

1.rocker ballistics火箭[导弹]弹道学
2.Applied Ballistics Department应用弹道学部[英]
3.The Way,Law of Nature,and the Vehicle of the Confucian Ideas;道、原道、载道——“道”范畴美学释义
4.The Mechanics Analysis of Continuous Bed Slab of Ballastless Track of Switch;道岔区无碴轨道连续道床板力学分析
5.On Taoism;品“道”——“道”的虚无性和“道”哲学的功利性
6.Morals of Non-Moralism-- Philosophical Study of Nietzsche Morality;非道德主义的道德——尼采道德哲学研究
7.Pondering on the 2 Plus 1 Model of Ideological and Moral Ability ;体道·悟道·得道——《思想道德修养》“2+1”教学模式探讨
8.“To Meditate the Dao is Possible, Yet to Articulate it Impossible” --A Philosophic Approach to Appreciating Literary Texts;“道可道,非常道”——文学文本阅读之哲学反思
9.And I know you do well in maths.我知道你数学学得好。
10.China's Traditional Martial Arts Imperial College and China's Traditional Chinese Literature Imperial College are established.中国武道太学和中国书道太学成立
11.Moral Characteristic of Academic Profession and Academic Moral Construction;学术职业的道德特征与学术道德建设
12.Gathers With Taoism--Looks At Taoism Aesthetics By Zhuang-zi Philosophy Of Life;与道合一——由庄子人生哲学看道家美学
13.The Logos of Heaven, Politics & Human;天道·政道·人道——从刘勰、韩愈、章学诚的《原道》的比较中看儒“道”的流变
14.Greg: Karate teacher! I never knew you were into karate.空手道老师!我从来都不知道你在学习空手道。
15.Student:“ I know, I know! At the bottom of the page!学生:"我知道,我知道!是在那页纸的底部!"
16.a philosopher who specializes in morals and moral problems.专门研究道德和道德问题的哲学家。
17.The Influence on Song Lian and His Literatural Creation by Taoism and Taoist;道家道教对宋濂及其文学创作的影响
18.Morality Development in Modern Society and Morality Education of College Students;当代社会道德变迁与大学生道德教育

1.Li zhis Opposition of Pseudo-Neo-Confucianism for the Name of Confucius李贽——务反道学以正孔名
2.Yu Yingshi′s works"The Historical World of Zhi Xi" delivered more detailed historical research regarding the key function of political struggle on the development of Neo-Confucianism and Zhu Xi′s thought.余英时的《朱熹的历史世界》提供了更详细更具史实的研究,说明了政治斗争在朱熹的思想和道学的发展中的关键作用,通过考察朱熹的历史世界,余先生提供了一种替代流行的哲学史研究的新路径,将道学与政治文化联系在一起,对道学家来说,政治文化是比哲学更基础的东西,理解政治文化与党争对于理解朱熹等道学士大夫的思想具有一定的重要意义。
3)Taoists, Taoism And The Theory Of Dao道家·道教·道学
4)Dow Chemistry Method道化学法
1.The Application of Dow Chemistry Method in Safety Evaluation;道化学法在安全评价中的应用
5)interior ballistics内弹道学
1.After clarifying the concept and correlation of several velocities, the existent problems of interior ballistics and development directions of interior ballistics research were brought forward.在澄清若干概念基础上,给出了各速度量之间的确切关系,分析了以往内弹道学的不足,指出了内弹道学研究的努力方向。
2.Based on the classical theory of interior ballistics, the model of this device is built.以某种新型的燃气式活塞弹射机构为研究对象,运用经典内弹道学理论分析了整个弹射过程,建立了弹射机构的数学模型,并对该数学模型进行仿真。
3.On the basis of the lumped physical-mathematical model of interior ballistics given in reference 1,this paper gives a detailed discussion about the conditions leading to the formation of pressure plateau in the combustion chamber of a RLPG,and derives the analytical relationship between the jet area and other parameters under which the pressure plateau can be formed.在文献1建立的RLPG集总参数内弹道学数学物理模型的基础上,对RLPG压力平台产生的条件进行了详细的探讨,推导了满足压力平台的喷孔面积与膛内其它参量之间的解析关系式,编制了计算程序,处理了计算过程中所产生的压力振荡问题,获得了工程设计中实用的产生压力平台的中心杆半径与其行程的变化关系曲线。
6)Daoist culture道学文化
1.As a theory of"life being merged into Dao",Daoist culture regards"life"itself as the embodiment of"Dao".道学文化作为一种"生道合一"的学说,将"生命"本身视为"道"的体现。
