1.The traditional historiography of psychology(THP),in search of objective historical facts,adopts the correspondence theory of truth and considers the natural science model as its paradigm.传统的心理学历史编纂学接受真理的符合论,认为心理学的发展史是一维的和历时的。
2.What is historical thought? Generally, I think it consists of history as literature, historiography and philosophy of history.本书的第一个立论认为,史学思想应包括历史文学、历史编纂学及历史哲学三个主层次,三个主层次下又有史书题材等九个分层次,继此我在相关讨论的基础上对史学思想的内涵进行了界定。
3.The dissertation is attempting to study the post-modern historiography of Hayden White.本文研究怀特的后现代历史编纂学思想,全文的展开集中于这样一条线索:在叙述了20世纪西方史学的学术语境之后,开始梳理怀特的思想,这其中又集中于怀特的“叙事”思想,最后,本文对20世纪西方后现代史学思潮进行了梳理,并比较其功过得失。

1.Studies on the Compilation of Modern History: Principles and Evolutionary Path近代历史编纂学:编纂原则与演进路径
2.About the Methods and Principles of Historiography of Psychology;关于心理学历史编纂学的方法与原则
3.On the Historiography Value of Dianzhi(典志) in Book of Wei(魏书);试论《魏书》典志的历史编纂学价值
4.The Historiographic Achievements of Wang Pu's TANGHUIYAO论王溥《唐会要》的历史编纂学成就
5.On the Thought of Serving Practical Purpose and the Development of Traditional Historiography史学“致用”思想与传统历史编纂学的发展
6.On Composing The Integrity Chinese History--About achievement of Zhou Gu-cheng Chinese General History;周谷城《中国通史》在历史编纂学上的成就
7.On Liu Xie s Historical Compilation Science;刘勰历史编纂学思想刍论——《文心雕龙·史传》读后
8.Historiography of Psychology:Challenges of Postmodernism;心理学的历史编纂学:后现代主义的挑战
9.A Comparison Between Historical Compiling Ideas;刘知几与章学诚历史编纂学思想的比较
10.The Tradition of Making Study Serve Practical Purposes and the Historiography in Qianlong and Jiaqing Period经世致用传统与乾嘉时期的历史编纂学
11.History is Trope:Focusing on White's Narrative Theory of Postmodernist Historiography历史是修辞:怀特后现代主义历史编纂学的叙事理论
12.A Great Milestone-style Work:Book Review on the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia东南亚历史编纂学上的一部里程碑式的巨著——《剑桥东南亚史》述评
13.The Historiography of an Anti-War Novel:Slaughterhouse-Five as a Historiographic Metafiction;反战小说的历史编纂学:作为“史叙元小说”的《五号屠场》
14.Essential Study of Archival Historical Materials Compilation《档案史料编纂学概要》
15.Influence and Limitation of Western Post-Modernist Historical Philosophy on Historiography;西方后现代历史哲学对历史编纂的影响及其局限
16.A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution.史料编纂者尤指由一群人或公众机构指定的历史学家
17.The Assessment of Gu Yanwu s Thought of Historical Compilation Based on Ri Zhi Lu;从《日知录》看顾炎武历史编纂思想
18.The Woman Warrior as Historiographic Metafiction;作为“历史编纂元小说”的《女勇士》

On the Outline of Historic Compilation Science历史编纂学论纲
3)Thoughts of Historiography历史编纂学思想
4)Practice of Historiography历史编纂学实践
1.To the positive and negative influences by post-modernism on historiography,we should reasonably give analysis and criticism.针对后现代主义哲学给历史编纂带来的一些积极和消极的影响,我们理应作出合理的分析和批判。
2.Historical relativism means one kind of the schools in historiography, whichsuspects the objectivity of historical knowledge as characteristic.当然,历史相对主义丰富了历史编纂理论的意蕴,凸显了史学研究的主体性。
6)historiographic metafiction历史编纂元小说
1.A Reading of John Barth s the Sot-Weed Factor as a Historiographic Metafiction;解读约翰·巴斯的历史编纂元小说《烟草经纪人》

《档案文献编纂学》  中国高等学校文科教材。曹喜琛主编,中国人民大学出版社1990年 4月出版。全书设导论和14章,分别叙述档案文献编纂学产生和发展的历史,档案文献编纂工作的内容、意义、性质和基本原则;系统论述编纂选题和档案文献查找、挑选、考订、转录、点校、标题、编排、出版的原则和方法;详细介绍档案文献汇编中注释、按语、序言、凡例等各种辅文的作用及其编制要求、方法。该书体例较为严谨,内容多有创新,体现了档案文献编纂的特点。