1.An Investigation into Xiangyang as the Ancestral Home of Cao Xueqin——On the Modern Promotion of Chinese Aesthetic Culture from the;曹雪芹祖籍襄阳考辨——与冯其庸先生“辽阳曹”说商榷
2.On the Relation between Zhuge Liang s Prominence and Xiangyang Hermit Community;诸葛亮成才与襄阳隐士群体
3.DU Fu s Poems on Xiangyang, and His Memorial Buildings in Xiangyang;清思汉江上 习池有草堂──杜甫与襄阳

1.The Forming & Developing on the Controversy of ZHUGE Caolu between Nanyang & Xiangfan;诸葛草庐南阳襄阳之争的形成和发展
2.Brief Report on Excavation of Maji and Lishidian Tombs in Xiangyang,Hubei;湖北襄阳马集、李食店墓葬发掘简报
3.Correcting the Error about Cao Ren Deserting Fan and Xiangyang City in Jinshu Xuandi Ji;《晋书·宣帝纪》曹仁“焚弃(樊、襄阳)二城”辨误
4.Textual Reseach on the "Levee" Homeplace in the "Levee Song" of Music Bureau on Nan Denasty;南朝乐府《大堤》之“大堤”非襄阳城之大堤
5.DU Fu s Poems on Xiangyang, and His Memorial Buildings in Xiangyang;清思汉江上 习池有草堂──杜甫与襄阳
6.Chunghwa market move" Who in fact is not speculation?襄阳路市场搬迁”不是事实究竟谁在炒作?
7.The Preliminary Analysis of Metal Tools excavated from Tomb M10 from Xiangyang Chenpo Burial Site in Hubei湖北襄阳陈坡M10出土金属器的初步科学分析
8.An Investigation into Xiangyang as the Ancestral Home of Cao Xueqin--On the Modern Promotion of Chinese Aesthetic Culture from the;曹雪芹祖籍襄阳考辨——与冯其庸先生“辽阳曹”说商榷
9.On the Layout of Small Cities and Towns in Central China --Sampling by Xiangyang distric in Nanyang;关于中部区域小城镇布局问题的思考——以南阳襄阳区域为例
10.Soil analysis showed that the two soils in Ezhou and Xiangyang counties were deficient in N, P, K, B and Zn.土壤分析表明鄂州和襄阳两地供试土壤缺乏氮、、、和锌。
11.Factors Affecting Ancient City Wall--A Case Study of Xiangyang Ancient City Wall;影响城墙结构性能的因素及其对策——以襄阳古城墙为例
12.Wei Wan:The poetry style surpasses only authoress who strides "The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies" seven of series thesis;魏玩:词笔超迈女中才——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之七
13.Zhang Ji all one’s life acts to say a summary"The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies"six of series thesis;张继生平行事说略——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之六(上篇)
14.The Meng Haoran thinking of is an official and withdraws from society and lives in solitude The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies five of series thesis;孟浩然的仕与隐——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之五
15.Du ShenYan s Poetry and their impact of over future generations "The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies " four of series thesis;杜审言的诗及其对后世的影响——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之四
16.Wang YanShou and his Fu “The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies ”three of series thesis;王延寿和他的赋——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之三
17.Wang Yi s ChuCiZhangJu Commentary The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies two of series thesis;王逸《楚辞章句》述评——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之二
18.Song Yu authenticity of works Analysis "The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies " one of series thesis;宋玉作品真伪辨析——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之一

Xiangyang Campaign襄阳之战
3)Xiangyang English襄阳英语
1.Currently,due to the prosperous folk foreign trade in Shanghai,especially in Xiangyang Market,Xiangyang English is widely used in the market.如今,得上海尤其是襄阳市场民间贸易兴盛之利,襄阳英语在襄阳市场内得以广泛使用。
4)Xiangyang dialect襄阳方言
1.The differences mainly lie in the following aspects: Xiangyang dialect has the consonant [■] and vowels of [io] and [■].其差异主要表现在:襄阳话中有[■]声母但缺少舌尖后音声母;有io,■韵母;襄阳话的4个声调在调值上与普通话有很大差异;颤音的存在特别是人称代词的儿化现象是襄阳方言的一大特色。
5)xiɑngyɑng xiɑoqu襄阳小曲
6)Flower drum opera of Xiangyang襄阳花鼓戏

襄阳襄阳Xiangyang trebuchet  阿拉币图案刁平衡酉抛石举XiangyQng Pao襄阳袍(xiangyang trebuehet)宋末元初从阿拉伯传人中国的平衡配重式抛石机。因首用于襄阳之战而得名。因其为信奉伊斯兰教的阿拉伯穆斯林所造,故又被边境的战略重镇襄阳和樊城(今湖樊)。两城濒临汉水,靠一座浮桥相通由于宋军顽强坚守,蒙古军长期末城。1271年,忽必烈派使节到阿拉化王阿不哥征召能够制造重型抛石机师,以助攻城。不久,两拉伯穆斯林亦思马因和阿丁应诏举家来到元大都(京)。他们在大都造出数架石饱”,并进行了试放,‘省而所击甚远”。忽必烈l陆观看。以后,这些巨大石机被运抵襄、樊前线1273年正月元军对樊城的中发挥了惊人威力。“机发震天地,所击无不摧陷,入尺”。樊城很快被攻破。二 称为“回回袍”;因元朝视阿拉伯地区为 西域,故亦称之为“西域饱”。 中国古代传统的抛石机,都是在抛射 杆的末端拴系拽索,靠人拉拽索绳而将抛 射杆扬起以抛射石弹。中古阿拉伯人则在 抛射杆末端悬垂一个重物,它通常是一个 填满土、石的大木箱。施放时,先将抛射 杆前端压下,末端随之翘起,用扣发装置 锁住,装好石弹后脱扣,重物下坠,便将 抛射杆前端扬起,遂将石弹抛 射出去。二者都是利用杠杆原 理抛射石弹,属于杠杆抛石机 一类,但动力来源和具体结构一不同,前者为拽索式,后者为一平衡配重式。阿拉伯平衡配重一式抛石机是将拽索式抛石机加一以改进而形成的,约出现于10.世纪前后,并先后传人欧洲和一中国。据《元史》等书记载,一这种抛石机是在宋末元初的襄一阳之战期间传人中国的。1268 年,蒙古军开始进攻南宋北部--一一元军又用这些巨饱猛轰襄件 遭受重创、突围无望的情饭守将吕文焕献城投降。元军终于打开驱直人南宋腹地的门户。在襄阳和樊战成名的这些出自阿拉伯穆斯林之手石机,由此被称为“襄阳袍”、“回回饱 “西域袍”。宋末元初人郑思肖写的史》中对它有较具体的描述,可知其平衡配重式抛石机。 襄阳之战后,亦思马因和阿老瓦他们的子、孙继续为元朝服务。亦思被封为“回回饱手总管”,阿老瓦丁封为“回回饱手军匠上万户府副万户“回回饱手”是元军中的穆斯林抛石木“回回袍手军匠上万户府”可能是由林匠师组成的抛石机制造机构。两人位均为其子、孙承袭。元军渡江南下候,亦思马因之子布伯将抛石机部署岸,轰击宋军水师船舰,“舟悉沉没阿老瓦丁随平章阿里海牙破潭州、静城,史称“悉赖其力”。在此过程“襄阳饱”—平衡配重式抛石机也得到推广。 (钟少:饰酌式襄。破宗技阿瓦北巨力亲抛在攻声七,在,长一抛或心是及因被士久m旧分﹄匕扮牙匕匕刁,﹃,卜左乙二卜“J刁J自{r,曰J,户L”﹄J一、产、J、卞︸,幻乙‘曰州丫11孔嘶职时讹。