1.Evolution and essence of Judaic eschatology犹太教末世论的演变及其本质
2.The core of eschatology was the fallen of objectified theory,and the "end solution" could be regarded as completely overcoming the objectified.客体化的最终克服就在于对客体化终结的理解,末世论的核心就在于将客体化理论为堕落,把终结理解为对客体化的彻底克服。
3.This viewpoint can be called eschatology, which apparently is derived from M.麦金太尔总体上认为当今处于一种“黑暗”的时代 ,需要得到拯救 ,这种思想与海德格尔极其一致 ,被称作“末世论” ,但遭到了福柯 (后期 )严厉的批判。

1.Criticism and Transcendence of Traditional Eschatology--On Bergayaf s eschatological thoughts;传统末世论的批判与超越——论别尔嘉耶夫的末世论思想
2.Eschatology and the Cosmological Time in Spenser s Poetry;“末世论”与斯宾塞诗歌中的宇宙时间观
3.a theologian who specializes in eschatology.专门研究末世学、来世论的神学家。
4.On the Exploration in the Western Regions at the End of 19th Century and in the Early 20th Century;论19世纪末20世纪初期的西域探险
5.On the Merger Movement in American Industry: late 1800s-early 1900s;论19世纪末20世纪初美国公司化运动
6.On the Historiography of Japan in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century试论19世纪末20世纪初的日本史学
7.The Appreciation of the Beautiful and the Appreciation of the Ugly in the Literature at the End of 20th Century;二十世纪末叶文学的审美论与审丑论
8.On Patriciding Consciousness in the Chinese Novel in the End of the 20~(th) Century;论20世纪末中国小说中的“弑父”意识
9.Comments on the Poetry of the South Ming Dynasty;黄钟大吕,末世强音——浅论南明诗
10.Changes on the Performance Appraisal System of American Civil Service in Late 20th Centary;论20世纪末美国文官考核制度的变革
11.Giving Lectures and Discussing Affairs of Government by Donglin School and the Practical Thought in the Late Ming Dynasty;论东林讲学议政与明末经世致用之学
12.Comparison Between the Two Cultural Argumentations at the Beijing and the End of the 20~(th) Century;20世纪始末中国两次文化论争之比较
13.Research on Sino-French Cultural Relation in Late of the 19th Century;19世纪末的中法文化关系述论(1860-1900)
14.On The Revival And The Prosperity of Essays--An End-of-The-Century Recollection of Essays;论散文的复活与辉煌——世纪末散文回忆
15.Meditation at the End of the Century --Comment on Hardy s Darkling Thrush;世纪末的沉思——论哈代《黑暗中的鸫鸟》
16.On the Influence of World-Saving Thoughts upon the Creation of Vernacular Chinese Short Stories in Late-Ming Dynasty论明末救世心理对拟话本创作的影响
17.Systemization of National Debt in Britain from the End of 17th Century to the Beginning of 18th Century17世纪末至18世纪初英国国债制度化论纲
18.On the American Women s Social Reform Activities At the Turn From the 19~(th) Century To the 20~(th) Century;19世纪末20世纪初美国妇女社会改革活动述论

eschatology of technology技术末世论
3)Scientific eschatology科学末世论
4)Biblical eschatology圣经末世论
5)eschatology belief末世论信念
1.Leowith, contemporary Germen thinker,deeply inquisited the theological premise of the rise of the modern philosophy of history,and pointed out that the modern enlightenment historical view arises from the historical theology and eschatology belief of Christianity.德国现代思想家洛维特(Loewith)深度审理了近代历史哲学兴起的神学前提,指出近代启蒙历史观缘起于基督教的历史神学及其末世论信念。
6)Eschatological factors末世论因素

末世【末世】 (术语)浇末之世代也。释迦入灭后五百年为正法时,次一千年为像法时,后万年为末法时。末世者,即末法时也。