1.On the Three Well-known Modern Uprisings in Huizhou;惠州近代三次知名起义析论
2.According to the historical facts,this article deals with the profound experiences and lessons that the uprising of Hui people in Fengxiang left us.本文以事实为依据 ,总结了风翔回民起义的历史教训及给予人们的启示。
3.Subsequently, on the condition of severe lack of ammunition,its hasty uprising ended up with failure.武昌起义后 ,南京成为清廷残留在长江南岸的最后一个反动堡垒。

1.suppress an uprising, a revolt, etc镇压起义、 叛乱等.
2.Now there were "insurgent scholars".这是“起义文人”。
3.quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc镇压叛乱、 反抗、 起义
4.of or relating to or given to insurrection.属于、关于或惯于起义的。
5.The king went down to the rising slaves国王被起义的奴隶推翻。
6.Incoercible rebel leaders.难以强迫的起义首领
7.Unified Leadership of the Intifada起义民族团结领导小组
8.The Liberals raised the standards of revolt in 1912.1912年,自由党人举起义旗。
9.Bulgarian Insurrection of 1944保加利亚1944年起义
10.Site-Memorial of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising南昌八一起义纪念馆
11.Anti-Japanese Armed Uprising of the People in Shandong Province山东人民抗日武装起义
12.Anniversary of the Uprising of the Paris Commune巴黎公社起义纪念日
13.Site of the August1Uprising Headquarters“八一”起义指挥部旧址
14.Site of the Ningdu Uprising Headquarters宁都起义指挥部旧址
15.What happened to Ho Lung after the Nangchang uprising?南昌起义后,贺龙怎样了?
16.The rebels held swords and spears in the hands.起义者手里拿着刀枪。
17.The insurrectionists held out for eight months.起义军坚持了8个月。
18.There was another revolt at Martaban.在马都八又发生了起义

1.The two revolts differed in the source of start,medium of launch,form of political power,degree of social change.广东天地会起义与太平天国起义作为同时代发生的反清起义,存在着显著差异。
2.The boundary area of Sichuan, Hubei, and Shaanxi Provinces was the hottest spot towards the end of Qianlongs rein, when Bailian Cult united the working class of the region and started the revolt in about 1796, which serves a good example of the relationship between religion and peasant revolution.白莲教将川、楚、陕各省大部分劳动人民团结在自己周围 ,发起了嘉庆元年的大起义
4)peasant uprising农民起义
1.Elegy of History——On inevitableness of peasant uprisings failure in Outlaws of the Marsh;历史的悲歌——论《水浒传》农民起义失败的必然性
2.The historial Song Jiang Uprising is the peasant uprising.历史上的宋江起义是农民起义,长篇小说《水浒传》的作者施耐庵、罗贯中思想上很清楚“大闹中原,纵横海内”的梁山泊起义军“雄兵十万”,基本上是由“农夫背上添心号,渔父舟中插认旗”组成的。
5)"September 25th Uprising""9.25"起义
1.On the Influence of the Communist Party of China on the "September 25th Uprising" of Xinjiang;中国共产党对新疆“9.25”起义的影响
6)peasants uprising农民起义
1.The wording of "peasants uprising" was brought up in a given historic period just to meet the then social demand.《水浒传》关于“农民起义”的说法是在特定的历史时期提出来的,那是一个为迎合社会需要、对作品未作深入研究、只是一种无据推理、架空分析的结果,是一张空洞的政治标签,但在新中国成立后几十年的中国学术研究界和古代文学史教材中一直占据着主导地位,时至今日,就连新出版的权威的文学史教材仍然沿袭使用这种口号式的判断,这不仅违背了大学教材要有探索性和创新精神的原则,而且与当前提倡的“和谐社会”的方针也不相谐和。
2.It is worth discussing whether Du Fu was antagonistic to peasants uprising.杜甫“敌视”农民起义的说法 ,值得商榷。
