1.The Foundationship and Historical Function of the Tusi System in Bozhou;播州土司制度的形成和历史作用

1.Stories about Bozhou Battle and Bo Zhou Battle during Wan-li Regime of Ming Dynasty;《征播奏捷传》与万历“播州之役”
2.There were others Bo people live in north and northwest of Bozhou at Shong Dynasty.此外,播州正北及西北宋代犹有其他人支系活动。
3.Study of Costume Bestowing System in the Ming Dynasty;明赐服制初探——以播州宣慰司杨氏的赐服为例
4.The diffusion of Huizhou traditional academic culture is divided into the diffusions within and outside the area.徽州传统学术文化传播分徽州区域内传播和区域外传播两类。
5.The Analysis of the Relation Between the Mass Media and the Ethnic Cultural Communication of the Ethnic Districts of Guizhou论大众传播媒介与贵州民族地区民族文化传播
6."Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television"台州市广播电影电视局(广电局)
7.A Visual Communication Study on the Landscape of Urban Street in Ancient Soochow City;苏州古城区街道景观的视觉传播研究
8.The spread and influence of Xin-Xue in Huizhou in middle and late periods of Ming Dynasty;明代中后期心学在徽州的传播和影响
9.Brand Positioning and Communicational Measure Research of Hangzhou Grand Canal Paragraph杭州段运河品牌定位及传播策略初探
10.Research on the Communication Strategy of Life Quality City Hangzhou杭州“生活品质之城”传播策略研究
11.The Scheme of Building CMMB Project in Wenzhou温州市移动多媒体广播项目建设构想
12.Countermeasure study on Lingnan Wushu Culture Spread during Asian Games in Guangzhou in 2010“广州亚运”期间岭南武术文化传播对策
13.Growth and mortality of the transplant enhanced manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in the Jiaozhou Bay胶州湾移植底播菲律宾蛤仔的生长和死亡特性
14.The Dissemination and Localization of Catholicism in Datong and Shuozhou before 1949;1949年前大同、朔州天主教的传播与本地化
15.Guangzhou Traditional Brand: Analysis of Present Situation and Suggestions for Brand Communication;广州老字号的现状分析和品牌传播策略初探
16.Use of Information Technology in Maize Industry in Xinzhou;信息传播技术在忻州玉米产业中的应用
17.Legal Property Analysis on the TV Transmission Right of Guangzhou Asia Game in 2010;2010年广州亚运会赛事转播权的法律性质分析
18.The Prevalence of Western Religions and the Development of Modern Culture of Qingzhou;西方宗教的传播与青州现代文化的发展

Yaobao in Bo prefecture播州杨保
1.This article simultaneously analyses Bo tribes of Nanping troops is another branch of Yaobao in Bo prefecture, which also disagrees to Prof.本文还论证了宋代南平军人为播州杨保同族之另一分支。
3)the campaign of Bozhou播州之役
4)Bozhou Minority Department播州宣慰司
1.Bozhou Minority Department,which was under control by the Yangs with their ancestors remaining prestige,was located in a remote area.播州宣慰司地处偏僻,杨氏借其列祖余威经略播州,自洪武至万历历经九代,多次受赐服,所赐之服不仅有品官的官服,还有麒麟服、蟒衣、飞鱼服。
5)The Introduction of Broadcast for Quanzhou Dialect泉州话播音刍议
6)An Inquiry of the Tusi Education in Bozhou播州土司教育探析

播州  元代土官管辖的行政区之一。居民主要是苗族。古为夜郎国地,汉属牂柯郡。唐贞观十三年(639)置播州,因境内有播川得名。唐末为土豪杨氏所据。宋大观二年(1108),首领杨光荣、杨文贵各献其地附宋,分别置播州和遵义军。宣和三年(1121)废播州为城,隶南平军;废遵义为砦,隶珍州。嘉熙三年(1239)复设播州安抚司。元至元十二年(1275),元世祖忽必烈下诏招抚。十四年,?畎钕芤圆ブ荨⒄渲荨⒛掀骄亟?,仍置播州安抚司,以杨邦宪为绍庆、珍州、南平等处宣抚司充播州安抚使。杨邦宪卒,子汉英袭职,赐名赛因不花(见杨赛因不花)。二十八年升为播州宣抚司,隶属于四川行省。次年,以赴京取道湖广为便,改隶湖广行省。宣抚司驻地在今贵州遵义市,统辖黄平府、南平綦江、珍州思宁、旧州草塘等十九个长官司和诸垌寨。大致相当今贵州遵义市、瓮安、黄平、凯里、湄潭、余庆、金沙、仁怀、习水、赤水、桐梓、绥阳、正安、道直以及四川綦江等县地区。大德五年(1301),水西蛇节和水东宋隆济因不满元廷征发,联合各部起义,元发思州、播州兵讨伐。七年,擒杀蛇节、宋隆济。杨汉英因功进资德大夫,子孙承袭其职。至正二十三年(1363)附明玉珍,明洪武五年(1372)降明,六年升为播州宣慰司。万历二十八年(1600)平杨应龙,分播州地为二,改设遵义府属四川,平越府属贵州。自唐末杨端据播州始,至万历杨应龙止,凡二十九世,七百余年。