1.An Illustration on the Adopted Ideas of Shuowenjiezi from Weishu;《说文解字》取资纬书
2.The new evidence is the estabishment of Zhengweipian and the discussion on Weishu in it.新的证据就是:《正纬》篇的设立及篇中对纬书的论述。

1.The Defects of Punctuation in Wei Shu Ji Cheng:Yi Wei Tong Gua Yan;《纬书集成·易纬通卦验》断句指瑕
2.Those who had written augury books deified and sacralized Confucius as "son of the Black Emperor", "the black sage", "the civil king" and "the authoritative code maker" of the Han Dynasty.纬书作者们则将孔丘神圣化为“黑帝子”、“玄圣”、“素王”与刘汉王朝的“制法主”。
3.The Legend of Pan Gu's Genesis and Its Culture开天辟地与盘古氏的传说和文化——兼论经纬书与野史中远古纪年的史料价值
4.An Analysis on Whether Zhengwei and Biansao are the Key in The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons《正纬》《辨骚》非《文心雕龙》全书之枢纽辨
5.bias filling, bias weft纬斜,纬不正(织疵)
6.fictitious graticule, theodolite经纬[线]网, 经纬仪
7.The Cause of the Deletion of Poet Zuo Wei in the Annotated Selection of Song Poetry and Something Other:Primary Notes on the Manuscripts of Qian Zhongshu;《宋诗选注》删落左纬之因及其他——初读《钱锺书手稿集》
8.latitudinal extent纬度相距, 纬线跨度
9.Lines of equal latitude are called parallels.相等纬度的连线叫纬圈。
10.parallel of latitude纬度平行圈等纬圈黄纬平行圈
11.celestial paralle赤纬平行圈赤纬圈、赤纬平行圈
12.A Study of "A Critique of the Divination Studies" in Wenxin Diaolong;《正纬》与谶纬——《文心雕龙·正纬》篇辨正
13.During filling insertion a yarn can possibly break or the filling supply package might run out of yarn.在引纬过程中,纬纱可能会断头,纬纱卷装会用
14.A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.经线,纬线,经纬度地图或地球仪上的经纬线或经纬度
15.picking: passing the weft thread, which traverses across the fabric, through the shed引纬运动:将纬纱沿织物横向引过梭口。
16.diagonal straightening roller对角整纬辊(校正对角线纬斜)
17.geodetic parallel大地纬度圈地理纬度平行圈
18.LIU Xie s Attitude to the Divination Studies from his Comment of "A Critique of the Divination Studies" in WenXinDiaoLong;从《文心雕龙·正纬》看刘勰对谶纬的态度

the Collection of the Apocrypha纬书集成
1.the Collection of the Apocrypha)compiled by Japanese scholars Yasui Kōzan and Nakamura Shōhachi and translated from Japanese into Chinese by L Zong-li and LUAN Bao-qun etc.日本学者安居香山、中村璋八辑校整理,中国学者吕宗力、栾保群等译《纬书集成》,是纬书整理研究的一部力作。
3)The Explanation of Words From Weishu(纬书)纬书词语拾诂
4)The Exploration of Historical Data Value of WeiShu论纬书的史料价值

纬书1.汉代依托儒家经义宣扬符箓瑞应占验之书。相对于经书,故称。《易》﹑《书》﹑《诗》﹑《礼》﹑《乐》﹑《春秋》及《孝经》均有纬书,称"七纬"。纬书内容附会人事吉凶,预言治乱兴废,颇多怪诞之谈;但对古代天文﹑历法﹑地理等知识以及神话传说之类,均有所记录和保存。纬书兴于西汉末年,盛行于东汉,南朝宋时开始禁止,及隋禁之愈切。炀帝即位,搜天下书籍与谶纬相涉者皆焚之,其书遂散亡。纬书虽亡失殆尽,但散见于诸经注疏及为其他书籍所征引者不少,后代学者曾加以搜辑。明孙瑴辑有《古微书》,清马国翰有《玉函山房辑佚书》,其所辑纬书名目如下:《易纬》八种:《乾坤凿度》﹑《干凿度》﹑《稽览图》﹑《辨终备》﹑《通卦验》﹑《干元序制记》﹑《是类谋》﹑《坤灵图》。 2.《尚书纬》五种:《璇玑钤》﹑《考灵曜》﹑《刑德放》﹑《帝命验》﹑《运期授》。另有《尚书中候》十八篇。《诗纬》三种:《推度灾》﹑《泛历枢》﹑《含神雾》。《礼纬》三种:《含文嘉》﹑《稽命征》﹑《斗威仪》。《乐纬》三种:《动声仪》﹑《稽曜嘉》﹑《叶图征》。《春秋纬》十四种:《感精符》﹑《文耀钩》﹑《运斗枢》﹑《合诚图》﹑《考异邮》﹑《保干图》﹑《汉含孳》﹑《佐助期》﹑《握诚图》﹑《潜潭巴》﹑《说题辞》﹑《演孔图》﹑《元命苞》﹑《命历序》。另有《春秋内事》。《孝经纬》九种:《援神契》﹑《钩命诀》﹑《中契》﹑《左契》﹑《右契》﹑《内事图》﹑《章句》﹑《雌雄图》﹑《古秘》。