1.A Study of Li De-yu s initial policies in thought and culture in Runzhou——Textual research on the establishment time of Ganlu Temple;略论李德裕初刺润州时思想文化方面的兴废举措——兼再证甘露寺创建时间
2.On the close relationship between Liu yong and Runzhou from the poem,Mishenyin;从《迷神引》看柳永与润州
3.Textual research on eras and stories of Su Shi's twelve visits to Runzhou苏轼12次至润州事迹系年考述

1.CAST Technological Process at Zhengrunzhou Sewage Treatment Plant in Zhenjiang City镇江市征润州污水处理厂CAST工艺的应用
2.Furonglou in the poem of Wang Changling should be in Runzhou, Zhenjiang--Comments on different opinions held by people in Zhenjiang and Hongjiang;王昌龄诗之芙蓉楼是在润州——评析镇江、洪江的不同说法
3.A Study of Li De-yu s initial policies in thought and culture in Runzhou--Textual research on the establishment time of Ganlu Temple;略论李德裕初刺润州时思想文化方面的兴废举措——兼再证甘露寺创建时间
4.A Study on External Wall Energy Conservation Design of Fuzhou Hairun Binjiang Garden福州海润滨江花园外墙节能设计研究
5.The state government has decided to take a 50% cut of oil profits.州政府决定抽取石油利润的百分之五十。
6.The Source of Guangzhou High House Price by Using the Location Theory of Profit Maximum;利润最大化区位理论与广州高房价的根源
7.Among them are Hangyang Company, Hangzhou Tower and Hangzhou City Commercial Bank, which all record an annual profit of more than 100 million yuan.其中杭氧、杭州大厦、杭州市商业银行,年利润都突破了1亿元。
8.It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State & Light.它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。
9.A Report on the Joint Burial Tomb of Lu Runfu Couple of Ming Dynasty in Xushan Changshu常熟市虞山明温州知府陆润夫妇合葬墓发掘简报
10.Xuzhou Runjia Oriental Chemicals Co., Ltd.徐州润嘉东方化工有限公司(原江苏北方氯碱集团公司)
11.Study a Case on Technological Pattern of Governing Southern Humid Sandlot --Taking Tongren City of Guizhou Privince as an Example;南方湿润沙地治理技术模式初探——以贵州省铜仁市为例
12.Monitoring and Assessing the Environmental Noise in Hong Yun Run Yuan Residential Quarters of Chengguan District,Lanzhou City兰州市城关区“鸿运润园”住宅小区环境噪声的监测与评价
13.Changzhou Herun textiles Co., Ltd is located in Changzhou Textiles industrial Zone with convenient traffic Jacquard and complete equipments.常州和润纺织有限公司座落在常州纺织工业园区内。交通非常便利,配套齐全。
14.A business corporation is generally organized for profit and is formed under a state's corporation act or business corporation act.商务公司通常是按照州公司法或商务公司法成立并围绕利润运转的。
15.Lanzhou lily has the effects of rich nutrition, sweet and crisp, good for watering your lung, stop coughing, quiet your nerves.兰州鲜百合营养丰富,甘甜爽脆有润肺养颜,止咳化痰,清心明目安神功效。
16.Guangzhou Runcheng Trade Co., Ltd is a comprehensive trade company that mainly deals in glass, glassware and glass raw material, etc.广州润承贸易有限公司是经营玻璃及制品、玻璃原材料等项目为主的综合性贸易公司。
17.oil and grease distributor润滑油和润滑脂分配器
18.grease cartridge lubricator润滑脂弹筒式润滑器

Machilus tingzhourensis汀州润楠
3)Flavobacter Runzhou润州黄色杆菌
1.Effect of Biological Chemical Flavobacter Runzhou on Cabbage Caterpillar;生物农药润州黄色杆菌对菜青虫防效试验
1.Zhou and Dao were respectively established in the Han and Tang Dynasties on purpose of protecting central power.汉唐两代最初设置州、道监察区的目的在于维护中央集权。
1.The systems of state CiShi has been changed to that of ZhouMu twice during the period from emperor Wu of Han Dynasty,who first adopted the system of state CiShi,to the reign of Wangmang.自汉武帝设州刺史制度 ,到王莽执政时期 ,曾两次改州刺史为州牧。
2.And it tries to define the geographical location of Shangjing Province,the state of Huining,the three counties of QiJiang,YiChun and Xuanchun,the state of Zhao,still there were smaller provinces-Puyu province and Huligai province which were under the juri.尤其是对以当时金上京所辖的金代上京路、会宁府、曲江、宜春、会宁三县和金代肇州、蒲与路、胡里改路学治所的地理位置进行了地理定位。
6)Chaozhou prefects潮州知州
1.This paper is a detailed study of the exchanges between Liu Kezhuang and the Chaozhou prefects,which confirms from one aspect of the effect of the Min official tide phenomenon on the development of Chaozhou.通过梳理《后村先生大全集》以及南宋以来潮州方志,详细地考察了南宋文学家刘克庄与潮州知州的交游活动,从一个方面证实了"闽人官潮"现象对潮州发展的作用。

采桑子.润州多景楼与孙巨源相遇体裁:词 年代:宋 作者:苏轼多情多感仍多病,多景楼中。尊酒相逢,乐事回头一笑空。  停杯且听琵琶语④,细捻轻拢⑤。醉脸春融,斜照江天一抹红。写作背景润州甘露寺多景楼,天下之殊景也。甲寅仲冬,余同孙巨源、王正仲参会于此。有胡琴者,姿色尤好。三公皆一时英秀②,景之秀,妓之妙,真为希遇。饮阑③,巨源请于余曰:“残霞晚照,非奇才不尽。”余作此词。词牌释义采桑子 采桑子.春暮 朱藻〔题考〕 【词律】﹝丑奴儿﹞注:“全唐诗作﹝采桑子﹞。此调为唐教坊大曲,一名﹝采桑﹞,一名﹝杨下采桑﹞;南卓【揭鼓录】作﹝凉下采桑﹞,属太簇角。冯正中词,名﹝罗敷艳歌﹞,李后主词,名﹝采桑子令﹞。宋初皆名﹝采桑子﹞,陈无己名﹝罗敷媚﹞,惟黄山谷名﹝丑奴儿﹞。”按黄﹝丑奴儿﹞词,即“得意许多时”一首,共六十二字,与本谓大异。故四十六字之本调,当名﹝采桑子﹞,与﹝丑奴儿﹞正格无涉。至﹝采桑﹞、﹝罗敷﹞等名,则均取义于【古乐府】﹝陌上桑﹞也。〔作法〕 本谓四十六字。首句与﹝菩萨蛮﹞首句同,惟不用韵。第二、三句均四字协,平仄相同,与﹝减字木兰花﹞第三句同。第四句即仄起平韵之七言句,亦与﹝减字木兰花﹞第四句同。后阕概同前阕。幛泥油壁人归后,⊙○⊙●○○●(句)满院花阴,⊙●○△(平韵)楼影沉沉,⊙●○△(协平韵)中有伤春一片心。⊙●○○⊙●△(协平韵)闲穿绿树寻梅子,⊙○⊙●○○●(句)斜日笼明,⊙●○△(协平韵)团扇风轻,⊙●○△(协平韵)一径杨花不避人。⊙●○○⊙●△(协平韵)作者简介苏轼(1037-1101),北宋文学家、书画家。字子瞻,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今属四川)人。苏洵子。嘉佑进士。神宗时曾任祠部员外郎,因反对王安石新法而求外职,任杭州通判,知密州、徐州、湖州。后以作诗“谤讪朝廷”罪贬黄州。哲宗时任翰林学士,曾出知杭州、颖州等,官至礼部尚书。后又贬谪惠州、儋州。北还后第二年病死常州。南宋时追谥文忠。与父洵弟辙,合称“三苏”。在政治上属于旧党,但也有改革弊政的要求。苏轼才情奔放,为宋代最杰出的作家,诗、词、文、书、画、文艺理论均有独到成就。其文汪洋恣肆,明白畅达,为“唐宋八大家”之一。其诗清新豪健,善用夸张比喻,在艺术表现方面独具风格。少数诗篇也能反映民间疾苦,指责统治者的奢侈骄纵。其词于风格、体制上皆有创变,清雄旷放之作尤新人耳目,词开豪放一派,对后代很有影响。有《东坡乐府》。注解①熙宁七年甲寅(1074),作者赴密州(州治今山东诸城)知州任,过润州(州治在今江苏镇江),与胡宗愈(安完夫)、王存(字正仲)、孙洙(字巨源)剧饮,游润州多景楼,作此词。 ②三公:指孙、王及胡宗愈,均当时才学之士,《宋史》卷三二一、三四一、三一八分别有传。 ③饮阑:饮酒半罢半在。 ④琵琶语:指歌妓所弹琵琶能传达感情如言语。唐白居易《琵琶行》:“今朝闻君琵琶语,如听仙乐耳暂明。” ⑤细捻轻拢:演奏琵琶指法。捻指揉弦,拢指按弦。语本白居易《琵琶行》。