1.Historical and cultural position of Hetao region in the Qin and Han dynasties;秦汉时期河套地区的历史文化地位
2.On Mongolia Entering Hetao and the Northern Defense of Ming Dynasty;论明代蒙古族进入河套与明代北部边防
3.Xixia stood firmly in Northwest China with Liao,Song and Jin,an important reason behind is that it occupied Hetao region.西夏雄踞西北 ,抗衡辽、宋、金三国 ,长久立国的一个重要原因是西夏拥有河套地区。

1.Countermeasure on improving sugar beet production in Hetao irrigation area by the Yellow River;黄河河套灌溉区发展甜菜生产的对策
2.A Preliminary Study on the Lacustrine Sediment Sequence of Late Pleistocene in Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, China黄河河套段更新世晚期古湖问题的初步研究
3.New data on the Late Cretaceous strata of the Hetao basin of Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia)内蒙古河套盆地晚白垩世地层新资料
4.Study on the Mechanism of Consumption in Yichang Irrigation Sub-district of Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia along the Yellow River;内蒙河套灌区义长灌域耗水机制研究
5.Study on the Development of the Modern Agriculture in Wuyuan Oasis,Hetao Irrigated Areas,Inner Mongolia;河套灌区五原绿洲现代农业发展研究
6.Probing into Hetao Culture from a Perspective of Symbiosis;从“共生理论”的视角探析河套文化
7.Forging Hetao Culture Brand to Create a Harmonious Bayaannur;打造河套文化品牌 构建和谐巴彦淖尔
8.With Regard to the Hetao Area of Large-Scale Land Operation关于河套地区土地规模化经营的探讨
9.Research on Slight Saline Water Irrigation Modes in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区区域微咸水灌溉模式的研究
10.The Water Administration of Suiyuan Hetao Irrigation Area in the Republic of China's Period民国时期绥远河套灌区的水政(1912-1946)
11.Research on County Territory Agricultural Land Grade and Appraise in Hetao Region河套平原区县域农用地定级估价研究
12.Comparatively analyse two Synoptic process of torrential rain In Hetao area河套地区两次暴雨天气过程对比分析
13.Comparative Analysis between Two Rainstorm Synoptic Processes in Hetao Area河套地区2次暴雨天气过程对比分析
14.On the Cultural Types Of Hetao Area In The Qin And Han Dynasties论秦汉时期河套地区的多元文化类型
15.Study on determination of rhaponticin in Rheum hotaoense C.Y.Cheng et C.T.Kao by HPLCHPLC测定河套大黄中的土大黄苷含量
16.Transforming hALR Gene into Cucumis melo L. cv Hetao via Pollen-tube Pathway河套蜜瓜花粉管通道法转化hALR基因
17.On Salinization of Soil and Changes of River-lake Water System in History of the Hetao Area in the Inner-mongolia Autonomous Region论内蒙古河套地区历史时期河湖水系的变迁与土壤盐渍化问题
18.Water rights transformation and a WUA's sustainable development problem in He-tao irrigation area黄河河套灌区水权转换创新与WUA现实难题的破解思路

Hetao plain河套平原
1.Study on the Temporal and Spatial Inversion of Evapotranspiration over Hetao Plain;河套平原蒸发蒸腾量时空反演研究
2.Study on the Distribution of the Real Evapotranspiration in Hetao Plain Based on Remote Sense基于遥感反演河套平原区域蒸发蒸腾量研究
3.Interpretation of the environmental isotopes of groundwater in the middle-eastern part of the Hetao Plain河套平原中东部地下水的环境同位素特征分析
3)Cucumis melo L.cv Hetao河套蜜瓜
1.Study on Effects of Different Concentration Ozones on Storage Quality of Cucumis melo L.cv Hetao;不同浓度臭氧对河套蜜瓜贮藏品质影响的研究
2.Study on the Effect of Ozone Treatment on Postharvest Physiology and Quality of Cucumis Melo L.cv Hetao;河套蜜瓜作为一种呼吸跃变型果实,采后成熟衰老迅速,而且其成熟期集中在高温多雨的七八月份,导致其贮运性差,因此研究出一种安全有效的保鲜方法成为一个急待解决的问题。
3.Degenerate oligonucleotides to highly conserved regions of Cucumis melo 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid(ACC)oxidase gene were used to prime the amplification of fragment of 128bp by ploymerase chain reaction(PCR) in samples of genomic DNA from fruit of Cucumis melo L.本实验以河套蜜瓜果肉基因组DNA为模板,用甜瓜ACC氧化酶基因特异寡核苷酸链为引物进行PCR扩增,得到128bp的扩增产物。
4)Hetao Basin河套盆地
1.Characteristics of Sporopollen Assemblage and Its Palaeoclimate during Quaternary Pleistocene in the Huhe Sag,Hetao Basin;河套盆地古气候演化与生物气勘探
2.Charater of seismicity before the Ms≥5.5 earthquakes in Hetao basin;河套盆地Ms≥5.5级地震前地震活动性特征
3.Research about Geological Conditions of Shallow Gas (Biogenic Gas) Accumulation in HETAO Basin;河套盆地浅层气(生物气)成藏地质条件研究
5)Hetao irrigation district河套灌区
1.N pollution of groundwater in Hetao Irrigation District.;河套灌区地下水氮污染状况
2.Determination and Evaluation on Soil Water Retention Curve Model in Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区区域土壤水分特征曲线模型的确定与评价
3.NO_3~--N Dynamics in a Spring Wheat and Radish Multiple-Crop System in the Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区春小麦-萝卜复种模式下土壤NO_3~--N动态
6)Hetao area河套地区
1.A case study on disastrous weather process in Hetao area in 2006;2006年河套地区一次灾害天气过程诊断分析
2.Seismic facies and sedimentary facies of the Pleistocene of Quaternary in Huhe Depression of Hetao area;河套地区呼和坳陷第四系更新统地震相与沉积相
3.On the Cultural Types Of Hetao Area In The Qin And Han Dynasties论秦汉时期河套地区的多元文化类型

河套  中国古代漠南军事要地。黄河经此成一大弯曲,秦、汉称河南地;自明筑榆林长城后,始称河套。其范围包括:今内蒙古自治区西南部,宁夏回族自治区东北部和陕西省北部的部分地区。北通塞外,南临关中,西邻甘凉(今甘肃张掖、武威地区),东连幽燕(今河北一带),为古都长安北方藩篱,燕京翼侧屏障。河套地区自古为多民族居住地。战国属赵。秦属九原、北地等郡。汉属朔方、五原、西河等郡。西晋为羌胡地。东晋时匈奴据此建国,号夏。唐属关内道。北宋大部为西夏的河南地。明属陕西布政使司,后为鞑靼所据。清属鄂尔多斯伊克昭盟。    河套西、北、东三面环以黄河。阴山横亘黄河之北,其沟谷多为古代大漠南北之重要通道。贺兰山耸峙于黄河之西,芦芽山屏障于黄河之东,南邻陕北高原。依山阻河,形势险要。套里为鄂尔多斯高原,地表呈波状起伏,中部高,四周低。境内之黄河,水流平稳,两岸土地肥沃,可耕可牧,史有"黄河百害,惟富一套"之说。    河套地区,历史上曾是封建王朝与北方少数民族政权争夺之地。 秦始皇三十二年(公元前215)蒙恬率兵北逐匈奴,取河南地;次年,屯兵该地,筑长城,修九原(今内蒙古包头西北)至云阳(今陕西淳化西北)直道,移民置县,巩固北方。汉初,匈奴再占河南地,威胁长安。 元朔二年(公元前127)卫青率军出云中,沿黄河向西,再南下陇西,击败匈奴白羊、楼烦王,复取河南地。 唐初,突厥屡犯河套,威胁长安。 贞观四年(630),唐将李靖大破突厥于铁山(今内蒙古阴山北),突厥颉利可汙被俘,漠南归唐。 景龙二年(708),朔方道大总管张仁愿破突厥,于阴山以南、黄河北岸筑东、西、中3座受降城,置烽堠1800所,此后,突厥不敢越山扰掠。明成化年间,鞑靼潜入河套,屡犯延绥、宁夏、榆林等地。为阻止鞑靼南下,明遂东起黄甫川,西至横城堡,修寨堡,筑榆林长城。今之河套,指内蒙古自治区和宁夏回族自治区境内贺兰山以东、狼山和大青山以南之黄河沿岸地区。