1.The incident happened because of the closed relationship between the garrison of Baqi and the grain merchant——the soldiers destroyed the grain shops opened by local authorities as this is against them, but not because of the poverty of the soldiers, which is generally agreed by many scholars.现有成果认为,雍正年间,广东部分八旗驻防兵丁因无钱买米而闹事。
2.After the Qing\'s unification of Xinjiang,to strengthen the unification and defense in the Northwestern frontier,to maintain social stability,the Qing government sent many soldiers from east China and other places into garrisons in Xinjiang.清政府从东北,热河,陕西,甘肃等地调拨满洲八旗、索伦、锡伯及绿营官兵驻防新疆。

1.Of, relating to, possessing, or being a garrison.驻防军的驻防军的、和驻防军有关的、有驻防军的或是驻防军的
2.To assign(troops)to a military post.派(兵)驻防于一军事驻地
3.A hundred soldiers were garrisoned in the town.派了一百名士兵在城里驻防.
4.Datong was a garrison town built between two sections of the Great Wall.大同是两段长城之间的一个驻防城市。
5.The Mutiny Incident of Eight Banners in Fuzhou and Guangzhou in the Beginning of Qing Dynasty清初福州、广州八旗驻防的哗变事件
6.A garrison, especially a fortress of the kind established in the southwest United States by the Spanish to protect their holdings and missions.驻防地,要塞驻防地,尤指由西班牙在美国西南部建立要保护其财产或教堂的要塞
7.From the Baqi Garrison to the Local Administrative System:The evolution of the Baqi Garrison in Shengjing;从八旗驻防到地方行政制度——以清代盛京八旗驻防制度的嬗变为中心
8.Mutual Influences of the Baqi Garrison and the Local Cultural Customs in the Qing Dynasty--Also a Discussion of Identification of Clansman Group of the Manchu Garrison;清代驻防八旗与当地文化习俗的互相影响——兼谈驻防旗人的族群认同问题
9.But to "stay where they are, pending further orders" is definitely not in the national interest.可是“驻防待命”一说,确与民族利益不符合。
10.The garrison was alert, but too few.驻防的军队是保持警惕的,但是人数毕竟太少了。
11.According to the first, our units should "stay where they are, pending further orders" and should no longer attack or fight.照前一个命令,“驻防待命”,不进攻了,不打仗了。
12.The Design and Development of an E-office System for Distributed Deployment Troops;多点驻防部队办公信息平台系统研究与实现
13.Looking at the Qing Emperors Controlling on the Eight Banners of Garrison from Handling by Proxy;从署理制度看清代皇权对驻防八旗的控制
14.Effect of environment variable on mental health of military people at high altitude;环境因素对高原驻防军人心理健康的影响
15.That's the frontier guard station.那里是边防军的驻地。
16.Illar to post pip sb at the postefended by soldiers, esp a frontier fort.(部队的)驻地,防区;(尤指)边防要塞。
17.place occupied and defended by soldiers,esp a frontier fort(部队的)驻地,防区;(尤指) 边防要塞.
18."Nothing to be afraid of. We've got a whole battalion of troops stationed here."怕什么!驻扎在这里的省防军就有一营

Rehe garrison热河驻防
1.As a result,Rehe garrison was espeically important.清前期皇帝重视"木兰秋?",避暑山庄成为清廷的第二政治中心,热河驻防因而显得尤为重要。
3)garrison of the Man Eight Banners八旗驻防
1.Qingzhou is one of the major garrison of the Man Eight Banners in the Qing Dynasty,but the record about this is very few.青州满城是清代八旗驻防的重要地点之一,但是关于青州满族的记载却寥寥无几。
4)Eight Banners of Garrison驻防八旗
1.Looking at the Qing Emperors Controlling on the Eight Banners of Garrison from Handling by Proxy;从署理制度看清代皇权对驻防八旗的控制
5)the military stations system驻防体系

驻防1.驻扎防守。 2.指驻防部队。