1.Effects of different pruning intensity on photosynthetic characters,growth and yield of crops in agroforestry;修枝对复合农林系统内作物光合特性及生长的影响
2.Effects of pruning on soil fertility of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation;修枝对杉木幼林土壤肥力的影响初报
3.Effect of Pruning on Superior Family in Pinus taeda L. for pulpwood;火炬松纸浆材优良家系人工林修枝效应

1.pruning knife whether or not folding修枝刀,不管能否折叠
2.A Review on Pruning in Eucalypt Plantations for Production of Clear Wood桉树无节材修枝技术研究进展与展望
3.And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with pruner and lopper to remove a few errant branches.后来有一天,在春天引起的疯狂冲动中,我拿着整枝器和修枝剪,想除掉一些杂乱无章的树枝。
4.And then one day, in a fit6 of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and lopped off a few errant branches.后来有一天,春意盎然,我心血来潮拿起整枝器和修枝剪直奔苹果树,想除掉一些多余的枝桠。
5.Effects of Pruning by Different Intensity on Production of Leaves of Non-timber Product Forest of Acer ginnald Maxim不同强度的修枝对茶条槭经济林产叶量的影响
6.Alpha-Beta pruningα-β修剪,α-β剪枝法
7.We must cut out the diseased branches.我们必须把病枝修剪掉。
8.The remaining branches should be detailed and thin-wood pruned.留下的枝条应进行细致修剪和剪除细弱枝。
9.When he reached man's estate, be became a tree-pruner at Faverolles.成人以后,在法维洛勒做修树枝的工人。
10.He spent much time cutting back flowers in his garden他花许多时间修剪花园里的花枝。
11.Rose bushes shoot out again after being cut back.玫瑰丛修剪后会再发新枝的。
12.Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.玫瑰丛修剪后还能再长出新枝.
13.The tea plants sprouted new buds after the pruning.茶树修剪后又萌发了新枝。
14.He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit.他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。
15.A revision of Clematis sect. Brachiatae (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属对枝铁线莲组修订(英文)
16.Discuss the Rhetoric of Invented sentence in View of "YING Wu-li"and "FENG Huang zhi;从“鹦鹉粒”和“凤凰枝”谈倒文修辞
17.Then I repair to the branch of the tree and start to pick off the black guards one by one.接着我又修剪了树的分枝,开始一个个的拔除黑色的杂枝。
18.Modeling and Visualization of the Branching Patterns of Peach Tree (Prunus Persica) Branches after Being Pruned;桃树枝条修剪后分枝特性的定量化模拟与可视化研究

pruning intensity修枝强度
1.Diameter at breast height(DBH) and single tree stem volume increment 5 years following treatments at age 9 years decreased significantly with pruning intensity increased.选择修枝木,每年对其进行1次修枝,修枝强度为4种规定树干直径(6、8、10和12 cm)以下的所有枝条。
2.(1)Pruning obviously improved stands light transmission rate,the canopy light transmission rate increased with the increasing of pruning intensity,and the bigger the pruning intensity was,the more obvious the restoration trendency of canopy light transmission rate was with the stands growth.采用LAI-2000冠层分析仪对不同修枝高度处理条件下杉木人工幼林光环境及叶面积指数的动态变化进行了分析,并探讨了生长量的修枝效应,初步得到4点主要结论:(1)修枝明显提高了林内透光率,林内透光率随着修枝强度的增大而增大,且修枝强度愈大,林内透光率恢复至干扰前状态的趋势愈明显;(2)修枝明显降低了林分叶面积指数,随着修枝强度的增大,林分叶面积指数呈线性下降,修枝强度高的林分叶面积指数的增长百分率相对愈高,修枝所引起的林分叶面积指数下降的程度远远低于林分透光率的增大;(3)不同修枝强度对隔行修枝林分的总生长量影响不显著,但过度修枝会对修枝木胸径生长产生抑制,而对修枝木高生长影响不显著;(4)强度为40%的修枝方式以约20%的叶面积损耗换取了透光率1倍左右的提高,且对修枝木材积生长影响不显著。
3)shearing big branch大枝修剪
1.Dwarfing effect of red bayberry(Myrica rubra Sieb.et Zucc.) trees by shearing big branch;大枝修剪矮化杨梅树体技术研究
4)Limbing and pruning整形修枝
5)pruning and thinning间伐修枝
1.Control effects of pruning and thinning on Hemiberlesia pitysophila;间伐修枝措施对松突圆蚧的控制效果
6)tool of pruning修枝机
