1.Diagnosis of Children Normal Appendix by High-frequency Ultrasound;儿童正常阑尾的高频超声显像分析
2.The Anatomical and Histological Observation of Appendix in Several Congenital Malformation Fetus;几种先天性畸形胎儿阑尾的解剖及组织学观察
3.The Anatomical Observation and Measure of the Cecum with the Appendix and its Clinical Significance.;盲肠和阑尾的解剖学观测及其临床意义

1.He have his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis上个月他因患阑尾炎而切除了阑尾
2.He had his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis.上个月他因患阑尾炎而切除了阑尾
3.She's gone into hospital to have her appendix taken out.她已住院去切除阑尾.
4.appendix intestinal clamp阑尾肠钳,肠夹持钳
5.You've never had your appendix out, have you?你阑尾没割除过,是吧?
6.surgical removal of the vermiform appendix.切除病变的阑尾的手术。
7.my ablated appendix.我的阑尾已经被切除了。
8.a grumbling appendix间歇性疼痛的阑尾.
9.He fell ill with acute appendicitis.他得了急性阑尾炎。
10.pregnancy associated with acute appendicitis妊娠合并急性阑尾
11.eritoneal appendicitis盲肠后腹膜外阑尾
12.acute phlegmonous appendicitis急性蜂窝织炎性阑尾
13.incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess阑尾脓肿切开引流术
14.He's going to have his appendix taken out.他准备把阑尾割掉。
15.Laparoscopic Versus Open Appendectomy for Acute Appendicitis腹腔镜阑尾切除术与开腹阑尾切除术对比分析
16.Application of High Frequency Ultrasonography and Graded-compression in Diagnosis of Appendicitis and Normal Appendix高频超声逐步加压法诊断阑尾炎和阑尾的探讨
17.Clinincal analysis of appendix schistosomiasis complicated with acute appendicitis阑尾血吸虫病并发急性阑尾炎临床分析
18.A person with appendicitis is saved when the surgeon removes his appendix.一个人发了阑尾炎,医生把阑尾割了,这个人就救出来了。

the vermiform appendix阑尾.
1.Treatment of 21 cases of perforated appendicitis with the peritoneum full thickness suture of small incision;小切口腹膜外全层缝合法治疗阑尾炎并发穿孔21例临床分析
2.The appendicitis 3 kind of types and the treatment nurse;阑尾炎的3种类型及治疗护理
3.Investigation and analysis on the prophylactic application of antimicrobial agents in 119 patients with appendicitis operation;119例阑尾炎手术患者抗菌药物预防应用调查分析
1.Appendectomy and Crohn s disease;阑尾切除与克罗恩病的关系
2.Prevention and treatment of the simultaneous intestinal fistula after appendectomy;阑尾切除术后并发肠瘘的原因及防治
3.Butorphanol,midazolam and innovar in relieving traction response during appendectomy;布托啡诺、咪达唑仑和氟芬合剂对阑尾切除术中牵拉反应的抑制作用
5)Normal appendix正常阑尾
6)Appendix metastasis阑尾转移

阑尾阑尾appendix,vermicularis 是附属于盲肠的一段肠管,呈粉红色,曲如蚯蚓,因此又叫蚓突。其长度因人而异,一般为7~9cm,直径多在0.5~1cm之间,阑尾末端为盲端,近端开口于盲肠的后内侧壁。