Ramsay评分,Ramsay score
1)Ramsay scoreRamsay评分
1.GroupⅠwas the group of propofol for sedation,and fentanyl for controlling pain with micro pump infusion,attempting to keep the patients\' Ramsay score in the range from 2 to 4.Ⅰ组使用微量泵连续输注异丙酚和芬太尼进行镇静、镇痛治疗,使Ramsay评分保持在2至4级;Ⅱ组使用TCI连续输注异丙酚和微量泵输注芬太尼进行镇静、镇痛治疗,使Ramsay评分保持在2至4级;Ⅲ组使用闭环靶控输注异丙酚和微量泵输注芬太尼进行镇静、镇痛治疗,闭环靶控的目标BIS值设定为80至70。
2)Ramsay PrincipleRamsay原则
1.Evolution of Ramsay Principle in British Taxation;1982年英国上议院又确立了反避税的Ramsay原则。

1.The Application of Ramsay Rule in Shiu Wing Limited & ORS v. Commissioner of Estate Duty;论Ramsay原则在“香港庞鼎文信托避税案”中的适用
2.a fundamental principle [rule]基本原则 [规则]
3.Auditory brain stem response assessment in Ramsay Hunt syndromeRamsay Hunt综合征的听性脑干诱发电位分析
4.Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome With Impairment of Vagus Nerve迷走神经受损的Ramsay-Hunt综合征
5.Interpretation of Ramsay Report and Its Enlightenment;澳大利亚Ramsay报告及其启示
6.Clinical Analysis of 13 Patients with Ramsay Hunt SyndromeRamsay Hunt综合征13例临床分析
7.principle of contemporaniety现行性原则 现行性原则
8.Intention Principle,Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle;谎言与目的原则、合作原则及礼貌原则
9.The principles of legislation currently includes constitutionality, democracy, science and ruling of law.现时期中国立法原则为宪法原则、法治原则、民主原则、科学原则。
10.Rule,Principle,and Procedure-An interpretation of legal principles;规则、原则、程序——对法律原则的一个诠释
11.Principle and Maxims of the Art of War战争艺术的原则与准则
12.We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。
13.The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。
14.There are two basic principles, the principle of democracy and the principle of socialism.原则基本上是两个:民主原则和社会主义原则。
15.Tolerancing principleGB/T4249-1996公差原则
16.ne impediatur officia不妨碍公务(原则)
17.4. Carrying out the principle of openness.四、贯彻开放原则。
18.pleasure principle快乐原则(心理学)

Ramsay PrincipleRamsay原则
1.Evolution of Ramsay Principle in British Taxation;1982年英国上议院又确立了反避税的Ramsay原则。
3)Ramsay reportRamsay报告
4)Ramsay Hunt syndromeRamsay Hunt综合征
1.Misdiagnosis of non- typical Ramsay Hunt syndrome:three cases report;不典型Ramsay Hunt综合征误诊分析
2.Vestibular evoked myogenic potentialsin Tullio phenomenon and Ramsay Hunt syndrome;Tullio现象与Ramsay Hunt综合征的前庭诱发的肌源性电位
5)Ramsay-Hunt syndromeRamsay-Hunt综合征
6)judges appraisal评委评分
