1.Problems in graduation thesis reply and countermeasures;毕业论文答辩中存在的问题及对策研究
2.Problems existed in thesis reply of college nursing students in Chengdu medical college and its strategies我院护理本科生论文答辩存在的问题及对策

1.A defendant's defense against charges.答辩被告对指控的答辩
2.The action of the defendant in opposition to complaints against him or her.答辩,辩护被告对起诉进行的答辩
3.statement or allegation make in pleading答辩状中的说明或辩解
4.rejoinder to the defence(原告)对被告抗辩的答辩
5.A plaintiff's reply to a defendant's plea or counterclaim;an answering plea.答辩告对于被告的辩解或反控诉的回答;答辩
6.defence response [written statement]答辩书〔书面陈述〕
7.burden of pleading答辩的责任 -诉讼
8.To respond to a defendant's plea.(原告对被告)答辩对被告的抗辩进行答辩
9.His defence was weak.他的答辩软弱无力。
10.the answers were healthily individual.答辩条理清楚而有独特。
11.You have the right of public reply .你有公开答辩的权利。
12.Give the doctoral student (candidate) an oral examination on his dissertation.举行博士生论文答辩
13.rejoin to the counterclaim(原告)对反诉的答辩
14.stand mute of malice[律]对被控罪名拒不答辩
15.To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment第五条修正案作为答辩
16.How to Do Graduation Treatise Replication;怎样搞好毕业论文答辩──毕业论文答辩操作研究
17.To make a statement or an allegation in pleading在答辩状中的说明或辩解
18.a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication.被告驳复原告答辩的辩护。

1.At the amendment of current Chinese civilprocedural law, the legislation has ruled the time limited of submitting evidence, butthe system of losing effect of defence has not been established till now.随着我国民事诉讼程序的改革向更广领域和更深层次的不断推进,立法已经确立了证据失权制度来规范证据固定的时间,但是对于答辩失权这一促进争点整理的制度却语焉不详。
1.However, as basic stage of pretrial procedure has no power in assuming internal demand of pretrial procedure, defendant defenses arbitrarily make the target of fixing in pretrial procedure unrealized.然而作为审前程序基础阶段的答辩环节,由于我国立法规定的软约束,被告答辩呈现出很大的随意性和任意性,使得审前固定争点的目标难以实现,进而无法为开庭审理做好充分的准备,审前程序的内在功能无法充分体现。
5)graduation reply毕业答辩
1.This paper analyzed the current problems existing in graduation design,and put forward the points and proposals on how to improve the selection of topic,process monitoring,graduation reply,and check to supervisor.分析了目前毕业设计中存在的问题,对毕业设计的选题、过程监控、毕业答辩、指导教师的考核制度等主要环节,提出了改进的观点和建议。
6)periodically discussing questions中期答辩
1.Improving comprehensive ability of undergraduates is benefited by improving traditional teaching method, relating graduation project with specialized English, properly prolonging graduation project, periodically discussing questions, and strongly training creativity in selecting and completing a graduation subject.通过将毕业设计与专业英语教学相结合、适当延长毕业设计时间、定期举行中期答辩、在课题的选题及实施时注重培养创新能力,是对工科大学生毕业实践教学环节的改革和创新。
