1.The paper analyzes relationship between the theory of universe formation of "Wuji to Taiji"and the name of Shadow boxing,"Shizhong" concept in Confusion and the idea of moderation,"Shibian" concept in Taoism and the principle of giving up one s own opinion and accepting the widel.本文分析了无极而太极的宇宙生成论与太极拳定名的关系,儒家"时中"思想与中正安舒之道,道家"时变"与舍己从人的原则,以及"所以一阴一阳,道也"与以拳悟道的关系,探究理学思想、道家思想在拳论拳理的上的体现。
2.Confucius theory of the Mean has its Inherit Logicality, the author s viewpoint can be summarized as the following four points: First, the logical start of the Mean theory is Shangzhong, the essence of the Mean is Shizhong, Zhongzheng is the canon of the Mean, Zhonghe is the ideal target of the theory of the Mean.孔子的中庸思想有其内在的逻辑:"尚中"是中庸的逻辑起点,"时中"是中庸的内在本质,"中正"是中庸的规范准则,"中和"是中庸的理想目标。

1.An Argument:Synchronic Facts in Diachronic Facts and Diachronic Facts in Synchronic Facts;论历时中包含有共时与共时中包含有历时
2.The birds rose and dipped in flight.鸟儿在飞行中时高时低.
3.real-time clock interrupt counter实时时钟中断计数器
4.the imperial examinations(中国旧时的)科举
5.Time, Temporal Expressions and Temporal Cohesion: a Discourse Analysis Approach;话语中的时间、时间表达和时间连贯
6.On Delay-Dependent Stability of Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Delay中立型时变时滞系统时滞相关稳定性
7.About noon the thieves returned to the cave.近中午时,强盗回到洞中。
8.Mesolithic Cultures in Central Asia中亚中石器时代文化
9.Time in the Narratives--the Concept of Time in Zuo Qiuming s Chronicles and Records of Historian;叙事中的时间——《左传》与《史记》中的时间观
10.Mountain time is one hour later than Pacific time and one hour earlier than central time.山区时间比太平洋时间晚一小时,而比中部时间早一小时。
11.Central time is an hour later than the time in the Rocky Mountains.中部标准时间比洛矶山时间迟一个小时。
12.Study of Temporal Type and Time Granularity in the Temporal Data Mining时态数据采掘中的时态型与时间粒度研究
13.Mono-chronic and Poly-chronic:Temporal Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures;单向记时制与多向记时制:中西文化时间观差异
14.Central Time (US Canada)\0Central Standard Time\0Central Daylight Time\0*中部时间(美国和加拿大)\0中部标准时间\0中部夏时制\0*
15.The ending time is not valid. Check the time in the Print To box.结束时间无效。请检查“到”框中的时间。
16.The starting time is not valid. Check the time in the Print From box.开始时间无效。请检查“从”框中的时间。
17.Displays tasks in the timesheet that have overtime work applied to them.显示时间表中具有加班工时的任务。
18.Total Running Time including interval表演时间共长包括中场休息时间

The Time-Dependent Mean时中
1.The Time-Dependent Mean":The Genuine Essence of Confucianism;儒家真精神——“时中
4)fashion center时装中心
1.To become an international fashion center,a city should have necessary objective conditions such as history and culture,artistic atmosphere,economic foundation,pool of designers,development of related industries,support from the government,and acceptance by the worldwide fashion industry through long-term accumulation.世界时装中心的形成需要多方面的客观条件,如历史文化、艺术氛围、经济基础、设计人才、相关产业的发展、政府支持等,同时也需要长时间的积淀来获得世界时装界的认可。
5)real-time interruption实时中断
1.The study of real-time interruption of PCI equipment on Windows98;Windows98下PCI板卡实时中断的研究
2.But the Windows system is not the real-time system,so how to realize the real-time interruption based on Windows system is the key point.但是Windows系统不是实时系统,因此如何实现基于Windows平台的实时中断成为关键问题。
6)Timing interrupt定时中断
1.This paper discussed in brief the characteristic of PCL-836A, gave a method of producing PWM wave based on C program and timing interrupt.简述PCL -836A定时计数卡的特点 ,介绍用C语言编程的、定时中断方式产生PWM波形的方法。
2.Based on the timing interrupt programming,a method of the linear motor parameter identification is proposed.研究了基于定时中断编程的直线电机模型参数辨识技术。
3.Writing ISD2560 control words and timing interrupt procedures are designed by C51 advanced language.设计一种基于AT89C52的语音录放系统,利用单片机、ISD2560语音录放器件、麦克风、扬声器等元器件实现硬件电路的设计,并利用C51高级语言设计ISD2560器件控制字的写入和定时中断程序。
