1.On Mitcham s Ideas of Responsibility Ethics of Scientist and Technologist;米切姆关于科技人员责任伦理的观点述评
2.Research on Mitcham s Thoughts of Philosophy of Engineering;米切姆的工程哲学思想研究

1.Mechem Explosives and Drug Detection System米切姆爆炸物和毒品探测系统
2.Thinking on the Importance of Carl Mitcham s Thoughts from the Perspective of Current Situation of China;从中国的现状解读米切姆思想的重要性
3.On Mitcham s Ideas of Responsibility Ethics of Scientist and Technologist;米切姆关于科技人员责任伦理的观点述评
4.But the group was saved from breaking up when Michelle Williams and Farrah Franklin joined in.但是,米切尔?威廉姆斯和法拉?富兰克林的加入使小组免于分崩离析。
5.Amy is better than Sam.艾米比萨姆打的好。
6.DLAMINI, Mbilini姆比利尼·德拉米尼(亲王)
7.Lingling, Amy, Sam and Daming玲玲,艾米,赛姆和大明
8.Danny is 1.2 metres tall and Kim is 1.3 metres tall!丹尼高1.2米而可姆是1.3米!
9.Mitchell has set up in business as a bookseller.米切尔开了一家书店。
10.He musn't antagonize Michie.他一定不能让米切扫兴。
11.Tom Sawyer was in the skiff that bore Judge Thatcher.汤姆-索亚和撒切尔法官同乘一条小艇。
12.The surgeon opened up Tom's stomach to get at the source of the trouble.外科大夫切开汤姆的胃以找出病根。
13.Huseyin E. Celem, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations.侯赛因·切莱姆,土耳其常驻联合国代表。
14.and she put her hand on Tom's head and said gently:手放在汤姆头上,亲切地说:
15.A unit of currency in Bhutan.切特鲁姆不丹的货币单位
16.These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham:丹麦军已在切本哈姆扎下准备过冬,
17.Jim entered all his expenses in a notebook.吉姆把他的一切支出都记在笔记本里。
18.Ham was quite as earnest as he.汉姆也和他一样地热诚恳切。

Carl Mitcham卡尔·米切姆
1.Carl Mitcham s thoughts of ethics of technology took the merger of science and technology as a premise, took his thoughts about conceptual, epistemological, and metaphysical ones as foundation, and all his moral issues were concentrated on the high-tech fields.卡尔·米切姆的技术伦理思想以科学技术一体化为前提,以其技术认识论和类型论思想为基础,集中讨论了高科技领域内产生的伦理道德问题。
1.Shallow geophysical investigations at the Akhmim archaeological site,Suhag,Egypt;埃及阿赫米姆古墓遗址浅层地球物理勘查(英文)
1.Rap/Hip-Hop within Postcolonial Cultures——Reflections from Eminem and Putao;后殖民文化图景中的说唱——由艾米纳姆和葡桃引发的思考
1.An Analysis of the Portrait of Miriam in Sons and Lovers from a New Perspective;简析《儿子与情人》中米莉亚姆的形象

萨姆·米切尔萨姆·米切尔运动项目:篮球球队:明尼苏达森林狼队英文名:sam mitchell生于:1963-9-2身高:201体重:97.5公斤国家:美国[个人历史]场上位置 前锋 球衣号码 42个人单场最高记录 得分 37 篮板 17 助攻 7 断球 6 盖帽 5 三分球 2 出场时间 58