2)the historical and casual theory of naming历史的因果命名理论
1.Kripke advances the historical and casual theory of naming in his Naming and Necessity, which holds that both the necessary posterior truth and the contingent priori truth are in existence, to defend the modal logic in theory.克里普克在《命名与必然性》中提出了历史的因果命名理论 ,并认为存在必然后验真理、偶然先验真理 ,这是为模态逻辑作理论上的辩护。

1.On Kripk s Historical Causal Naming Theory;克里普克的历史的因果命名理论评析
2.The Historical Destiny of Value Theory in Western Economics and Its Contributing Factors;西方经济学中价值理论的历史命运及其成因
3.Great Historical Mission Creative Theoretical Achievements --Revelation of Maxism Philosophy Chinesination;伟大的历史使命 创新的理论成果——马克思主义哲学中国化启示录
4.On the reasons of the IT revolution about the society and history--Study based on the SST s theory;论信息技术革命的社会历史原因——基于SST理论的分析
5."The Source's Permanent "--The Historical Theory Normal Form of Liu Xie's "Inherit and Change" Theory“名理有常”——刘勰“通变”观的历史理论范式
6.Historical Evolutions and Expectations on The Theory of Chinese and Western Life Philosophy中西生命哲学理论的历史演进及展望
7.Painting Historical System and Historical Theory in Zhang Yanyuan’s Notes of Past Famous Paintings (Li Dai Ming Hua Ji)张彦远《历代名画记》的画史体系与史学理论
8.Legal Protection for Historic Blocks in Famous Historic City;论历史文化名城历史街区的法律保护
9.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论
10.Brief Discussion on the Application of the Theoretical Achievements of History to the Teaching of Ancient Chinese History浅谈历史理论成果在《中国古代史》教学中的运用
11.On the reasonable spirits of the Confucian and the Taoist life philosophies and their historical influence论儒道生命观的理性精神及其历史影响
12.The Destiny of Culture of the in Post-cotonail Theory;后殖民理论视野中东方民族文化的历史命运
13.Historical Task of Theory Workers Given by Completly Constructing Well-to-do Society;全面建设小康社会赋予理论工作者的历史使命
14.Mirror and Light: Some Thoughts on the Mission of a University;镜与灯:论大学的历史使命——重申理想主义
15.A Tentative Inquiry into the Geograhic and Historicl Characteristics of Place Names in Taiwan Province and their Naming Conventions;台湾省地理历史特点与地名命名规律初探
16.Marx’s theory of “world history” and the formation and consequence of “world history”马克思的“世界历史”理论与“世界历史”的形成及后果
17.Dai Mingshi s Viewpoint on Fashionable Prose and the Fate of his Works of the Corpus of Nanshan;戴名世的时文观和《南山集》的历史命运
18.On the Historic Destiny of Marxism Historiography in China;中国马克思主义史学的历史命运简论

the historical and casual theory of naming历史的因果命名理论
1.Kripke advances the historical and casual theory of naming in his Naming and Necessity, which holds that both the necessary posterior truth and the contingent priori truth are in existence, to defend the modal logic in theory.克里普克在《命名与必然性》中提出了历史的因果命名理论 ,并认为存在必然后验真理、偶然先验真理 ,这是为模态逻辑作理论上的辩护。
3)Historical causal naming theory历史因果命名理论
4)historical naming历史命名
5)history cause and effect历史因果
6)causal-history theory of name名称的因果历史理论

八种因果──菩萨八种因果【八种因果──菩萨八种因果】  ﹝出地持经﹞  [一、寿因寿果],寿,即寿命。谓不杀物命,无伤害心,是名寿因。由不杀故,长寿住世,是名寿果。  [二、色因色果],色,即色身。谓施灯明供佛,及以净物施人,是名色因。由施灯明及净物故,则得颜容光泽,身形端正,是名色果。  [三、种姓因种姓果],种,即种类。姓,即族姓。谓舍离憍慢之心,是名种姓因。由离憍慢故,则得生于上族,是名种姓果。  [四、自在因自在果],谓能以床敷卧具,饮食汤药,及种种所须之物惠施于人,令他自在,是名自在因。由惠施故,即得大富大财,大众大眷属,凡所作为,无不遂意,得大自在,是名自在果。  [五、信言因信言果],谓口不妄言绮语,两舌恶口,是名信言因。由离口过,凡所出言,人皆信听,是名信言果。  [六、大力因大力果],力,即力用。谓作大功德,立大誓愿,恭敬三宝,孝养父母,是名大力因。由恭敬三宝等故,即得大名称,大福德,大智慧,有大势力,为一切人之所敬重,是名大力果。(三宝者,佛宝、法宝、僧宝也。)  [七、丈夫因丈夫果],谓乐丈夫法,厌女人法,复能说丈夫法饶益他人,是名丈夫因。由成就丈夫法故,来世即得男子之身,堪为一切功德法器,是名丈夫果。  [八、力因力果],谓于他人有如法之事,随其力能悉往营助,是名力因。由成就力因故,即得少病,少恼,有力堪任修诸善法,是名力果。