实质蕴涵,material implication
1)material implication实质蕴涵
1.It is argued that strict implication proposed by Lewis is essentially the same as material implication in that it is a truth-unction based defintion of implication.严格蕴涵和实质蕴涵本质上都是基于命题真假函项的蕴涵概念的定义方法,并不能从根本上解决实质蕴涵会导致蕴涵怪论的问题。
2.The so-called paradox of material implication is not actually that odd since it is caused by some kind of misunderstanding when people require material implication expressions not only the truth properties but contents and meanings as well in conditions.实质蕴涵与否定、合取、析取、等值等其他逻辑联结词一样,其实质是对自然语言中复句的关联词所进行的合理的逻辑抽象,所谓的“实质蕴涵怪论”其实并不怪,它是人们要求实质蕴涵反映条件联系中除真假联系之外的内容、意义方面的联系,从而作了错误的解读所造成的;作为一种特殊的条件语句,在反事实条件句与实质蕴涵的关系问题上,在反事实条件句与一般性条件句的区分上,还有很多地方需要进一步探索。
3.Material implication is an extremely important concept of modern logic,but we encountered a lot of problems as we attempted to analyze and explain the hypothetical proposition of natural language with material implication,this situation obstructs the aim of logic norm and people s correct thinking.实质蕴涵是现代逻辑的一个极其重要的概念,但是用实质蕴涵理论来分析和说明自然语言中的假言命题却出现了许多解释不通的问题。

1.An Analysis of the Proposition of Material Implication and the Relevant Implication in Natural Language;实质蕴涵与自然语言中的相关蕴涵命题分析
2.The Property of Lukasiewicz Implication Algebra;Lukasiewicz蕴涵代数及其性质
3.generation of multiple output prime implicant多端输出质蕴涵项的产生
4.On severa important implication oprators: their properties and comparison;若干重要逻辑蕴涵算子的性质与比较
5.Experimental Studies on the Processes and Development of Implicit Learning of Implication;蕴涵概念内隐获得与发展的实验研究
6.On Philosophical Implication and Practical Significance of "Harmony with distinctiveness"试析“和而不同”的哲学蕴涵及现实意义
7.Human's material productive activity and moral spirits contain each other.人类的物质生产活动与道德精神是相互蕴涵的。
8.Insights into the Cultural Characteristics Embodied inInfo-era Public Poster Ads;感悟信息时代公益海报蕴涵的文化特质
9.Samuelson's Concept of Public Goods:Properties and Logical Implications萨缪尔森公共物品的性质及其逻辑蕴涵
10.Good planning organization, then, implies that planning and doing are not separated.因而,完善的规划组织蕴涵着规划和实施的结合。
11.Ethic Implication and Practice Path of Liang Shuming s Rural Construction Theory;梁漱溟乡村建设理论的伦理蕴涵与实践路向
12.An empirical study of the cultural priming and the recognition memory;文化启动对文化蕴涵词再认的影响实验研究
13.On the Value Connotation and Its Realization of the Criminal Witness Appearing in Court;刑事证人出庭作证的价值蕴涵及其实现
14.Implicative filters and positive implicative filters of MTL algebras;MTL代数的蕴涵滤子与正蕴涵滤子
15.Implicit Rules for the Process of Generalization--On the Aesthetic Implication of the Power of Man s Nature;“泛化”过程中的隐在规定性——关于人的本质力量审美蕴涵的思考
16.Connotation of Practice in Dewey s"Experience": Interpretation of Democracy and Education;杜威经验教育观之实践蕴涵——《民主主义与教育》解读
17.Concerns of Natural Ecology in Confucianism in Pre-qin Period and Its Practical Significance;先秦儒学蕴涵的自然生态忧患意识及其现实意义
18.On Pactical Methodology of Three Dimensions Unification Contained in the "Three Represents;论“三个代表”重要思想所蕴涵的三维统一的实践方法

Essential prime implicant实质本源蕴涵项
1.This paper reveals that the methods to identify essential prime implicants of both ESPRESSO and that proposed by S.本文揭示了ESPRESSO算法和Muroga等提出的求绝对最小化算法中识别实质本源蕴涵项的方法具有近似的复杂度。
3)paradox of material implication实质蕴涵怪论
1.The so-called paradox of material implication is not actually that odd since it is caused by some kind of misunderstanding when people require material implication expressions not only the truth properties but contents and meanings as well in conditions.实质蕴涵与否定、合取、析取、等值等其他逻辑联结词一样,其实质是对自然语言中复句的关联词所进行的合理的逻辑抽象,所谓的“实质蕴涵怪论”其实并不怪,它是人们要求实质蕴涵反映条件联系中除真假联系之外的内容、意义方面的联系,从而作了错误的解读所造成的;作为一种特殊的条件语句,在反事实条件句与实质蕴涵的关系问题上,在反事实条件句与一般性条件句的区分上,还有很多地方需要进一步探索。
4)essential prime implicant实质本原蕴涵
5)prime implicant质蕴涵
1.By means of Boolean matrix operation method, a study is made of defining the prime implicant of multi output function and the operation routine of the method is illustrated with some examples.运用布尔矩阵运算的方法对确定多输出函数的质蕴涵进行了研究,并通过示例说明了这种方法的运算程序。
6)character implication item质蕴涵项
1.Among the algorithms of logic function with computer,a new algorithm which needs minimum cost and has no redundance items is proposed by combining traditional slack algorithm with delimited divarication algorithm process the character implication items need not to be calculated.在逻辑函数的计算机算法中 ,将传统松弛算法与限界分枝思想相结合 ,提出了一种产生最小代价且无冗余项的新算法 ,在此过程中仍不需计算质蕴涵项。

严格蕴涵演算严格蕴涵演算strict implication calculus 严格蕴涵演算[striet inl两ca坟”ca」。dlls;c二poro云“Mn月“R叫M“Mc,Hc月elf”el 基于严格蕴涵(strict imPlicat幻n)的一种逻辑演算(fogical calculus),即与“如果··…那么……”相联系的逻辑运算上的一种演算.对于严格蕴涵来说,所谓的“(实质)蕴涵悖论”可完全地或部分地避免:一个假命题蕴涵任一命题,而任一命题蕴涵一个真命题. 严格蕴涵演算的目的是为了反映条件命题的前提与结论之问意义上的联系.存在一个完整的严格蕴涵演算系列(Lewis演算,Ackern‘,rm演算,及其他演算),它们彼此之间的区分是由一些公式在某些演算中可以推出,而在另一些演算中不能推出的事实来确定(例如,在Lewis演算中“蕴涵悖论”仅仅部分地可避免,然而在Ackermann演算中却可完全避免).严格蕴涵演算同模态语句(“它是可能的”,“它是不可能的”,“它是必要的”等等)的形式体系化有密切联系;在某些演算中,严格蕴涵通过模态(1议汕涵ty)来表示,而在另一些演算中,模态是通过严格蕴涵来表示.【补注】其他试图避免“蕴涵悖论”的方法(例如牛言三段论(disjunctive syllogism)A八(门A VB)睁月),有以相关逻辑(relevant 10百e)的名称出现的(IAll).11}中的Lewis演算的51一55也被视为Lc、s调查系统(Lewis sury即systelll)(【A3」).