语言逻辑,Language Logic
1)Language Logic语言逻辑
1.Syntactic and Semantic Characteristics in Chinese and Studies on Language Logic;汉语的句法语义特征和语言逻辑研究
2.modern time s Chinese novels didn t discard the character s reality narration which the ancient novels are good at,but the character of the language logic in the colloquialism classical narration is more outstanding.现代中国小说没有丢弃古代小说最为擅长的人物关系叙事,但是经典白话叙事中的语言逻辑特征更为突出。
3.This paper poses a query to three modes of expression in language logic and then puts forward new modes of expression in order to elucidate the rhetoric of "enigmatic discourse" or euphemism, ambiguous clauses and the relation between parole and langue in language logic.本文对三个语言逻辑的表达式提出质疑,并提出了新的表达式,试图表达语言逻辑中的“隐讳”修辞辞格、歧义句言语与语言关系。

1.Language Logic or Philosophy Logic --Appreciation of Aristotle s Logic;语言逻辑还是哲学逻辑——为亚里士多德逻辑正名
2.Legal logic uses not only the knowledge of formal logic, but the knowledge of dialectical logic, language logic an debate logic, etc.法律逻辑不仅运用形式逻辑的知识,还运用辩证逻辑的知识,以及语言逻辑,论辩逻辑等逻辑知识。
3.Syntactic and Semantic Characteristics in Chinese and Studies on Language Logic;汉语的句法语义特征和语言逻辑研究
4.Logic,Linguistics and Information Science: the Subject Nature of Natural Language Logic;逻辑学、语言学与信息科学——论自然语言逻辑的学科性质
5.Implement and Formal Analysis of IKEv2;IKEv2的实现及形式语言逻辑分析
6.The Language Logic and Characters Reality in the Modern Novels Narration;现代小说叙事的语言逻辑与人物关系
7.Natural Language & Logic Language;自然语言和逻辑语言:现代逻辑的延伸
8.From Language to Logic--Category and Type Logic Sequence;从语言到逻辑——范畴类型逻辑序列
9.Looking at the Essence of Mo-ching Logic in View of Linguistic Levels of Modern Logic;从现代逻辑的语言层次观看《墨经》逻辑
10.Logic and Language Expression --Argue the application of logic in language action;逻辑与语言表达——论逻辑在言语行为中的作用
11.On the Logicalness and Illogicalness of Language from the Perspective of Passive Transformation;从被动转换看语言的逻辑性与非逻辑性
12.Brief Look at the Logic Treatment of Semantic Vagueness in Natural Language;自然语言中语义模糊逻辑解读的回顾
13.Formal Semantics of Framed Temporal Logic Programming Language MSVL框架时序逻辑程序语言MSVL的形式语义
14.The Declarative Semantics of Logic Programming Language G(?)del逻辑程序设计语言G(?)del的说明性语义
15.He is a forceful and logical speaker.他是一名语言有力、逻辑性强的演讲者。
16.Discussion on Teaching Skills in "Program Logic and C language Realization";《程序逻辑和C语言实现》教学方法探讨
17.From logic to language:An interview with Professor Barbara Hall Partee;从逻辑到语言——Barbara H.Partee访谈录
18.The Zero-Valence Verb in a Language: from the Perspective of Logical Valence;从逻辑配价看语言中的“零价动词”

logic of language语言逻辑
1.This paper analyzes the difference of architecture culture in the west and east from the linguistic point of view and discusses it from three aspects, namely, the element of language, the logic of language and the culture of language.文章从语言学的角度分析东西方建筑文化方面的一些差异,并且从语言元素、语言逻辑和语言风格三方面对其展开了具体论述。
2.This article analyzes the influence of this trichotomy on the philosophy and logic of language in detail,and on top of this,illustrates the significance of pragmatics turn in the fields of theoretic.本文详细分析符号学三分法对语言哲学和语言逻辑的影响,并特别阐明语用学转向对理论语言学、语言哲学和语言逻辑的意义。
3)Logic Language逻辑语言
1.In this paper was presented a scheme of MDP--PROLOG++,an object-oriented multilayer distributed logic language,was expounded design of the installations of object-oriented and multilayer concurrence of MDP-PROLOG++.本文探讨了逻辑、面向对象、多层并发等方法的融合,介绍了一个较规范、较通用的面向对象多层分布并行逻辑语言MDP-PROLOG++,论述了该语言面向对象设施和并发执行设施的设计。
2.Natural language is the means by which people communicate with each other while logic language is the means by which people communicate with computer.与自然语言相对的是逻辑语言。
4)language-logical ruler语言逻辑尺
1.Besides,the method also develops a language-logical ruler to conform with human thought-mode.同时,在决策过程中采用一种“语言逻辑尺”,与人们的思维模式相一致,评测专家可根据逻辑尺给评价目标属性打模糊区间分,有利于专家充分表达其评测意见。
5)Theory of Logical language逻辑语言论
6)language value logic语言值逻辑

逻辑式程序设计语言逻辑式程序设计语言logic programming language luojish一ehengxu Shel一yuyan逻辑式程序设计语言(l硒cp刊卿限mminglanguage)用于逻辑式程序设计的语言。又称逻辑程序设计语言。组成逻辑程序的语句的基本形式是日劝rll子句,其形式为A if Bl and BZ and…and Bn其中A是原子公式作为结论,零个或多个原子公式的合取作为条件。若其中任一Bi(1簇i(n)要么是原子公式,要么是原子公式的否定,则称为规范形式。若其中Bi(1毛i镇n)可以是任意一阶逻辑公式,则称为一般形式的子句。J.W.F】oyd和R.W.产r巾)r已经指明任意一般形式的逻辑子句均可转化为规范形式子句。 逻辑程序设计语言有:①顺序逻辑程序设计语言;②并行逻辑程序设计语言;③约束逻辑程序设计语言。顺序逻辑程序设计语言的代表是PRO-LOC语言。Prol呢一个显著的特点是其执行过程有明显的顺序性:子目标Bi(1毛i毛n)执行顺序是从左向右,选择适用子句的次序是从上向下,搜索策略是深度优先。在单中央处理器(CPU)计算机上,顺序逻辑程序设计语言有较高的执行效率,缺点是求解机制不够完备。 并行逻辑程序设计语言的典型代表有K.LClark提出的PA]圈工暇语言。其特点是并行执行所有与目标Bi(1蕊i毛n),并且对于所有满足条件的子句要进行选择提交。推理过程中,一直向前,没有回溯,此语言在多CPU机和多机环境下具有较高执行效率和并发通信能力。 约束逻辑程序设计语言(CLP)是在顺序或并行逻辑程序设计语言中增加一些特殊原语和推理方法而形成的溉言。在逻辑程序执行过程中,这些原语可以自动被延迟或被调用,以便多模式地求解问题。例如求解简单方程的原语,可求解方程X=Y十4,如X,Y未例化,则该方程被延迟,一旦X,Y中有一个被例化,则X=Y+4立即被求解。典型的约束逻辑程序设计语言有PR()L(刃111,Ch币,口尹(R)等。对某些应用,比如涉及方程求解的搜索问题时,通过大量方程的求解,可删除不必要的搜索空间,从而大大提高问题的求解速度。