事实真理,factual truth
1)factual truth事实真理
1.This article analyzes and discusses the features of logical truth from the differences between logical truth and factual truth,and puts forward that logical truth is different from factual truth but is closely related to factual truth.从逻辑真理、事实真理的区别入手,分析探讨逻辑真理的特性,提出逻辑真理虽不等同于事实真理,但又同事实真理有着密切的关系。
2.In the history of western philosophy,Leibniz drew a distinction between logical truth and factual truth.在西方哲学史上,莱布尼茨对逻辑真理和事实真理作了明确的区分。
3.In the works of Leibniz, a lot of thoughts about linguistic philosophy spread widely over his many important studying fields, such as his analysis to concept and proposition, his distinguishing between logical truth and factual truth, his trying to construct an ideal language of philosophy, and so on.在莱布尼茨的著作中,大量的语言哲学思想贯穿其诸多重要的研究领域,如他对概念和命题的分析、对逻辑真理和事实真理的区分、试图构建一种理想的哲学语言等。

1.Analysis of Logical Truth and Actual Truth from the Standpoint of Essential Characteristics;从真理的本质特性看逻辑真理与事实真理
2.Relationship Between Logical Troth and Factual Truth in the View of Leibniz s Theory of Truth;从莱布尼茨的真理观看逻辑真理与事实真理的关系
3.Logical truth and Factual Truth in the vision of Epistemology of Marxism;马克思主义哲学认识论视野中的逻辑真理与事实真理
4.a grim reality [truth]严酷的事实 [真理]
5.What hidden message is this true story purveying?这个真实的故事隐含着什么道理呢?
6."While Tsai Chen deals in theories," he said, "Ma Chin bases herself on facts.“蔡真说的是理论,玛金说的是事实。
7.False:Contrary to fact or truth"虚伪的,假的:与真理或事实相反的."
8.Truth in her dress finds facts too tight.真理穿了衣裳,觉得事实太拘束了。
9.Fairy Tale is not true, but there is a hint in it.神话故事不真实,但有一定道理在里面。
10.The Analysis of the Doctrine of Legal Truth of the Criminal Proof Standard Theory;试析刑事证明标准理论之法律真实说
11.discover(facts,the truth,etc)发现(事实、真相等)
12.I have already insisted on the fact that truth is made largely out of previous truths.我已强调了这一事实,即真理大多是用先前存在的多个真理制定的。
13.Truth is the function of the beliefs that start and terminate among them.真理是信念的功能,信念既源于事实又终结于事实。
14.the blunt truth; the crude facts; facing the stark reality of the deadline.绝对的真理;绝对的事实;面对最后期限的严酷事实。
15.In accord with reality, fact, or truthfulness.准确地,真实地符合现实、事实或真实地
16.All great truths are obvious truths. But no all obvious truths are great truths.-- A. Huxle伟大的真理都是明摆着的事实,但并不是所有显而易见的事实都是伟大的真理--A·赫胥黎
17.All great truths are obvious truths. But not all obvious truths are great truths.伟大的真理都是明摆着的事实.但不见得所有明摆着的事实都是伟大的真理.
18.All great truths are obvious truths. But no all obvious truths are great truths.伟大的真理都是明摆着的事实,但并不是所有显而易见的事实都是伟大的真理。

truth of fact事实真理
1.All the truthful recognition on a thing can be relatively divided into the truth of fact and the truth of value.对于一事物的全部真理性认识可以相对地区分为事实真理和价值真理。
1.To seek the truth according to which the cases were judged has always been the main way in which human society resolves all kinds of disputes or issues,even if in the early stage of human society.探求案件的事实真相,循实情而断案一直是人类社会解决各种矛盾和纠纷的主流,即使在人类社会的早期也是如此。
5)narration truth叙事真实

隐真理【隐真理】  谓世间有漏烦恼等法,障覆真空之理,不能显发,故名隐真理也。