1.The importance of the family education to the growth of children;家庭教育对孩子成长的重要性
2.Children are the future and hope of the nation,and they are the weak group also.孩子是祖国的未来和民族的希望,又是一个弱势群体。

1.To the children. To the children.指着孩子。指着孩子
2.Older children should take care of younger ones.大孩子应该关照小孩子
3.Boy have a stronger tendency to fight than girls.男孩子比女孩子好打架。
4.Speaking of mother and of father谈到孩子的爸, 孩子的妈,
5.Now, come on, son. Come on, son.醒醒, 孩子。醒醒, 孩子
6.The older boys lord it over the younger ones.大孩子欺压小孩子
7.segregate boys and girls把男孩子与女孩子分开
8.Good boy, Kong Rong,“孔融,好孩子,”
9.White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls,有白人孩子,黑人孩子,还有混血孩子
10.a girl who behaves in a boyish manner.行为有些孩子气的女孩。
11.Infantile or childish.小孩似的,孩子气的
12.The children ran a rig upon the new boy.孩子们作弄新来的男孩。
13.Keep the boys separate from the girls.让男孩和女孩子分开。
14.C is for children. Children and fools speak the truth.C 代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。
15.C is for childern. Childern and fools speak the truth.C代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。
16.Get the kids and come on.叫上孩子,跟着来!
17.'All children are swine.'“孩子们全是畜生。”
18.I haven't a single pineapple, Son.“孩子,我没有菠萝。

1.Her chindishness displays that not only each of her works originates her real emotion but she always employs a child s insight and a child s disposition to treat society and life.她的童心不仅表现在每部作品都是她内心真诚的流露,更表现在她始终用一种孩子的眼光、孩子的脾性去看待社会及人生,作品呈现出一种未经世俗雕琢的蕴味。
2.By means of statistical analysis, the survey of the situation of children’s education in our city shows that child educational input is quite different among different parents with different educational background and different income levels.采用统计方法就马鞍山市居民家庭对孩子教育状况进行调查 ,学历层次不同家长和不同收入水平家庭对学校应试教学水平、素质教育水平等具有不同的判断 ,对孩子教育投入也有很大差异。
3.He is indeed a person who possesses intensive" childhood complex " .在他的诗歌世界里,清晰地呈现出一个大睁着“黑眼睛”的、童真而又任性的“孩子”。
3)Children will be children.孩子终归是孩子。
5)Family Records孩子成长
6)Tar Baby《柏油孩子》
1.Jade Made by Morrison——An Analysis of "Tar Baby" by Toni Morrison;精心打磨的一块美玉——评托妮·莫里森小说《柏油孩子
2.On the Cultural Aesthetics of Metaphor in Tar Baby;论《柏油孩子》中的隐喻文化美学
