1.It shows the following results: the peers of Ma care more about his status; they sympathize more with him; a majority hope to find Ma; they don t care the high reward if they can report the offender.结果表明,马加爵的同龄人更关注马加爵的"身份";对马加爵表示了更多的"同情";多数人"希望发现马加爵";如果有机会举报并不在意高额"悬赏"。
2.Based on literature review,the author uses a self-administrated questionnaire survey to urban teenager in China, investigating peers\' influence on adolescenes\' consumer socialization,analyzing the major factors in the affecting process,and identifying how peers\' impact on adolescent individuals\' abnormal consumption tendency.同龄人是个体社会化最重要的影响因素之一,20世纪70年代起,学者们从不同的角度对消费者社会化进行了研究,但针对青少年非正常消费行为的研究并不多,而中国本土化的研究则更少。

1.children who are easily influenced By their peers.易受同龄人影响的孩子
2.He doesn' t spend enough time with his peers.他不大与其同龄人交往.
3.She feels that she is out of step with people of her own age.我觉得自己与同龄人合不来。
4.He prefers to assort with people of his own age.他更喜欢与自己的同龄人交往。
5.The child is bright than his peer.这个孩子比他的同龄人聪明。
6.His agegroup became eligible for the army.他的同龄人应当应征入伍。
7.My daughter will not assort with people of her own age.我女儿和她的同龄人不合群。
8.In case of peer pressure, just say NO!哪怕处于同龄人的压力下,也只能说不!
9.The child is much cleverer than his peers.这孩子比他同龄人聪明得多。
10.He would be as miserable as sin without company of his own age.没有同龄人相伴,他会很可怜的。
11.but there are times when I wish that I had somebody my own age to talk to --但有几次我希望能和同龄人聊天??
12.But Wang's peers didn't think he deserved a strong punishment.但王林的同龄人却不认为他应受重罚。
13.Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.显然他的话代表了许多同龄人的看法。
14.acceptance by their peers, getting accepted into college, choosing a career,被同龄人认可,考入大学,选择职业,
15.The child lags his peers in intellectual development.这孩子在智力发展方面比同龄人迟缓。
16.Being the junior of two people having the same name.年龄较小的同名的两人中年龄较小的
17.They are all of an age.他们都是同年龄的人。
18.a person of nearly the same age as another.和另一个人几乎有相同年龄的人。

3)Even_aged plantation同龄人工林
4)peer influences同龄人影响
6)pure artificial even aged stand人工同龄纯林
1.The rectangle and isosceles triangle are two main kinds of arrangement of pure artificial even aged stand,according to correlative relationship between crown area and forest area of pure artificial even aged stand theoretical canopy density of stand between different row and intertree space are inferred and calculated.通过人工同龄纯林树冠面积与林地面积的相关比例关系,推导、计算出人工同龄纯林林木品字形排列(等腰三角形)和矩形排列,且株行距不同的林分理论郁闭度。
