1.Analysis and Simulation of RTT Unfairness of TCP;TCP的RTT不公平性问题模型分析与仿真
2.Discussion on the current unfairness of postgraduate entrance examination in China;当前硕士研究生招生考试中的不公平性与对策
3.On the unfairness in college English classroom teaching;浅议大学英语课堂教学的不公平性

1.Moreover, my thesis is focused on my frustration about the unfairness of Classification.此外,我的论点是集中在我沮丧的不公平性分类。
2.On the Unfairness of the U.S. Antidumping Laws and Practice Against Chinese Products and the Countermeasures of China;论美国对华反倾销的不公平性及因应策略
3.Discussion on the current unfairness of postgraduate entrance examination in China;当前硕士研究生招生考试中的不公平性与对策
4.Brief Discussion on Unfair Problems of Organ Transplant and Its Legislation Treatment;浅论器官移植中的不公平性问题及其立法应对
5.The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair.公正公平、不偏袒、公正的状态、性质或理想、观念
6.gender-neutral policies不分性别公平对待的政策
7.It is but vain unjustly to wage war;挑起两性之争,自负而不公平;
8.the practice of being unjust or unfair.不公正不公平的行为。
9.An unjust or injurious act.不公平或不公正的行为
10.It has the properties of fairness, non-repudiation, secrecy, termination, etc.其基本性质有:公平性、不可否认性、可终止性、实用性、高效性、机密性等。
11.a rotten deal[美]不公平的待遇
12.To be fair, I should admit that the rollback command is not always destructive.为了公平,我允许回滚命令不是破坏性的。
13.She serves as the community's watchdog to ensure that bureaucratic constraints do not interfere with administrative fairness;这样可以确保官僚习性不会影响行政公平;
14.Unequal Distribution of Rights and Institutional Poverty of Farmers;权利的不公平分配与农民的制度性贫困
15.Reasons and Countermeasures on the Sexual Unfairness of Compulsory Education in Poor Area;贫困地区义务教育性别不公平的原因和对策
16.Economic Analysis on Inequitable Events in Enterprise HRM;企业薪资管理中不公平事件的经济性分析
17.Research About The Abatement Of Unfair Trade Contract不公平关联交易合同的可撤销性问题研究
18.If formed on equal and just principles, it cannot be oppressive.只要能依公平及平等的原则来组织,它将不致有压迫性。

MAP unfairnessMAP不公平性
1.There exists severe MAP unfairness in the IEEE 802.对MAP不公平性进行了仿真,发现某些节点由于始终检测到信道繁忙而无法接入信道,建立了一个概率模型,分析了MAP不公平性与MAC协议参数之间的定量关系,指出MAP不公平性是由于一个节点同时暴露于多个冲突域中,当多个冲突域进行空分复用时而引起的。
3)RTT unfairnessRTT不公平性
1.HSTCP solves the primary limitations of regular TCP,but there exists large number of packet loss upon congestion epoch and serious RTT unfairness with drop-tail gateway.HSTCP算法解决了传统TCP算法在高带宽时延积网络下的性能瓶颈,但HSTCP在拥塞点时会产生大量的数据包丢失,同时当队列管理为去尾算法时,存在着严重的RTT不公平性问题。
4)customer injustice顾客不公平性
5)unbalance tolerance不平衡性公差

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-