1.The great aesthetic principle of aesthetics created by Harmony annotates the perfection of harmonious aesthetics,and embodies the great principle of ripeness and harmonious aesthetic realm.正是在圆圆相谐的和谐生美之圆中,万有存在不断佐证圆满大美的和谐美学原理,孕育和谐发展的美丽、魅力与威力。

1.It's satisfying when the results are good.叫人满意的是,结果圆满
2.It has successfully accomplished the scheduled tasks.圆满完成了预定的任务。
3.They have succeeded to admiration.他们取得了圆满的成功。
4.the successful completion of a program of study.学习计划的圆满完成。
5.Let's congratulate ourselves that this transaction have is bring to a successful conclusion.祝贺我们圆满达成交易。
6.We ended the work off with a flourish.我们圆满地结束了工作。
7.The affair is now satisfactorily settled此事现已圆满结束。
8.May this session enjoy complete success!预祝大会圆满成功!
9.carrying something to full completion.圆满完成某事的行为。
10.Their marriage turned out a happy one.结果他们的婚事很圆满
11.The meeting was a complete success.会议获得圆满成功。
12.I wish the convention a great success!预祝大会取得圆满成功!
13.The peace negotiations were successfully concluded.和平谈判圆满结束。
14.To the success of the Fair!为交易会的圆满成功,
15.The negotiation between the two countries came to a successful conclusion.两国谈判圆满结束。
16.The gardenparty is a great success.那个园会真是圆满极了。
17.a storybook romance结局圆满幸福的爱情
18.The dispute was brought to a satisfactory termination.争端得到圆满的解决。

1.Based on the sense of linking up population the thesis interprets significance of WU XIA novels by Louis Cha again and discusses the complex of satisfactory % psychology of seeking novelty >, relation .本文受到张赣生、范伯群等人对通俗文学观念的启发,在把通俗理解为“沟通世俗”的意义上对金庸作品进行重新解读,并对其作品中的圆满心理、猎奇心理、异性关系等三个方面进行探讨,对作品语言暗示和读者的白日梦之间的关系做出阐发,同时挖掘了产生意义的社会文化语境。
3)round degree圆满度
1.The traits of DBH, height, volume, wood density, wet heartwood ratio, round degree, utilization ratio, and crooked degree were studied through variance analysis to learn about the genetic variation of all traits based on the 12th year data.euramericana(I 45)F1无性系各性状的遗传变异情况,利用美洲黑杨×欧美杨F1无性系第12年生的数据,对胸径、树高、材积、木材密度、湿心材比例、圆满度、利用率和弯曲度等8个性状进行了研究。
4)filling discs充满圆
1.On the filling discs and Borel directions of quasimeromorphic mapping of zero order;零级拟亚纯映射的充满圆及Borel方向
2.Study the properties in Borel directions of infinite order K-quasimeromorphic mapping,and prove the existence of filling discs in Borel directions of infinite order K-quasimeromorphic mapping which generalizes the results of A.对于平面上无限级K-拟亚纯映射在其Borel方向上的性质进行了研究,证明了无限级K-拟亚纯映射在其Borel方向上一定存在充满圆序列。
3.We study the properties in Borel directions of K-quasimeromorphic mapping in the planes,and prove the existence of filling discs in Borel directions of positive order(include in-finite) and some zero order K-quasimeromorphic mapping to generalize the results A.本文对于开平面上K-拟亚纯映射在Borel方向上的性质进行了研究,证明了正级(包括无穷级)和部分零级K-拟亚纯映射在Borel方向上一定存在充满圆序列,推广了A。
5)filling disk充满圆
1.According to the definition of K-quasimeromorphic mapping and filling disks,this paper makes a serious exploration analysis of its concept,and has a deep study of K-quasimeromorphic mapping and filling disks,and get a results the muetiple Values of K-quasimero-morphic mapping of the unit disk in the its filling disks.根据K-拟亚纯映射和充满圆的定义,对其概念认真分析和探讨,对K-拟亚纯映射和充满圆进行了进一步的研究,得到了单位圆内K-拟亚纯映射在其充满圆内的重值的一个结果。
2.In this paper, with type function and covering surf aces the author dis cusses filling disks and Borel direction of infinite order quasi-meromorphic ma ppings in the complex plane and obtains that a sequence of filling disks decides a Borel direction and there exists a sequence of filling disks in a Borel direc tion.本文利用型函数、覆盖曲面的方法,讨论了平面上无限级拟亚纯映射的充满圆与Borel方向,得出了充满圆序列决定一条Borel方向,Borel方向上存在充满圆序列。
6)Filling Circle充满圆
1.The Sequence of Filling Circle and Borel Direction of K-quasimeromorphic Function;K-拟亚纯函数的充满圆及其Borel方向
2.On the Sequence of Filling Circle and Borel Direction of Quasimeromorphic Function;关于拟亚纯函数的型函数的充满圆及其Borel方向
3.This paper deals with the filling circle and borel direction of solutions of higher order nonhomogeneous linear differenliad equations with meromorphic function coefficent,and one results of filling circle and borel direction of nonhomogeneous higher order linear differenliad equations is obtained.研究了亚纯函数系数的高阶非齐次线性微分方程解的充满圆及其Borel方向问题,得到了非齐次高阶线性微分方程解的充满圆及其Borel方向的两个结果。

圆满【圆满】 (术语)台宗圆教之圆体有圆融圆满之二义。(参见:圆教)