1.Research on ICT Industrial Cluster in Bangalore;印度班加罗尔信息产业集群研究
2.Bangalore and India s Software Industry;班加罗尔与印度的软件业
3.Bangalore city is one of the world\'s famous service outsourcing cities, leading the development of service outsourcing in India in the past dozen years.班加罗尔是世界服务外包名城,在过去的十几年中引领了印度服务外包的发展。

1.The imitation and innovation of the model of the Silicon Valley:taking Hsinchu and Bangalore as an example;硅谷模式的模仿与创新——以新竹和班加罗尔为例
2.A Study on Social Capital of Bangalore Software Industry Cluster;班加罗尔软件产业集群的社会资本研究
3.The Comparison of Paradise-Silicon Valley Hangzhou with India-Silicon Valley Bangalore;天堂硅谷—杭州与印度硅谷—班加罗尔之比较
4.On Sunday, Mr Wen visited Bangalore, where he urged closer ties in the fields of science and technology.星期天,温家宝参观了班加罗尔,在这里他敦促中印在科学和技术领域进行更加紧密的合作。
5.Even Mumbai's economy, successful though it seems, has been growing less fast than the economies of such places as Bengalooru( Bangalore), Chennai and Hyderabad.甚至表面看来兴旺繁荣的孟买,其经济增长却落后于本加卢鲁(班加罗尔)金奈与海得拉巴等地。
6.The corporate names on the welcome boards at Bangalore reception desks read like the Fortune500.在班加罗尔,一些企业前台欢迎牌上的公司名称,读上去就像财富500强。
7.Indian student Mallikarjun Reddy poses with idols of the elephant-headed Hindu God Lord Ganesh, each of them carved out of a single chalk piece in Bangalore on Monday.印度学生马利卡拉周一在班加罗尔,跟拿多个以粉笔雕成的印度教象神雕像拍照。
8.Bernabeu supremo Ramon Calderon has revealed he wanted Bernd Schuster prior to Capello's appointment and still remains keen on the ex-Real player.伯纳乌主席卡尔德隆透露他希望舒斯特尔接班卡佩罗,他仍继续关注即将加盟皇马的球员。
9.Bilbao Metro System, Barcelona, Spain比尔巴鄂地轶系统,巴塞罗纳,西班牙
10.Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct)加尔桥—古罗马水槽
11.Dante Gabriel Rossetti但丁?加布里埃尔?罗塞蒂
12.Ovando, Nicolas de奥万多(1451?卡斯提尔 布罗萨斯〔今西班牙境内〕~1511?)
13.Clever though he was, Berel Jastrow was making a serious mistake.班瑞尔?杰斯特罗尽管机敏,却犯了一个严重错误。
14.For the Spanish cup, Ronaldo could only help Barcelona to enter the final match.对于西班牙杯,只有罗纳尔多才能使巴赛罗纳俱乐部队打入决赛。
15.A member of a community of nuns of this order, founded in1452.加尔默罗会修女建立于1452年的加尔默罗修道会的修女
17.Predicting scenic beauty of forest stands in Catalonia(North-east Spain)西班牙加泰罗尼亚林分风景优美度预测(英文)
18.Institute Rosell加拿大罗赛尔研究所有限公司

Bangalore Declaration班加罗尔宣言
3)Bangalore Software Technology Park班加罗尔软件技术园
1.Taking examples by Hsinchu Science Industry Park and Bangalore Software Technology Park,this paper analyzes their successful experiences from the point of view of imitating and adopting the Silicon Valley developing Model in order to provide some instructive reference for the sustainable development of Chinese Scientific and Technological Park.基于对硅谷模式模仿与创新的视角,以我国台湾新竹科学工业园和印度班加罗尔软件技术园为例,剖析了两大科技园区的成功经验,以期为我国科技园区的可持续发展提供有益参考。
4)Rosendal Workshop罗森代尔讲习班
5)Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis Dybowsky贝加尔雅罗鱼
1.Specialized von Bertalanffy growth formula, generalized von Bertalanffy growth formula, Logistic growth formula, Gompertz growth formula, Brody growth formula were used for fitting the body length and weight growth of Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis Dybowsky, Leuciscus idus Linnaeus and Leuciscus merzbacheri Zugmayer.采用特殊Von Bertalanffy生长方程、一般Von Bertalanffy生长方程、Logistic生长方程、Gompertz生长方程和Brody生长方程等5种生长方程,拟合了乌伦古湖贝加尔雅罗鱼、额尔齐斯河高体雅罗鱼和赛里木湖新疆雅罗鱼等3种雅罗鱼的体长生长和体重生长。
1.By analyzing the cost resulting from advance delivery,delayed delivery,and overtime work or outside the Association based on the small and medium MTO enterprises under the operating environment,it formulates a delivery decision—making model, and analyzes the existence of optimal solution.基于订单式生产(MTO)模式下的中小企业的生产运营环境,对产品提前交货、延期交货及加班赶工或外协所引发的成本进行分析,构建了交货期决策模型,分析了模型的最优解。
