1.The Modle-What Will Gome Learn from the Wal-Mart on Supply Chain Management;榜样—国美向沃尔玛学习供应链管理
2.Research on Gome s Experience from WalMart Supply Chain Management;沃尔玛供应链管理对国美的借鉴研究
2)United States美国
1.The Analysis and Consideration of the Remediation and Prevention System of the Soil Contamination in the United States;美国的土壤污染防治体系分析与思考
2.Medical research education of undergraduate students in medical school in United States;美国医学院校本科生科研教育现状

1.X [ten dollars](美国俚语)10美元
2.the General American(美)普通美语,美国普通话
3.the United States of America美利坚合众国(美国)
4.the P - (Building)[美]五角大楼, 美国国防部
5.United States Agency for International Development美国国际开发署(美援署)
6." Comprehensive theory that explains the Behaviour of superconducting materials. It was developed in 1957 by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and J. Robert Schrieffer (B. 1931), whose surname initials provide its name."1957年,美国
7.the Stars and Stripes星条旗(美国国旗)
8.National Bureau of Standards (NBS)(美国) 国家标准局
9.Of or relating to the United States of America or its people, language, or culture.美国美国的,美国人的,美国语言的,美国文化的或与此相关的
10.Amy Tan: A Chinese-American Writer or an American Writer?;谭恩美:华裔美国作家亦或美国作家?
11.American-Chinese· Chinese American· Typical American;美籍华人·华裔美国人·典型的美国
12.Imagining America-The Image of USA of Chinese-American Literature想象美国:旅美华人文学的美国形象
13.Star-Spangled Bannerph.1. 美国国歌;美国国旗(星条旗)
14.Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America拉丁美洲美国商会协会
15.-- Excerpts from U.S. China Review——英文原载美国《美中评论》
16.African-American Institute美国非洲学会(美非学会)
17.the part of North America south of the United States.美国的北美洲南部地区。
18.America and Russia are great powers.美国和俄国是两大强国。

United States美国
1.The Analysis and Consideration of the Remediation and Prevention System of the Soil Contamination in the United States;美国的土壤污染防治体系分析与思考
2.Medical research education of undergraduate students in medical school in United States;美国医学院校本科生科研教育现状
3)USA[英][,ju: es 'e?][美]['ju '?s 'e]美国
1.Underground Injection and Control of Industry Waste Liquid in USA;美国工业废液地下灌注与控制技术介绍
2.The Disposing of Green Waste in USA and the Inspiration for Its Utilization in China;美国园林废弃物的处置及对我国的启示
3.Endangered Species Protection Regime in USA and its Inspiration to China;美国濒危物种保护制度及其对我国的启示
1.American Drug Manufacturing Science and Its Implication for Good Manufacturing Practice of Drugs in China;美国药品生产科学及对我国药品生产质量管理的启示
2.How to Develop Chinese Woodworking Machinery in order to Join in the Competition of International Market Reference on the American Woodworking Machinery Prices;从美国木工机械价格看中国木机国际市场的开发方向
3.The Historical Development and Historical Experience of Hospital Social Work in American;美国医院社会工作的历史发展过程与历史经验
5)the United States美国
1.Environmental Protection Standards for Surface Mining in the United States and Their Significance as Reference to China.;美国露天采矿环境保护标准及其对我国的借鉴意义
2.Comparative Analysis of the Superiority of China's Phosphate Rock and Development Strategies with that of the United States and Morocco;中国、美国、摩洛哥磷矿资源优势及开发战略比较分析
3.Discussion on the Environmental Impact Review System of the United States;论美国环境影响评估体系
1.Mining Administrative Systems of America and Canada and Inspiration;美国、加拿大矿业管理制度及启示
2.A review of progress in research on water quality models in America;美国水质模型研究进展综述

国美1.国家的美誉。 2.指为国家增光的人。